Your Way Is My Way-a Gerard Way Story

Mike & ikes And A Cactus Suit

The next day flew by in a blur, and I couldn’t remember much when I woke up this morning. That’s partially because the night before we arrived in New York, we held another one of those energy drink celebration thingies. I’m not going into details on that one. Let’s just say that someone decided to play with the fire extinguisher and I ended up getting that foamy stuff that puts out fires down my panties. Also, the whole thing turned into a foam party and Frank ran around for at least an hour looking like Santa Claus because he refused to wash the foamy substance off his face. We convinced Tori to attack him with the shower hose.

Also, the voice I keep hearing inside my head has decided to permanently stay in my cranium, much to my displeasure and discomfort because it hears every damn thought that I have! (Me: ha, damn straight, I’m not going anywhere!) Geez, go bother Jamie or something! (Me: nah, I like it better here. It’s more fun torturing you, like when I eat cookies in front of you and you get NONE! *Evil laughter *) Why did I have to get stuck with the most annoying inner voice? (Me: because you got lucky, I happen to have a rather good sense of rationality. And good looks, if I might add. *Poses in front of imaginary mirror like a stuck-up model *) oh look, my crap sensors are tingling. I bet you’re as attractive as a rotting stick. (Me: I hope your crap sensors itch you to death) And what will you do if my crap sensors don’t become overly tingly and kill me? (Me: I’ll torture you from the inside out) Great, just what I need, to get murdered by my annoying inner voice…-_-

This morning I woke up early because the guys have sound check at 10. Gee was still sleeping, so I carefully got out of bed and dragged myself into the bathroom with fresh clothes. I was relaxing in the shower, trying to ease away any stress I had when I heard the door fly open and bang against the wall.

‘’WHOEVER IS IN THE SHOWER PREPARE BECAUSE MY BLADDER IS ABOUT TO EMPTY ITSELF!!’’ I heard someone yell from over the running water and I realized it was Frank. Oi, I can’t even take a peaceful shower! O_O

‘’JUST PEE AND GET OUT!!’’ I yelled back to him as I hid in the far corner of the shower, hiding in case Frank wanted a peep show.

Frank did his business and left, and I finished up my shower. I got dressed into light blue skinny jeans, a red t-shirt that said, ‘’do you know the muffin man? Because I sure as hell don’t’’ and my black converse. I pulled my long light brown hair back into a messy ponytail and stuck my lip ring back in, somewhat satisfied with the overall effort that I put into dressing myself this morning.

By now everyone else had woken up, and they were all fooling around in the lounge upstairs. Who knew that a group of crazy twenty year olds could have the average mental stability of a four year old?

Everyone was busy doing something, most of them sleeping again, but I DON’T CARE! Why does everyone look dead right now, am I the only one who’s awake?! Hm…it’s too quiet. I need to cause some chaos.

One of the few people who were awake was Mikey. I was about to go attack him or something, but suddenly Jamie flew out of her room and beat me to the punch.

‘’Mikeykins,’’ she whined in a sickly-sweet voice that made me want to torture her with an electric eel.

‘’Yes, Jamie?’’ Mikey moaned from underneath her. She had him trapped.

‘’Do you mind if I borrow some money to go shopping today? I just NEED more clothes!’’ There she goes, stealing Mikey’s money. I swear that’s the only thing she wants from him.

‘’But I have sound check today, I thought you’d want to see it since it’s the first one we’re having?’’ You could hear the frown in Mikey’s voice, and honestly I felt really bad.

‘’Oh, well there will be other ones that I’m sure I’ll go to,’’ Jamie replied, sounding as if she didn’t even care, which I’m sure she doesn’t. I hope she knows that this is making me hate her even more.

‘’Fine…’’ Mikey grumbled out of defeat. He pulled out his wallet and handed Jamie a wad of cash, and she skipped off happily back into her room.

Mikey picked up his box of Jujifruits that he had been eating earlier. Jujifruits…at 8:30 a.m.? Oh well, his body, not mine.

O_O!!!! I just got a bright idea. I think I know how to get Mikey to finally stand up to Jamie…

I walked over to the couch that Mikey was lying on, grabbing the box out of his hands just as he was about to dive back into it.

‘’NOOOO!! GIMME DA JUJIFRUITS!!!!’’ he yelled, grabbing for them as I held them out of his reach.

‘’Nope!’’ I said cheerfully as I sat down on a couch next to Breanna who had just woken up due to Mikey’s screaming.

