Your Way Is My Way-a Gerard Way Story

Someone's Got A Crush On Frankie

I’m not exactly sure what to say at this moment. I mean,I’ve never been a pro at fixing awkward situations. What am I supposed to say about all of this exactly…?

‘’Wha…how…why…w-no, just, WHAT?!’’ I asked, well more like yelled but you get the point.

‘’Uh…hi?’’ Sky said nervously. It was quiet for a minute, for the street that the bus was parked on was pretty empty. Weird, NYC is usually always busy…O.o Suddenly Sky dropped her bags and ran at me, engulfing me in a tight hug. I found myself hugging her back.

‘’I-I know you probably don’t know what to say,’’ she choked out, and I think she was on the verge of tears, ‘’so let me do all the talking.’’

I just nodded and helped her carry her things onto the bus. I put them in my room.

We both settled ourselves in the living room. ‘’Okay, I need some answers here,’’ I said, ‘’Why are you here? Why haven’t I ever met you? How did you find me?’’

Sky took a deep breath and began her explanation. ‘’I’m here to finally connect with you, even if you don’t want to, I just feel like it needs to be done.’’ I had to agree with her on that one, sibling relationships should be important (unless your sibling is Jamie Burgess but that’s besides the point).

‘’Our mom separated us at birth, however cliché that might sound. She didn’t want more than one child at the time, but apparently she got more than she wished for. I was put into an adoption home and was adopted when I was nine. The family was really nice, and I love them dearly, but I left home at age eighteen to do more with my life. So here I am, twenty-four years old and sitting at home watching tv, when the music channel comes on and starts talking about MCR’s upcoming tour. Naturally, I wanted to go. But when they started showing pictures of each band member with their girlfriend, I noticed that Gerard was with you, and I automatically recognized the resemblance between us. Not to mention I recognized your last name when they mentioned you. I find out- after much searching to find our mom- that you’re my twin, and I got the whole story on how we ended up separated. I went looking at MCR’s tour list, and saw that you were gonna be here. And now, here I am.’’

Once again, I couldn’t think of anything to say. This is just so weird. Wait, I just realized something…why did she bring travel bags with her? Does she think she’s staying here? Hmm…

‘’Uh…what did you bring bags for?’’ I asked, kind of already knowing the answer but I felt the need to ask anyway.

Sky looked even more uncomfortable, if that was possible. She bit her lip for a bit before she answered. ‘’I recently got kicked out of my apartment for not paying my rent…twice… so I’ve been moving from hotel to hotel. I have to bring these damned bags around with me now, I just checked out of my last hotel. And then I saw your bus, so I figured you would be here.’’

I considered this for a minute. Maybe she could stay with us? I should get to know her better…

We sat there talking for over an hour, conversing about our favorites, past relationships, family life and our friends. Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick, this girl really IS my twin! HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN COMMON?! It’s not possible, yet it has happened!

We were both in hysterical laughter as I told her about my time spent with MCR. She must’ve found it quite hilarious, because she was laughing so hard that her face looked like an over-ripe tomato. Reminds me of how I must’ve looked when I was on my first date with Gerard…good times, good times...

We finally stopped laughing, and I felt that now was the time to ask if she wanted to stay with us.

‘’Err… since you have no place to stay, do you wanna stay with us?’’ I asked, happy to find that Sky looked quite relieved at the offer.

‘’YES, YES, a million times YES!!’’ she yelled, getting up and engulfing me in another tight hug.

For the next hour we began setting up for Sky’s stay on our tour bus. During that time, everyone began returning from their concert.

‘’WE’RE BA-ACK!’’ I heard Frankie chime, then I heard a ‘smack’ and then, ‘’OW!!’’

‘’Sh, you poptart, she’s probably sleeping!’’ I heard Bree hiss, and then I heard running feet.

‘’LET ME IN, I NEED A SHOWER!!’’ Mikey yelled as I heard him pounding on the bathroom door.

‘’FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE, MIKEYKINS!!’’ Frank shouted from the bathroom.

Ray ran right through the living room, Bob on his heels as they raced to the upstairs bathroom. They didn’t even acknowledge that Sky and I were here.

‘’Anna, you here?’’ Gerard called, and he entered the living room with Lacey, Tori and Bree behind him.

They all stopped right in their tracks.

