Sequel: Every Heart You Break

After Every Hit I Take

Chapter 8

"I'm coming!" I groaned and jumped out of bed. The bang on the door was pissing me off!
Instead of Frank, who I thought it was, it was some guy in a tasteless suit. I hate the damned suit guys.
"Mr Way, according to your history here, we believe you are on the edge of independence of drugs. At this rate, you may just have a few more days here." The man said.
"Okay, I'm outta here in a few days?" I said. The man nodded.
"Okay, is that all?" I asked.
"Yes. You can return to whatever you were doing now." I nodded, rolling my eyes. He walked away and I closed my door.
I turned around and scanned the room. My duffel bag was under my bed nicely while most of its former contents was sprawled around the room. I sighed and decided to clean up a bit.
There was a knock at the door. I opened the door and found Frank on the other side. "Hey, boyfriend!" Frank joked. I smiled and rolled my eyes at his hyperness.
"So, where is the dude?" I asked, gesturing Frank to come in. Frank walked in and sat on the bed. I closed the door and sat beside him on the bed.
"He'll be here in about half an hour or less. Depends on traffic. He's in a cab on the way over right now." Frank explained. I nodded. "Oh, and what were those guys talking about? They were just saying to me 'you're friends almost ready to leave'." Frank asked. I was hoping to pop up this subject later.
"Well, apparently, I'm gonna be out of here in a couple of days." I said. I hated that fact because then I have to go back "home".
"Oh..." Frank mumbled. I examined his expression. He looked depressed.
"Are you okay?" I asked, sliding my hand over his.
"Uh, yeah.. And hey, you can see your Bert again." Frank said with fake cheerfulness.
"Aw, Frank. I'll still be your friend. Just because I'm out of here doesn't mean I'm out of your life." I tried to comfort him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He looked at me and I flashed him one of my contagious smiles. It immediately effected him.
"So, we have like half an hour on our hands..." I began, with a hint of suggestion in my tone.
"Hm..." Frank smiled wider and kissed me. I laid him down on his back and I hovered above him. I kissed him down his neck slowly and attentively. I wanted to take his mind off of my leaving soon. It seemed to be working.
Then, with a bad shift of a leg, we tumbled. I ended up on top. Thank God for low beds. I picked myself up off of Frank. He laughed and rolled on his side to face me. I examined his neck idly, admiring my work. Then, I noticed a tattoo I had never seen before.
"What's this?" I asked, removing my hand from it.
"It's a scorpion. I got it yesterday. You like it?" He asked.
"It's cool, but why?" I asked.
"Well, with my dreams of being a guitarist developing into reality, I'm getting more obvious tattoos to commit me to music so I can't get a job anywhere else." Frank explained. I smiled.
"I got NJ in my mouth, too." Frank said proudly. I giggled and rolled my eyes.
"I know, I found it the first time we were together." Frank smiled, his cheeks turning red. Aww...
"Well, with that,"--He stroked my cheek--"Wanna continue where we left off?" He suggested. I smiled and pressed my lips against his again. I hovered over him again. He's so small...
"The door suddenly opened. "Holy, Frank!" A guy shouted. We pulled away.
"Hi, Charlie." Frank said, picking himself off the ground. I followed, looking at Charlie and Frank back and forth until my eyes rested on Charlie.
He was officially the third most gorgeous guy I had ever seen in my life(1st being Bert, 2nd being Frank). His black hair fell around his face perfectly. His skin was not too pale, but not tanned. And what made me feel like I was out of my league was the fact I could fucking see his muscles on his arms through his long-sleeved shirt. All I got is stupid baby fat. I seriously can't tell why or how Frank would think having me pose as his boyfriend would help his life look better in any way.
"You're much more wild than I remember." Charlie said to Frank. Frank grinned to himself.
"Well, this is Gerard, my boyfriend." Frank said, resting his hand on my shoulder. Charlie and I shook hands and Frank led the way to our usual balcony.
I lit up with Frank's lighter while listening to a lot of high school stories.
"...And Frank would always get shoved into lockers and stuff." Charlie said. I frowned and held Frank closer to me.
"Aw, poor thing." I said, kissing the side of his head.
"I would always get him out, though." Charlie added.
"Oh, yeah, that's how we met!" Frank said, smiling.
After a lot of talking, Frank brought up a certain subject.
"Charlie, why did you come all the way out here?" Frank asked.
"Is there something wrong with visiting an old friend?" Charlie replied.
"Well, you said you had huge news." Frank reminded him.
Charlie was quiet, his expression explaining he didn't know how to word whatever his news was.
"Frank, can I talk to you in private?" Charlie asked, standing up from the couch.
"Okay," Frank followed Charlie back inside.
I took the chance to think about what had been going on.
Dear God, I'm my best friend's "new boyfriend" meanwhile my actual boyfriend is back home thinking I'm in the seventh circle of hell! I will be if I keep this up...
I heard a yell come from where Frank and Charlie had gone. I stood up and ran towards them. Before I could reach them, Frank came running over to me. He looked pissed!
Frank just hugged me without a word, his arms tightening every second. Need to breathe, need to breathe, need to breathe, need to breath-- Frank pulled away--Ahhh... He looked at Charlie who stayed a few meters away. Frank still kept his arm around my waist tightly, but not in crusher-mode.
Charlie looked at me straight in the eye, then turned and walked back into the building.
As soon as he was out of sight, Frank hugged me tighter, covering his face in my hoodie. It reminded me of when we first got together. Crying over the same guy, at the same place... on the exact same shirt.
"What did he say to you?" I asked after a minute.
Frank sniffled and looked up at me, his eyes still glossy and wet. "He tried to kiss me." Frank's voice quivered like he was going to cry all over again.
"So, you still liked him. Why didn't you go for it?" I asked.
"'Cause, then his ego would be upgraded from 'block-headed' to total 'wanna-be player'. He would think he was good enough to 'steal me' from you." He explained. I nodded. Poor, Frank...
"I'm sorry... Again..." Frank chuckled through the surfacing tears. I guess he recognized the hoodie.
I smiled sympathetically. I raised his chin for him to look me in the eyes. "Listen... I need you to know that you're much better than that guy. He's not good enough for you." I said. Frank smiled.
He stretched to his tippy-toes which was always cute to see. I pressed my lips to his and played with his lip ring with my tongue out of habit.
He smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Romeo vs. Gerard
Who would win? XP
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