‘’What the hell?’’ she asked tiredly as she sat up, ‘’who was murdering Mikey?!’’

I laughed. ‘’Mikey isn’t being murdered. He’s just upset because I’m holding his Jujifruits hostage,’’ I replied as I smirked back at Mikey. His eyes widened when I said this.

‘’YOU’RE WHAT?! HOLDING THEM HOSTAGE?! NOOO, DON’T HURT THEM!!!!’’ he yelled, sitting up fast. By now he’d woken everyone else up. Gerard and Frank were the only ones not present in the room (besides Jamie, but she doesn’t count as one of us), but then the door to the second level of the tour bus opened and they both appeared.

Just as they did this, Mikey lunged at me and pushed the couch backwards. All you could see of me were my legs hanging over the edge.

‘’MY JUJIFRUITS!!!!’’ Mikey yelled, trying to grab them while he was on top of me but I accidentally punched him in the nose. He quickly removed his hand from my wrist and clutched at his now bloody nose.

Everyone had run over to see what happened.

‘’What the fuck is wrong with you guys?!’’ Bob asked, and I saw his big blond head peering over the couch at me.

‘’SHE THOLE MY JUJIFWUITS!!’’ Mikey yelled while pinching his nose, and his words cam out so funny that everyone had to laugh.

‘’I only stole them to teach you a lesson,’’ standing up and fixing my ponytail. ‘’Mikey, you need to stand up to Jamie. You can’t let her take advantage of you like that.’’

Gerard looked at Mikey and I, slightly puzzled. ‘’What did she do this time?’’

‘’Took his money to go shopping while he has sound check,’’ I replied nonchalantly.

‘’I’m twying to be a good boyfwend!’’ he replied defensively, still holding his nose so the blood wouldn’t drip everywhere.

‘’Let’s go get you cleaned up,’’ Gee said, walking out of the room with Ray and a slightly pissed off Mikey.

Frank walked over holding his laptop, grinning with a smirk that said he was up to something.

‘’Bob downloaded the video,’’ he said, sitting down and following his was me, Tori, Breanna, Lacey and Bob.

‘’What video?’’Lacey asked. I was thinking the same thing. But…OH MY GOD THE AFRO DOCUMENTARY! Woot woot, go Bob! Haha…

Frank clicked onto Youtube, all of us watching intently as a video popped up and all you could see was a reddish brown poof taking over the screen.

As soon as Bob started talking, everyone was nearly pissing themselves with laughter. Breanna was laughing so hard that she had to hold onto me for support and she was crying at the same time.

Then you could hear my laughter in the background of the video, making everyone laugh even harder. Tori ended up on the floor clutching her stomach. She was all curled up, so she looked like a blond and blue haired blob. The sight of it was enough to make even Chuck Norris laugh, and believe me when I say that would be very hard to do!

10:00 finally arrived and we all headed off to sound check. Brian was waiting outside for us.

‘’Come on guys, you’re late,’’ their manager said, leading us inside to the stage area where they would be playing later today. The guys started setting up; Gerard setting up the mike, Mikey, Ray and Frank plugging their guitars into the amps and Bob was setting up his drum set. The three girls and I went way up in the high seating so we could fool around without the guys complaining. Although I doubt they would hear us even if we were in the front; they love playing LOUD.

They started off playing ‘’You Know What They Do To Guys like Us In Prison’’, and we all started head banging. Then we stopped, only because we were laughing so hard from watching Frankie play. You see, Frank has this weird habit of spazzing out when he plays guitar. How he plays everything perfectly while spazzing is a mystery to me. Tehe, he’s got ants in his pants XD.

But those ants must’ve been biting his ass or something because without warning, Frank kicked out his leg while they were playing ‘’Kill All Your Friends’’ and knocked over the amp. O.O AHH IT MADE A SCREECHING NOISE MY EARS!!!!

The girls and I laughed as we watched the guys drop their instruments and run over to Frank and…his…amp… OMG FRANK’S FOOT GOT STUCK IN THE AMP!! AH THIS IS TOO FUNNY!!

‘’T-Tori, your boyfriend is dangerous,’’ I choked out as I clutched at my side from laughing so hard.

‘’He’s only dangerous when he goes into ‘spazz mode’ when he’s playing guitar, other than that he’s harmless,’’ she said, trying to defend her very unharmless boyfriend, I’m sad to say.

