Your Way Is My Way-a Gerard Way Story

Why Hello There, Bree

After about twenty minutes of Frank, Gerard and I frantically searching around Dave and Buster’s, I got a text message from Tori. I whipped out my phone, nearly dropping it since my hands were shaking badly, and read what Tori wrote:


I’m fine, don’t worry about me. @ Windmore St, ull see me. Got ditched by sum guy, cant remember much. Get me plz. XO (in a biffle way lol)


Oh thank God she’s okay! I showed Gee and Frank the text, and both boys seemed relieved. Frank let out a big huff of air and slumped down against the outside of D and B. I had never seen Frank worried sick like this, I thought he was going to pass again from the stress.

‘’You two stay here,’’ Gee said, heading towards his car, ‘’I’ll go get her, let me know if anything changes.’’

Frank and I nodded silently as we watched Gerard drive away, his tires screeching as he journeyed off to save Tori.

I sat next to Frank against the wall, letting out a deep, long awaited sigh. We sat like that for a few minutes, when I realized that Frank had drifted back into his drunken slumber. Good, let him stay like that. Maybe next time he’ll think twice before making another wise-ass comment, especially if I’m in a state like the one I was in earlier. Never get me pissed off even more if I’m already so mad that I can’t see straight.

The thing is, when I yelled at Frank before, it wasn’t just out of panic for Tori. It was anger. Not that I was mad at Frank or anything, but my anger for Jamie got let out on him. Oh well, it’s not like he’s going to remember any of this tomorrow. Frank barely remembers his own name after he’s had a bad hangover like the one he’ll be getting tomorrow. Hell, I could probably even tell him that his name’s Chuck Norris and he’s believe me. But then again, I’d have to worry about Frank’s mental state if he believed that. He can’t just be going around to people and be like ‘’HI, I’m Chuck Norris!’’ Anyway…

There is another problem that has been drawn to my attention during the past few weeks. Gerard and I seem to be drifting apart somewhat, in case you haven’t noticed. And I’m not putting the blame all on him; it’s been both our faults. We’ve become so wrapped up in everyone else’s lives that we tend to forget about our significant other half from time to time. I’ve been having problems with Jamie, and Gerard’s just been off doing…well…whatever people name Gerard do in their spare time! Don’t ask me what that would be, I wouldn’t know, since him and I only see each other occasionally (funny, we even live in the same damn apartment, for crying out loud!).

Gerard returned with Tori, and after many minutes of drunken crying and hugs from her, we got the story on what had happened. Long story short (Tori’s version of it is WAY longed, and trust me, it was mainly rambling), Tori had been taken out of D and B, thrown into the back of this guy’s car, basically she was kidnapped. Fortunately, Tori had been sane enough to get the door unlocked and was able to scoot out of the car, WHILE IT WAS STILL MOVING!! Well, I guess that’s not exactly sane, but it definitely beats being raped or murdered by some crazy kidnapper. Fortunately she wasn’t hurt, but she did have to run like a maniac to get away from the damn guy (he’d gotten out of his car at this point). She lost him somehow, and waited on Windmore Street for Gee to come get her. Please let this be the end of the chaos for now, PLEASE GOD, CHUCK NORRIS, ANYONE! Whoever is causing this chaos to happen, I will send an ANGRY FLOCK OF SPIDER BEES AFTER YOU!! So yeah, beware. XD

Let’s see…ah yes, a few more weeks have passed, and a few significant days were included. First off, we had Christmas. Let’s just say, there is NO WAY IN HELL that Christmas was boring. It was actually, well, quite chaotic. Apparently, someone out there likes making things crazy for us when they really don’t have to be. SPIDER BEES, I TELL YOU, I SHALL SEND THEM UPON THE CREATOR OF THIS MADNESS!!