‘’Uh…’’ Lacey said dumbly, her mouth drooping open as she eyed Sky and I back and forth.

Bree and Gerard were the quickest to comprehend what was going on, considering they were the only ones I had told about Sky. O.o

Mikey then entered the room and Bob came downstairs. I guess they lost their battles for the bathrooms. Both of their faces resembled everyone elses.

‘’Oh my God, Sky!’’ I yelled, acting very stupid, ‘’they see you! Quick, hide in the cactus suit! No one will ever see you!’’

Sky turned to me, utterly confused. ‘’Since when do cactuses make things invisible? I would’ve thought that dressing up as a big prickly green plant would make people see you MORE…’’

‘’This is Sky?’’ Gee asked, walking forward to see her more clearly.

‘’Mhm!’’ I replied happily as Sky got up to greet everyone.

‘’Wow, she really DOES look like you!’’ Bree said, sounding rather shocked.

Sky laughed. ‘’Yeah, hence the fact that we’re twins.’’

There were stares and grumbling form Lacey, Tori, Bob and Mikey, saying ‘’Twins?!’’ and ‘’I wonder if she’s as weird as Anna!’’…That last little comment caused me to glare at the four idiots. At least Bree and Gerard weren’t staring at my twin and I like the others (they looked like tazered goldfish)…somewhat like this O.O but worse…sort of like a bunch of scared Chihuahuas…

I guess reality finally hit those retardedly scared Chihuahuas/goldfish, because everyone ran at me and Sky, tackling us and forcing us into hugs.

‘’THIS IS SO GREAT!!’’ Lacey yelled into my ear. I’m pretty sure she was on top of me.

‘’How come you never told us you had a twin?’’ Tori asked as everyone untangled themselves and sat on the couches.

‘’I don’t know, I guess I was really shocked and wasn’t sure how everyone would take it,’’ I replied, laying my head on Gee’s lap as I sprawled across the couch.

‘’Well, we’re all excited. Is she staying with us?’’ Gee asked as he slowly stroked my hair.

‘’Mhm!’’ Sky said proudly. Then Bree poked her, causing her to squeak and jump somewhat. She did the same to Bree.

‘’Well I can see you two are going to get along just fine,’’ Mikey commented sarcastically. Sky stuck her tongue out at him.

‘’Hey! Put that back in your mouth, young lady, or I shall rip it out and feed it to my pet fish Pony!’’ Bob said, trying to sound serious but ended up laughing along with everyone else.

Everyone started to fight for Sky’s attention, Gerard and I moving away from the madness that was occurring and sitting ourselves on the other side of the room. A few minutes later, Frank came out of the bathroom, dripping wet with only a towel around his waist.

‘’Hey, has anyone seen my-‘’ he began but didn’t finish his sentence. He saw everyone jabbering away in front of him with my twin, and he looked slightly dumbfounded.

‘’Has anyone seen your what?’’ Mikey asked, trying to get Frank to stop looking like a deer in headlights, only slightly less creepy.

‘’Twins…?’’ Frank finished, confused obviously. I looked at Gerard and we laughed.

‘’I didn’t know you had twins, Frank! Congratulations!’’ I said, sounding falsely excited. Everyone laughed. Frank almost dropped his towel, but he caught it before any of his ‘’unmentionables’’ could reveal themselves, thank God…O.o

Frank glared at me as his face blushed profoundly. ‘’No, you dufus, why is there a darker-haired clone of you sitting in our living room?’’

Sky finally piped up. ‘’Uh, ‘the clone’ has a name you know. I’m Sky, and Anna and I are twins. I take it you’re ‘Pansy?’’

Frank smiled somewhat. ‘’The name’s Bond. James Bond.’’ He made a gun with one hand and pointed it at Tori, his other hand still holding up the towel. Tori made a loud gasp.

‘’You’re going to shoot me?! But I’m your girlfriend!!’’ she said exasperated.
‘’It’s okay, I’ll protect you!’’ Mikey said bravely as he put one arm around Tori. How that would keep her safe is beyond my understanding.

Frank didn’t even look concerned that Mikey had his arm around Tori. Instead, I caught him looking at Sky.

