A Totally Original Story About Vampires, Pete Wentz, And A Girl Named Mary Sue


It had been three weeks since MY BROTHER, Gerard Way, and I left our wretched home of spinach and abuse via lettuce. Which is good because I had been on the verge of killing myself with tomato sauce. MY BROTHER, Gerard Way, and our LIFELONG FRIEND Pete Wentz (who both are 15+ years older than I am so I don't know how that works but HELLO, I'm Mary Sue, I can do whatever I want!) saved me from that terrible fate, and for that I owed them my life.

Pete and I, of course, had fallen in love in one instant the moment we laid eyes on each other for the first time in this fanfic. It was a magical moment, if you recall. Because that's how celebrities work, see.

Gerard was off somewhere on his cell phone talking to the rest of My Chemical Romance explaining why he couldn't show up for band practice for a while until things settled down. Pete had just gotten off the phone with Fall Out Boy for the same reasons. 'Cause you know, I just HAPPEN to know a bunch of famous people. 'Cause I'm Mary Sue and I'm cool like that.

Pete and I were in an intense conversation, that went as follows:

Mary Sue: So then the llama says, "That's not a goat. That's your mother!"

Pete: *laughs hysterically*

Mary Sue: Wasn't that like the bestest joke ever?!

Pete: I'm a vampire.

OH MY GOD! That was the most shocking news I had ever heard in the middle of a conversation written in play form! ZOMG WHAT EVER SHALL I DO WITH MY LIFE?!

lyk omg sry it was a short chapter but i had riterz block lulz cliffy!!!111one
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One: A genuine apology for the short chapter. Keep in mind, this was originally posted to Quizilla and I'm just copying it from there. I thought about extending it, but was too lazy.

Two: Another apology for my short absence. I know there's only about two and a half people on this entire site who care, but my hard drive was fried and I only just got it replaced yesterday.