Okay, well I’m done ranting, back to Christmas. Frankie knocked over the tree, and let’s just say that was quite an escapade in itself. That was caused by him and Mikey, who had been wrestling, so I guess they’re both to blame. Not to mention that the tree caught fire (a lot of the lights burnt out and broke, and I guess the heat caused out real Christmas tree to light itself up in flames). Wow, did our tree really hate Frank so much for knocking it over that it decided to commit suicide?! Well, the light bulbs helped, I guess. But still, BAD FRANKIE, HOW DARE YOU MAKE OUR TREE SO UPSET THAT IT HAD TO KILL ITSELF!! The fire was put out though, but I had a plan, damnit! I had wanted to push Jamie into the fire, as crazy as I might sound. But hey, it’s not like she’d mind the heat. She IS the Princess Whore of Hell, right?

Anyway, Ray and Bob spent most of their Christmas at their girlfriends’ houses. Everyone else spent it at our apartment, and Tori and I tried to cook dinner. We made TURKEY! Frank didn’t eat it though, he’s a vegetarian. Come to think of it, no one got to eat the turkey. Blame this one all on Mikey.

He was trying to help us stuff the damn bird, and in the process of doing that, his watch slipped off into the turkey’s stuffing. We put the thing in the oven, not realizing that THERE WAS NOW A BOMB IN OUR OVEN!! Stupid watch battery…within minutes, we all heard and felt a loud BANG! And once we saw the kitchen, we knew why. Turkey was scattered everywhere: the walls, the floor, even some got on the ceiling! Two hours later (after making Mikey scrape the pieces off using only his hands), we just decided to go and get pizza. At least Mikey wouldn’t be able to make THAT explode…

Now, today is Bob’s birthday: December 31st. It’s also New Year’s Eve, so expect to see more drunken idiots running (or passed out) all over the place. Not that I’ll be included in that, and hopefully Gerard won’t be either.

We’d be spending Bob’s birthday and having our New Year’s celebration at Lacey’s house. I found out from Ray earlier today that Breanna would be there, so I’d finally get to meet her. HOORAY! From what the Ray Man told me, it seems like Tori, Lacey, Breanna and I will all get along perfectly. But of course, there is always a downfall when it comes to happiness. This ‘’downfall’’ is known as ‘’Jamie’’ or the ‘’Princess Whore of Hell.’’ I personally prefer name number two, as I’m sure many of you would agree. It suits her far better.

Now, my friends, back to more present times. Currently, everyone is squished into Ray’s car, and Bob is trying to yell directions to him over the loud noises of Frank and Tori’s laughter. They had officially started dating, and so far so good. I actually think they really like each other; you could just tell from the way they look at each other. It made me a smidge jealous, only because mine and Gerard’s relationship has been on an annoying standstill. Only a few things have progressed from our earlier state of awkwardness, and it’s really been getting to me.

Ray was the one driving, Bob sitting in shotgun, while Gee and I were squished up against the window by Tori and Frank. At this point, they lost all control of their tongue’s willpower and started making out like the world was ending or something. Yeah, that’s why I feel like a sandwich being squished in some kid’s backpack at the moment. Hm. I never really was a big fan of sandwiches. Now I know how they feel, and I don’t like it.

Thank the heavens! We finally pulled up to Lacey’s house, which was two stories high, a cute porch in front and the outside of the house was painted a light green. My favorite color!

Everyone ran out of the car (which was beginning to feel like it was closing in on me, I think I really am becoming scared of small spaces), Bob in the lead, and he knocked on the front door. A few seconds later, a girl I recognized as Lacey opened the door, smiling widely when she saw Bob.

‘’HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!’’ she shouted as she attacked her boyfriend in a big hug, her medium length chocolate brown hair covering most of his face.

We all took turns giving Lacey hugs and we stepped inside. The whole house was decked out between birthday and New Year’s decorations, with a long table against one living room wall. It was covered with Frank’s wildest dreams: cake, cookies, chips, mini hotdogs, macaroni and cheese, lasagna, beer, ice cream, and a lot of other stuff Frank would undoubtedly engulf.

Everyone settled on some couches in the living room (although Tori had to hold Frank back frequently to prevent him from eating the food Lacey had prepared for us), and that’s the first time I realized that Mikey and Jamie were with us. They were both deathly quiet and looking away from each other pointedly. This confused me greatly, what the hell happened?!

