Your Way Is My Way-a Gerard Way Story

Anna Has A Stalker?

My brilliantly stupid plan involves boxers, light sabers and nerf guns. Yeah I know, sounds extremely weird and pointless and possibly dangerous, but these are the things my abnormal mind comes up with.

Tori, Breanna, Lacey and I are the Fantastic Four! (Sorry, just saw the movie and had to say that ^_^). But we are no ordinary Fantastic Four. No, we are different because we shall be wearing our boyfriend’s boxers, whilst wielding around light sabers and aiming nerf guns at innocent bystanders. Aren’t we just terrifying? *Rawr *

So we each got a pair of our own boyfriend’s boxers (except for Jamie, who was still out shopping and she wouldn’t have wanted to do this anyway. Not that we’d let her…) and each of us grabbed our weapons. I got a purple light saber (seriously, I have seen all the Star Wars movies, and Mace Windu is the only fucking person out of all the movies that owns a purple light saber! What the fudge is that about?!). Breanna got a red light saber (known for being evil and raping her friends, you could see why red suits her), while Tori and Lacey got these huge ass nerf guns. Just looking at those two’s weapons made me look down at my light saber and think, ‘what the fuck am I doing with this retarded piece of purple plastic? It doesn’t even light up!’ Oh well, it’s just the guys that we’re going to attack, what’s the worst they can do? Tickle us to death? Oh shit wait, that may be bad for me. I happen to be very ticklish at times…O.O

*runs around in circles and smashes into wall * …Okay that was sort of pointless…tehe!! O.o

we took the boys by surprise when we all ran into the games room, screaming like Indians at a disco (obviously the Indians would be confused but whatever). Keep in mind that Mikey and Bob are still out getting some highly addictive Starbuck’s coffee. If Mikey comes back with no coffee for me because of the whole Jujifruits thing, this light saber meets with his face first. No coffee at 2:30 p.m. equals a very unhappy Anna Banana!

So yeah, I’ve finished with my side tracking for the moment (notice how for the moment is underlined…oh shit, sorry, doing it again…). When we threw open the door, screaming out heads off yet sounding like crazed Indians at the same time, the guys all dropped their controllers and jumped behind the couch they’d been sitting on. We ran over to them and began using our weapons, while our loving retards put their arms over their heads for protection, thinking that it would somehow save them from our amusing wrath.

‘’DIEE!!’’ I yelled as I started poking Ray’s head with the tip of my light saber.

‘’OUCH! Shit guys, STOP!!’’ I heard him yell as one of Tori’s nerf bullets got stuck in his afro, which was still sticking out in places.

‘’WAHHH!! LEAVE US ALONEE!!’’ Frank yelled from next to Ray. All three of the guys were crouched down and hiding still because they were afraid to come out and face us like the pathetic cowards they are!

Breanna was hitting Frank on the side of the head repeatedly, while Tori and Lacey ganged up on poor Gerard. AND I GET TO FACE THE TUMBLEWEED!! And he can’t fight back either, the worst he can do is stick his afro in my face and order it to eat me…okay maybe he can fight back…O.O

This continued on until Gerard grabbed the light saber from my hands. Frank did the same to Breanna.

‘’OH HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED!!’’ Gerard yelled, standing up with his two comrades and the girls and I fled from the room.

‘’RUN!!’’ I screamed, grabbing Tori’s arm and dragging her upstairs with me. I needed someone to protect me!

We ended up in Mikey and Jamie’s room.

‘’Shhh…’’ I said to Tori as both of us leaned an ear against the door, listening to see if the enemy had found us.

We stood like that for a few minutes, Tori still holding her nerf gun and prepared for action at any moment. Suddenly we heard footsteps and a few laughs that I think were from Gee and Ray, and the door swung open, pushing Tori and I into the open closet. I felt a hanger break under my ass. Great.

‘’WE FOUNDS YOU!!’’ Gee said adorably, sounding like a cute little kid. I couldn’t help but smile a bit at that.

‘’IT’S NERF TIME, WAY!!’’ Tori declared, standing up and shooting him repeatedly with nerf bullets until he gave up. It was obvious that his light saber couldn’t save him now.

Ray and I watched as Toristood over Gee, who was calling for Frank to back him up. Tori just kept shooting him, showing no mercy whatsoever.

I turned towards Ray. ‘’I’m out of here, I doubt she’s even half done with him.’’

Ray just nodded his head and followed me back downstairs. He went off in search of Frank, while I found Bree and Lacey in the living room. I guess Frank has stopped chasing them.