‘’I brought energy drinks!’’ I heard Lacey proclaim from behind me, and she was holding up a ton of Monsters in her arms. Hm, I didn’t even notice her leave to go get them.

‘’MONSTER PARTY, WOOT WOOT!!’’ Bree yelled, grabbing a Monster and the guys must’ve gotten Frank’s foot out of his amp because the music from below started up again. Wait wouldn't he need a new amp is he just stuck his foot through the other one? Heh, beats me.

‘’There’s a place in the dark where the animals go, you can take off your skin in the cannibal glow, Juliet lovesthe beat and the lust it commands, drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands Romeo…’’ Gerard sang, his voice echoing around the almost vacant area. ALMOST vacant, for the fact that there were now four idiots having a party involving energy drinks and a lot of perverted jokes… O.O

‘’OMG ANNA, LET’S BE FUCK BUDDIES!!’’ Breanna screamed, suddenly tackling me from behind and pretending to hump me.

‘’AHHHH!!!!’’ I screamed, getting up and hiding behind Tori, ‘’RAPIST!! TORI, GO BEAT HER WITH A STICK!!’’

Tori turned around and just stared at me like I was crazy or something…O_o ‘’But Frank needs his stick for later, I can’t just take it from him and beat Bree with it! Besides, it’s attached…’’


Tori stuck her tongue out at me as I drank down the rest of my fourth Monster. Lacey and Breanna were now wrestling around on the ground, Breanna the Rapist now trying to make Lacey her next victim and I think she was winning. Ha, I’m too entertained to even tell them that the guys are done playing for now.

Soon Lacey and Breanna stopped attempting to rape each other (with much yelling from Lacey, saying ‘’BREE QUIT GRABBING MY ASS!!’’), and the guys put everything away for a break. Mikey and Bob left to get everyone Starbuck’s.

Gerard, Ray and Frank soon found us and (me being hyper and my brain is working less normally than usual) I hid behind Lacey, thinking they wouldn’t see me.

Psh, I’m an idiot.

‘’Anna, we can see you,’’ Gee said, suddenly appearing behind me. I turned around and stared into his hazel eyes. He looked quite amused.

‘’What would make me hide better?’’ I asked, giving him a big hug.

‘’Put on a cactus suit and say, ‘pay no attention to the talking cactus.’ No one will see you, I assure you,’’ he said, laughing along with everyone else.

I pulled away from the hug. ‘’You guys sounded great!’’ I said, turning to look at Frank and Ray as well.

‘’Yeah!’’ Tori, Lacey and Bree agreed.

‘’Well, until Frank just HAD to stick his foot into the amp, everything was running smoothly before, though,’’ Ray said, wrapping an arm around Breanna’s waist and she leaned her head on his shoulder. Wow, she looks tired. Maybe she will pass out later, meaning I wouldn’t get attacked/raped by her for a good six hours…WOOT WOOT!! Sorry Bree, I think Lacey enjoyed your raping more than I did.

Everyone went back to the bus after saying bye to Brian, and we all became bored. Gah, boredness scares me (however weird that sounds), I’m not used to being bored!

But once the girls and I get an idea, everyone knows it MUST involve chaos of some sort. And since everyone is bored out of their fucking minds right now, I think it’s time for a taste of chaos…

And you’re about to see what we came up with. (Me: what, are you gonna run around in a cactus suit?) NO!…*unsuspicioulsy throws cactus costume out window* (Me: hate to break it to you, but that wasn’t unsuspicious) I wish I could somehow duct tape your mouth shut (Me: and I wish you would stop coming up with stupid ideas, but we don’t all get our way, do we?) Oh, I already have my way, and his name isGerard, thanks for asking XD (Me: *chucks cookie at the inside of your head*) OUCH! I FELT THAT YOU KNOW! Ha, I think I heard an echo…O.O (Me: see, it is empty in here. Maybe I should let a friend stay with me…) …O_O NOOOOO!!!! Shit, now I need to grow a brain so my inner voice has no room for a friend.

Oh, where was I? Oh yeah, my stupidly bright idea to make everyone unbored. WHICH I’M GONNA MAKE YOU WAIT TO HEAR ABOUT!! Ha, I know, cliffhangers suck. But in the mean time, can someone get me my cactus suit please? I think it hit a cat or something when I threw it… O.o
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i think i want a cactus suit now.
cubicles-my chem<3333 :D