I scooted myself onto Gee’s lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I really hope we can get close again, I miss being intimate with him…we had talked about our relationship and how we were drifting apart, and over the past few weeks, we were very slowly becoming close again. It still wasn’t enough, but at least we were getting somewhere. That’s the upside of it. The downside is that every time we kiss, everyone throws a hissy fit and yells, ‘’get a room other than this one!’’ or ‘’oh, just fuck already!’’ So yeah, you could see how that would be annoying.

Then Lacey put some music on, turning up the volume so loud that I’m sure there would be complaints by the neighbors. As if on cue, Frank stood up on the couch and began head banging, playing an air guitar wildly. Tori and everyone else started laughing, and she stood up on the couch, copying his actions. In the midst of them doing that, there was a loud banging coming from the front door.

I assumed that Lacey would get it, but seeing as she was in the kitchen cooking with Bob, I took it upon myself to open the door.

Standing on the front porch was another girl, around my age from the looks of it, with medium length black hair and slate blue eyes. She was also smiling.

‘’Hey, I’m Breanna,’’ she said happily and she shook my hand awkwardly.

‘’Anna,’’ I replied and led her into the house.

She wasn’t in the house for two seconds when I saw an excited tumbleweed flying at the newcomer, tackling her to the ground.

‘’Ray!’’ Breanna exclaimed trying to talk from under her boyfriend.

‘’MERRY NEW YEAR!!’’ Ray yelled, still not removing himself from Breanna. Someone seems to have gotten into the beer already…

I felt like I was disrupting their privacy, so I headed back to the living room. Apparently Ray wasn’t the only one in party mode. Jamie was chugging down a beer, handing an already-tipsy Mikey another one. I guess they forgot about whatever their issue was earlier. Gerard just sat there, somewhat trying to restrain his laughter as he watched Frankie sing like a drunken rock star. It probably brought back some old memories for Gee, and definitely not good ones.

Tori was having a giggle fit as she watched her boyfriend make an ass out of himself, downing her entire beer bottle within seconds. Why must all social occasions involve alcohol of some sort?!

Lacey and Bob walked in, Bob now wearing a funny looking birthday hat upon his head. He didn’t look all that pleased about it, but he put on a smile and grabbed a handful of potato chips.

I sat back down on Gee’s lap, and I could feel myself already getting a headache. The music was getting louder, everyone was getting buzzed (all except for Gerard, Breanna and I), and the aching pain in my head was getting more pronounced by the minute. I snuggled closer to Gerard with a sigh, and I felt him stroking my hair.

‘’What’s wrong, sugar?’’ he asked quietly as we watched Frank attempt to sing ‘Barracuda’ by Heart. Honestly, if I didn’t have such a bad headache right now, I would be singing along with him. Barracuda is such a kick-ass song, like, who wouldn’t love a song about a fish?! It’s not everyday that you hear a fish song.

‘’Headache,’’ I muttered, and I winced when I heard Tori scream, apparently Frank was tickling her now. To add to these wonderful activities, Mikey and Jamie were sucking face again, and they were so tangled up on the couch in front of us that I had a hard time figuring out who was who. My migraine wasn’t even letting me see straight anymore.

Gee was plating kisses down my neck, sending shivers down my spine. ‘’It’ll go away, maybe you should go lie down in the other room for a little while,’’ he whispered into my neck.

I nodded my head, and I checked the clock on the wall, seeing that it was only 9:30 p.m, so I guess I could get in about an hours sleep.

About an hour later I woke up, Gee lying with his arm around me. Where the hell am I? But then I heard the music still going strong, and I guessed that I had fallen asleep in Lacey’s room. Yet I don’t even remember coming in here. Gee must’ve carried me while I was out, because the last thing I remember was walking into a wall. How I managed to do that is beyond me, considering I don’t think I drank anything. At least my head felt somewhat better.

I could feel Gerard stirring next to me, and I smiled at him when he saw I was awake.

‘’I’m going to get something to eat, you want anything?’’ he asked quietly, his bright hazel eyes boring into mine.

I was so captivated my them that I couldn’t even speak words, I just shook my head ‘no’.

