A Totally Original Story About Vampires, Pete Wentz, And A Girl Named Mary Sue


Hello. My name is Mary.

...Sue. Mary Sue. But my friends just call me Mary. Most of the time.

I was told I look exactly like a picture of some random gorgeous girl off the internet. That's pretty cool. I don't have that picture here, but I can assure you I'm beautiful, with perfect pale skin and perfect dark hair and some exotic eye colour or another.

And my personality is identical to that of my creator and the author of this story but I assure you, it is completely coincidental! I am an entirely original creation, or so I'm led to believe. And this is my incredible journey, a unique path of intellect, originality, learning who I am, and EXTREMELY complex story lines. You may not even be able to follow this one!

But you'll see in my next installment. This is a short chapter, because that's the way all stories are in real life. Short introductory chapters telling all about the character in three paragraphs. That's how my English teachers always told me to write. It is frowned upon to let the reader learn about the character as they read the story. My, that's MUCH too realistic!

Oh, and I forgot to mention, I'm a saint. I've had a horrible life but I'm really good at heart! My teachers all hated me all through high school for no good reason, even though I'm a model student. It's because I'm such an outcast, but really, I'm just misunderstood. Sadly, nobody loves me. Except for all the people that do.

I've had a tough life. A ghost dog raped my parents to death at the age of three and I was forced to live with my evil godmother who forcefeeds me spinach at every meal. I hate spinach. And my boyfriend slaps me around with lettuce. It's awful.

As I said, prepare yourself for a unique incredible journey full of ANYTHING BUT CLICHE! plot twists, all-original characters (except those that aren't original), complexity, and the deep self-discoveries of completely black and white characters! This will be an amazing ride. *tear*
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I wrote four chapters to this on Quizilla a couple years ago, and I'm not sure if I'll end up finishing it. I'll be minorly tweaking the story as I copy it here, and I'll TRY to finish it. I already know how it's going to end and everything, I had that plotted when I wrote the first chapter. But, y'know, between being a full-time college student and working full-time, I can't guarantee I'll have the time to update often once I get past that fourth pre-written chapter. (This is why I usually stick to one-shots.)

To see writing I actually spent TIME on, check out my one-shot Shila.