‘’Hola, chikas,’’ I said, sitting down in between my two dunderheaded best friends. They were both engrossed in watching Viva La Bam.

‘’I am mad at you!’’ Bree pouted as she bit my arm hard.

‘’OUCH! What the fuck did I do?!’’ I whined, rubbing my arm.

‘’You left me with Lacey, who no sense of aim AT ALL, and Frank stole my light saber. He cornered us, and you left us to fend for ourselves against the idiot!’’ Lacey looked offended by Bree’s comment.

‘’I can have good aim!’’ she said, somewhat appalled.

The tv was long forgotten, and the two of them were soon joined by Tori. All three of them switched their fight to which tv show was better. Gee and I just started to make out, having nothing better to do anyway. I think Ray and Frank were in the games room again…-_-

‘’I’m telling you, Spongebob would totally kick Fred Fred Burger’s ass,’’ Bree said to Tori. Fred Fred Burger is from the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Tori’s favorite show. Her life dream is to marry the rhinoceros/monster thingy name Fred Fred Burger, who has an obsession with frozen yogurt and nachos. What an odd pair they would be…O.o

‘’Both of you are arses!’’ Lacey said, ‘’Peter Griffin could sit on both Spongebob and that Burger dude, killing them. It’s so obvious he would win!’’ Lacey has a Family Guy obsession like me. I pulled away from Gee for a second.

‘’I must agree with Lacey on this one,’’ I said, grinning as I turned back to Gerard. He looked just as amused at this as I did. And so the making out continues!

2 hours later…

Yes, the three arses are still fighting. But they were silenced when they heard someone at the bus door. They seemed desperate to get in. I pulled away from Gee again to see who was at the door.

It was Bob, with who was probably Mikey, but it was too dark out to tell. I let them in.

‘’Coffee!’’ I proclaimed before Bob was fully in the door. I grabbed the plastic tray with cup holders from his hands and set it on the table. Turning around, I saw an exhausted Bob. And… wait who the hell is that with him? It didn’t look like Mikey. Mikey has light brown hair and glasses, but this guy had darkish brown/black hair and black sunglasses on.

…Wait a fucking second, that IS Mikey! I could recognize that Anthrax shirt anywhere!

‘’MIKEY!’’ I nearly screeched, and I heard running footstep. Lacey, Tori, Gee and Bree appeared in the kitchen. Their jaws dropped open like mine.

‘’You like?’’ he asked, taking off the sunglasses and showing us that he could indeed see. I only knew of one solution to this, since I know how bad Mikey’s vision used to be. I’ve lost count of how many times Mikey’s run into walls, searching for his glasses.

‘’You got lasik eye surgery? And you dyed your hair?!’’ Gerard said, his face turning happy.

‘’Yep!’’ Mikey said proudly, ‘’I just have to make sure I don’t get anything in my eyes for a few days, and in the daytime I’m supposed to wear these glasses for one week.’’

Everyone started getting into conversations on Mikey’s new hair, the girls continuing their argument on TV shows, when something in my stomach didn’t feel right…oh no, not again!!

‘’Gee,’’ I whispered to him, and he stopped his conversation with Frank and Ray, who had finally decided to come out of hibernation after TWO FLIPPIN HOURS of isolation in the games room. Some people have no lives…

‘’I’m going to be sick…’’ I whispered, and my head began to spin, causing everything to look a little fuzzy.

He followed me into the bathroom and held my ponytail up as my stomach emptied it’s contents. I flushed and brushed my teeth for at least thirty minutes, until I was sure the pukey taste was gone.

‘’You’re gonna have to miss our concert tonight,’’ Gerard said as I lay down in my bunk. This is so unfair…

‘’But I HAVE to go!’’ I complained, trying to sit up, but Gee gently pushed me back down. I sighed, annoyed.

‘’No, you HAVE to stay on the bus and get some rest,’’ Gerard replied, sitting at the end of my bed.

‘’So you’re leaving me?’’ I asked, slightly irritated that I would be left here alone while everyone went to have the time of their lives at the first MCR concert this tour.

The world fucking hates me.

Gee sighed. ‘’I have to, but I promise that once you get better I’m taking you out on a date.’’

I smiled at that. ‘’Sounds worth getting better for.’’

He grinned, gave me a kiss, told me to feel better, and left to go the concert with everyone else.