‘’Well, I’ll be out of the shower again soon. And when I return, will someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on?!’’ Frank said, heading back into the bathroom. Just as he left, Ray came back down from the upstairs bathroom, his afro all wet and droopy. Aw, the tumbleweed on Ray’s head looks sad because it’s not all fluffy and alive…

He was quicker than Frankie to realize that I had a twin (NOT a clone, dumb Pansy…) sitting in our tour bus living room.
‘’Uh…I see you have a twin,’’ he said, sitting himself next to Breanna.

Once Frank was finally out of the bathroom, Sky and I explained to everyone the situation and how Sky would be touring with us. As soon as I said that Sky was staying, Frank looked like he wanted to explode with joy.

‘’YES!!’’ he shouted, pumping his fist in the air and receiving puzzled looks from everyone.

‘’I-I mean…’’ he began, clearing his throat, ‘’that would be cool.’’

I turned to Gee and whispered in his ear, ‘’Frank likes Sky, it’s SO obvious.’’

Gerard laughed lightly and nodded his head in agreement. Bree caught us laughing.

‘’Hey, what are you two planning over there?’’ she asked, eyeing us back and forth.

‘’Nothing, but we’re going to bed so goodnight peeps!’’ Gee said quickly, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the bedroom. We were both so exhausted that we were lucky we made it to the bed before we got knocked out for the night.

(Me: wait, where’s Jamie in all of this?) …O.O If we’re lucky, she’s in prison for shoplifting while she was on her shopping trip (me: hmm…I wouldn’t put it past her, but I don’t really think that’s it) I’m hoping it is. Either that or she got picked up by some kidnapper. She doesn’t deserve Mikey, he’s too good to that bitch (me: for the first time ever, I have to agree with you, my friend) wow, we actually agreed on something…and in tomorrow’s news: Hell Freezes Over! (Me: ew, Jamie’s world will take over! NOO!! This calls for some loud music to add effect. *Puts on Ride the wings of Pestillence by From First to Last *) WOOT GO SOUND EFFECTS! *Head banging * (me: okay, let’s switch to Sky’s point of view) Otay, Anna over and out!

Sky’s POV

I can see that I’m never going to be bored with these people. From the stories Anna told me and just by the way they’re acting now, anyone could tell that these are not boring people.

I think I’ll fit right in.

Gee and Anna went off to bed, ad everyone else was heading out too. I think it was Tori (I’m still learning names here, and my memory is sadly depleting) that left next, Mikey soon following with Bob and…Lacey? I think that’s her name. Breanna, Ray and, er, Peter? No I’m kidding, I know his name is Frank (I AM a huge MCR nut after all XD), they were all still hanging in the living room with me. Except for Frank, who had run off to the kitchen to get a poptart, but he had now returned.

‘’Frank, if you don’t stop eating you’re going to implode,’’ Ray teased. He had his arms around Breanna who was sitting in his lap.

Frank stuck his tongue out at Ray, breaking off a decent sized piece of poptart and chucking it at him. It got stuck in his afro (which, I must say, really DOES look like a tumbleweed. I guess Anna wasn’t lying, since I’ve only seen Ray in pictures where his afro doesn’t look nearly as poofy as it does in real life. I wonder if it has a mind of its own…O.o).

Frank, Breanna and I were all doubled over in laughter, while Ray was muttering curses at us and attempting to unstick the bit of poptart that was caught in his hair. The gooey stuff inside was really making it difficult.

Out of nowhere, Mikey came running downstairs, his face pale as a sheet and cell phone in hand.

I was about to open my mouth and ask what was wrong, but Frank beat me to the punch.

‘’Mikeykins, why does your face look like Casper the Friendly Ghost?’’ he asked, scooting himself a smidge closer to me on the couch. Only thing is, Mikey’s face didn’t look friendly at all. It looked like he’d been crying and he glared back at Frank.

‘’I just called Jamie to find out where she is, since she didn’t return from her shopping trip, and when I finally got through to her cell, I heard some guy in the background say, ‘babe, come back to bed.’ That was all I needed to hear, so I ended it with her.’’ Poor Mikey, I thought he was going to cry again. Bree and I got up and crushed Mikey in a hug. Anna had told me Jamie was a bitch, and now I have proof.

‘’So what are you gonna do with all her stuff?’’ Ray asked as Bree, Mikey and I sat back down.

‘’Throwing it out as soon as this bus stops,’’ Mikey said angrily, ‘’I’m never letting her back on this bus again, so her shit goes along with her.’’

