Making a Splash

For the Kids

Mackenzie Blackwell walked into Norris Aquatics Center at Northwestern University, the place she had trained for the last seven years, the familiar scent of bleach reaching her nostrils. She still couldn’t believe she was near a pool again. When she had learned a month ago that she would never be able to compete at a competitive level again after severely injuring her shoulder, she had decided to boycott all swimming pools. And yet, here she was, just a few feet away from the water.

But, when her old coach, Jack Marlons, had called her the previous day asking her to come into his office to talk to her, she knew she couldn’t say no. So, now she was in the one place she had been avoiding like the plague. As she walked along the poolside towards Jack’s office, she watched all of the swimmers, her old friends who she had cut off all contact with in the last month, wishing she could be competing against them once again.

She sighed as she stopped in front of Jack’s office, peering into the glass windows to see Jack sitting at his desk, staring at his computer. She tapped on the window, and Jack lifted his head, a smile forming on his face when he saw Mackenzie standing on the other side. He waved her inside, and she slowly entered his office.

“Mack,” he began, motioning for her to sit down. “I have to admit, I was a little worried you weren’t going to show today. I mean, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for weeks, and you never returned my calls,” Jack told her.

“You said it was important,” Mackenzie said, playing with her long, brown hair. “So, what did you need to talk to me about?” she asked, looking up at the older man.

“I need to ask you for a favor,” Jack told her, grabbing his water bottle off his desk and taking a sip of it.

Mackenzie didn’t take her eyes off of him. “What kind of favor?” she questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

Jack took a deep breath before answering. “USA Swimming is pushing really hard for volunteering and for a bunch of new children’s programs that they just started,” he stated. “They’re starting four different programs across the country, all focusing on helping children improve their swimming,” Jack explained.

“Okay,” Mackenzie said slowly. “But, what does this have to do with me?” she asked.

“They’re asking for people on the national team to volunteer with these programs. They’d be helping out a few hours each day for a few months,” Jack replied.

“That’s great. But, again, what does that have to do with me?”

“We want you to be one of the professionals to volunteer,” Jack answered.

“There’s just one problem with that, Jack,” Mackenzie told him, and Jack looked at her curiously, wondering what she was referring to. “I’m not on the national team,” she stated. “In case you forgot, I messed up my shoulder, and Doc said I can never compete again. That’s why you haven’t seen me in the pool in the last month.”

“That’s just it, Mack. Doc says you can’t compete. You wouldn’t be competing. You’d be volunteering. You’d be helping these kids perfect their stroke, helping them try to reach their full potential,” Jack told her. “Doc said you didn’t have to give up swimming entirely, just competitively,” Jack reminded her.

“I don’t know, Jack,” Mackenzie said, shaking her head. “Why would they even want me?” she asked. “I mean none of these kids are going to want me there when I’m not even on the national team. I’m sure they’ll be fine without some injured swimmer.”

“That injured swimmer you’re talking about happens to hold the world record in the women’s two hundred individual medley. And, you can be damn sure that any of those kids would be ecstatic to meet a world record holder,” Jack told her. “Come on, Mack. If you’re not going to do it for me or for yourself, then do it for the kids!” he exclaimed

Mackenzie bit her lip as she contemplated what she wanted to do. “Fine,” she sighed. “When and where?”

“Gainesville, Florida,” Jack said with a grin on his face. “And, it starts a week from Monday. I’ll get you all the information you’ll need, and I’ll even set you up with a place down there,” Jack promised. “Thank you, Mack. The kids are going to love having you there!” he exclaimed.

“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” Mackenzie sighed.


Jack had been telling her the truth when he said he would get her a place to stay. He had somehow managed to get her an extremely nice, furnished apartment for the few months she would be staying in Gainesville.

Mackenzie was still trying to figure out how she had been talked into doing this, though. When the doctor had told her that there was nothing he could do to fix her shoulder so she could swim competitively, she had told herself that she was never going to go near a pool again. She knew it would hurt to see all of those people swimming when she was unable to do much more than slowly swim from one end of the pool to the other and back again.