One by one everyone came in and wished me to get better, but I was soon alone. Or so I thought…wo0o0o0o mysterious…O.o

I had an urge to listen to my Ipod, but at the same time I got the urge to purge (no intentional rhyming there). So I got up, went to the bathroom to…well…you get the point. I’m sick, what do you expect from me?

My Ipod was not in my room, strangely enough. Thinking that Tori might’ve borrowed it, I journeyed upstairs to her and Frank’s room.

What a big mistake that was.

Inside that room contained a sight that no human being should ever have to see. I opened the door, only to find Frank putting on a shirt and singing ‘Dancing Queen’ by ABBA.

Obviously, I walked right out.

Five minutes later, I found my Ipod, but in quite a strange place. I discovered it on the upstairs bathroom counter, right next to Ray’s mysterious ointment for some skin condition… I’m very puzzled on this one, but I would need to ask around later as to how it got there…

I decided not to listen to my Ipod (Frank has left by now), due to the location it was discovered in. So I grabbed Frank’s laptop and signed onto Aim.

I saw that Breanna was on, using her phone, so I IMed her.

Muffincakes16: how’s the concert?

LilBrez: FLIPPIN AMAZ- I…uh…I mean, it sucks without you here? *laughs nervously *

Muffincakes16: nice try…o.o

LilBrez: sorry…I’ll bring you back a t-shirt, if that helps at all

Muffincakes16: okee dokee, I’ll just have to make sure I don’t get sick on it…O.o

LilBrez: yeah…I’m giving it to u once ur done puking, Missy…

Muffincakes16: good idea…cheer for the boys for me! I feel so left out of all of this…

LilBrez: OTAY! Ha, I’m doing it right now. I juat pushed some huge guy out of the way to get to the front and now he’s glaring at me…O.O


LilBrez: ha, Tori and Lacey will try to protect me…oh shit,now I’m screwed… O_O

Muffincakes16: oh, ur such a loving friend…

LilBrez: very true…crap gotta go, MY FAVE SONG IS BEING PLAYED!! Feel better, bye!

Muffincakes16: otays, have fun and bye byez

LilBrez has signed off.

Well that was a quite interesting conversation. But now, I have to get sick again. Gah, I hate the world! I ran to the bathroom just in time. Ugh, how the hell did I get sick this time?! I don’t think I ate anything bad… OH MY GOD I HAD A SHITLOAD OF ENERGY DRINKS OVER THE PAST FEW DAYS!!…O.o This explains so much…

I went back to the laptop, only to find a ton of IMs from an unknown messenger. I clicked, ‘show IM’, and saw that someone named GreenDayLuv5 had IMed me multiple times. Each one read ‘’I found you!’’ What. The. Fuck?!?!

I decided to answer, just to see what would happen.

GreenDayLuv5: I found you!

Muffincakes16: um…who the hell is this?

GreenDayLuv5: I found you!

Muffincakes16: ????

GreenDayLuv5: I FOUND YOU!


GreenDayLuv5: Imma shark! *Rawr * IMMA BITE YOU!

Muffincakes16: seriously? Wow, okay I’m blocking you…

GreenDayLuv5: WAIT!

Muffincakes16: what?!

GreenDayLuv5: look outside

MuffinCakes16: I think I’ll pass…

GreenDayLuv5: just do it, I think you’ll know who I am once you see me.

Muffincakes16: bye stalker, leave me the hell alone!

Muffincakes16 has signed off

Whoa, tht was SCARY!! Should I look outside anyway? (Me: only if you’re stupid) but I am stupid (Me: then you’ll end up looking out there at risk of meeting some stalker) but stalkers are cool! (Me: …wow…you really ARE stupid) thanks for noticing! Now can I go look outside? (Me: do whatever you want, it won’t be my fault) PREPARE TO MEET YOUR DOOM STALKER!!

Before I could even look out of one of the bus windows, I heard a knock coming from the front door. And I-being the idiot I am- opened the door, using the door-opening lever that Jimmy uses. But Jimmy was out, getting food or something. I cautiously walked back to the door, and the sight that stood just outside startled me because I sure as hell wasn’t expecting to see this person.

Standing there before me, holding travel bags and wearing a nervous smile on her face, was someone that looked a hell of a lot like me. Same height, same hazel eye color, same clothing style, same…well almost everything. Her hair was shorter than mine, it went just below her shoulders. Her hair was also my old hair color; a chocolate brown, only she had put blond highlights in it.

That was when reality hit me. Standing just outside, seeing her for the first time in my life, was my twin sister. Sky had come to find me.
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betcha didnt see that coming muahaha
disenchanted-my chem<3333 :D