Gee got up and kissed me, probably for longer than we should have, and left to get himself some nourishment.

I collapsed back down on the pillow, when not even a minute later, I spotted Breanna standing in the doorway. Her face showed a slightly exhausted expression.

‘’Knock knock,’’ she said smiling, and I put a look of mock shock on my face, playing up the joke as I put my hand hovering over my mouth.

‘’Who’s there?!’’

‘’A person in desperate need of some non intoxicated company,’’ she said, and I patted the bed, letting her know she could sit down, and she did. By the look on her face, I could tell something was on her mind.

I pulled away a few strands of hair that had caught onto my lip ring. ‘’Is something wrong?’’ I asked quietly, moving closer so that I felt more comfortable.
She smiled at me weakly. ‘’I just don’t like watching Ray drink, I’ve always hated alcohol.’’

I nodded in agreement, realizing that I wasn’t the only one who disliked watching my boys drink. ‘’I used to feel the same about Gerard, but now that he’s stopped drinking, I’m seeing it more in everyone else…’’ I didn’t want to make her more upset, so I decided to change the subject.

‘’So are you coming on tour with everyone?’’ I asked, remembering the news that Brian announced yesterday: all 10 of us could go on tour.

She seemed to perk up at the question. ‘’Yes, of course! Wait, all 1o of us are going?’’ she asked, probably wondering the same question that I was. How in the name of Tori’s sanity are ten people possibly going to live in one tour bus for months on end?! Surely at least one person would have to go (…Jamie…cough cough…).

‘’Yeah, I think we’re all going,’’ I replied, contemplating the idea of locking Jamie in a giant glass box (air holes highly unnecessary) and dropping it over the Gold Gate Bridge. Well that would certainly be interesting. Highly unlikely to play out, but certainly interesting. You know my plans never end up going right.

After that, Bree and I started warming up to each other and basically played 2o questions.

‘’Okay, um, favorite bands?’’ I asked her.

‘’MCR, Green Day and Iron Maiden!’’ she said, clapping her hands wildly. I could see she was a lot like me in the personality and music departments.

‘’Favorite color?’’

‘’Lime green!’’ good choice, although if she would’ve said pink, I’d have to beat her senseless. But judging by her outfit containing black skinny jeans, a lime green t-shirt and purple Vans, I highly doubt she is a pink fanatic.

‘’Favorite tv show?’’ we asked at THE SAME EXACT TIME! I swear I have found my triplet (Tori being the other third).

We both paused, and in unison (I swear we didn’t have this planned out) we shouted, ‘’VIVA LA BAM!!’’

I nearly had a stroke. ‘’Oh my god, you are related to me, I know it!’’ I said, now standing on the bed and jumping around like a lunatic.

‘’Oi, I wish,’’ she said, also bouncing around with me.

We had completely forgotten that there were other people in the house, that is, until we heard people counting down in the living room.

They must’ve put the tv on to the channel where you could watch the ball drop from NYC. We quickly ran to where everyone else was, Bree running to her drunken lover, and I slinked over to where Gerard was standing. Everyone else in the room looked pretty wasted, apart from Jamie and Mikey, who were now passed out on the couch. Might I add that Jamie’s hand was in a rather private place of Mikey’s? poor Mikey, too far gone in imaginary land to realize where his girlfriend’s hand happened to be placed…

‘’3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!’’ I heard everyone shout, and suddenly there was an explosion of make out sessions, and outside fireworks could be heard.

Gee grabbed my waist and pulled me into one of the best kisses I’ve gotten in a long time. At that moment, nothing else mattered. It felt like everyone else had disappeared and Gee and I had this moment to ourselves…Holy shit, stupid brain, SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!! Like, how cliché can a person get without sounding like they’re from a freaking soap opera, for crying out loud?! Well, I guess this is how you describe my life at the moment, a soap opera. Only difference was there was no one complaining of being pregnant and there’s not much physical action, not like we need those things to happen anyway think I just jinxed everyone in this room. I always speak too soon.
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it's not a fashion statement, it's a deathwish-my chem<3333 :D