And, that was exactly what she was thinking about as she drove to the aquatic center in the blue Escalade rental car that Jack had managed to get for her. He really was pulling out all the stops for her, knowing how reluctant she was to do this. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to volunteer to work with the kids. Instead, she just didn’t want to be anywhere near a pool right now.

She pulled into the parking lot, surprised to see it was fairly empty. She shut the engine off and got out of the SUV, grabbing her duffle bag off of the passenger’s seat and making her way inside. She was immediately met by a bubbly blonde woman who appeared to be in her early to mid-twenties. “Mackenzie Blackwell,” the woman greeted with a smile on her face. “We’re so glad to have you here!”

“Thanks,” Mackenzie said with a small smile.

“Oh, sorry! I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Skye Callum. I work for USA Swimming, and I’m one of the people who is in charge for this event here in Gainesville,” she explained, holding out her hand for Mackenzie to shake.

“Nice to meet you, Skye,” Mackenzie said, shaking her hand. She was surprised that such a young woman was in charge of such a big event, but she immediately shrugged the notion off, as it appeared Skye had everything under control.

“Well, if you’ll follow me, I’ll be explaining exactly what will be happening these next few months,” Skye said, grabbing a binder off a nearby table and walking through the doors to the pool. “Okay, well as I’m sure you’re well aware, this will be lasting for the next two and a half months. You are part of the group that will be here for two to three hours each day, four or five days a week, depending on the exact week,” Skye began.

Mackenzie nodded her head, already having heard this all before from Jack. Skye sat down on the bleachers, looking out at the pool, as she motioned for Mackenzie to sit down next to her. “There’s another group of professionals that will come in sporadically, whenever they get a chance. Most will be here only a couple of weeks, max,” Skye continued.

Mackenzie stared at her for a moment. Why hadn’t Jack informed her that not everyone would be there the full two and a half months? He knew she didn’t want to be around a pool that long, and she would have preferred a two week stint as opposed to a two month one.

“Is everything okay?” Skye asked, noticing Mackenzie had grown quiet.

Mackenzie plastered a smile on her face. “Perfect,” she lied.

“Okay, well let’s talk a little bit more about the group you’re in, though, the one that will be here the whole time. There’s five of you total, and lucky you, you’re the only girl in the group,” Skye joked.

Mackenzie smiled at her, unfazed by the fact she was the only girl. There were many times during her training at Northwestern that she was the only girl, especially given the fact that Jack was the coach to all males with the exception of her. “I think I’ll manage,” Mackenzie told her, and Skye smiled.

“I’m sure you will,” Skye said. “Well, I’m sure you’re wondering who you’re going to be working with,” Skye said, and Mackenzie nodded her head. “Okay, well, we’ve got Ricky Berens, Garrett Weber-Gale, Ryan Lochte, and Michael Phelps,” Skye announced.

Mackenzie’s eyes widened as Skye named everyone off. “Wow!” she whispered. “You’ve got some big names there!”

“We were very fortunate to get them and you to agree to do this the entire time. The kids are going to be thrilled to see all of you here every day.”

“Maybe the other four, but not me,” Mackenzie said, and Skye turned her attention from the pool to Mackenzie. “What?” Mackenzie asked with a laugh when she realized Skye was staring at her. “What kid is going to want to be working with an injured, retired swimmer when he could be working with Michael Phelps? I know I sure wouldn’t!”

“I think you underestimate yourself, Mackenzie,” Skye told her. “You hold the world record in the two hundred IM. What kid wouldn’t want to work with you?”

“Have you been talking to Jack?” Mackenzie asked with a laugh.

“No, why?”

“It’s just, he said pretty much the same thing to me.”

“That just means it’s true,” Skye smiled. “Come on,” she said standing up. “The guys are already here. Let’s go find them.”

“Okay,” Mackenzie said, following Skye off of the bleachers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just an intro chapter.