‘’I may have just met you Mikey,’’ I began, looking right at him, ‘’but I can tell that you’re too good for her. You deserve someone better.’’

Mikey nodded in agreement and actually smiled somewhat. He looked lost in thought for a minute until he returned to reality.

‘’Thanks, but I’m going to bed guys, so goodnight,’’ he said, getting up and giving a quick wave before he returned upstairs. My heart goes out to this guy. How the hell can someone sleep after recently finding out their girlfriend’s been cheating on them? I seriously doubt Mikey will be able to sleep for a good few days.

‘’We’re going to bed too,’’ Ray said, ending his statement with a yawn. By the way, he got the poptart out of his hair.

‘’Otay, goodnight,’’ I said, giving Ray and Bree hugs. They looked at me a little weird.

‘’What?’’ I asked, automatically becoming self conscious, ‘’is there something on my face?’’

Bree laughed. ‘’No, it’s just that you said ‘otay.’ It’s just weird because everyone else here says that, too.’’

She and Ray smiled at Frank and I as they headed off to bed. I checked the time and saw that it was 1:16 a.m. I’m not even tired, so I think I’ll talk to Frank (he is the only one awake enough to talk to me, after all).

‘’So what do you wanna do?’’ he asked me, stretching out on the couch.

‘’I could care less,’’ I replied. I was so bored that I would literally do anything at this point.

‘’Are you hungry at all?’’ Frank asked, getting up from the couch and walking over to the living room entrance before turning around to look at me.

Anna had warned me about Frank’s cooking, so I don’t think I’m gonna take any risks. I AM hungry though…

‘’Yeah, I’ll make us something,’’ I replied, getting up and walking past Frank into the kitchen. He followed close behind.

‘’I am a gentleman, therefore I insist on cooking for you,’’ he said, talking in a funny French accent. We both started laughing, but at the same time, I started to feel something different. My stomach felt like it had grown wings, and it was fluttering around wildly inside of me. I pushed the feeling aside.

‘’Alrighty, Chef Iero,’’ I said as I sat down at the booth-like kitchen table, ‘’ just please don’t poison me. I’ll eat whatever you cook, though, I’m not a picky eater.’’ I think I’m pushing my luck here by letting Frank actually cook FOOD…O.o If I die, I hold Frankie fully responsible.

‘’As you wish, Madame,’’ Frank said again in that French accent, and he bowed to me before turning to the fridge and began making food.

I sat there quietly, laughing occasionally like when Frank got his hand caught in the fridge door and he started cursing like a maniac.

This boy should do stand-up comedy; he could be the next Dane Cook. Still, no one can replace Dane Cook. I thought his movie ‘Good Luck, Chuck’ was downright hilarious, even if there was a lot of nudity…Warning: that movie is not for young eyes.

The whole time I couldn’t take my eyes off of Frank. There’s something about him that makes my stomach and nerves go into ‘overdrive,’ making me feel like a complete and utter idiot. I can’t like Frank, he’s dating Tori. With that, I think I’ll tell my brain to shut up now.

Frank soon sat down with two plates of chocolate chip pancakes. I stared down at my plate, contemplating if I should risk my death or not. Frank looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to eat. So I grabbed the bottle of syrup he brought and covered my pancakes in it. Well, here goes nothing…nothing except for my physical health…and possibly my death…

I cut off a piece of pancake and ate it, and surprisingly, I didn’t gag. In fact, it was really, really good. In a matter of three minutes my pancakes were gone.

‘’You liked it, I see,’’ Frank said, smiling at me slightly as I scraped my plate clean.

‘’Yes!’’ I said, nodding my head up and down wildly. He laughed as he took both of our plates and put them in the overflowing sink.

‘’Uh…when was the last time you guys did dishes?’’ I asked nervously. I doubt these boys have ever washed a dish in their life.

Frank thought for a second. ‘’Uh…never.’’ Just as I thought.

I got up from my seat and grabbed a towel. ‘’You wash, I dry.’’

Frank turned the sink on full blast, and as soon as he did, the water bounced off of a plate and shot Frank in the face. I was doubled over in laughter.

‘’Hey, that wasn’t funny!’’ Frankie whined, grabbing his sponge and flicking soapy water at me. It got in my hair.

‘’What the hell, you did that to yourself!’’ I complained, slapping his arm with my towel hard.

And there started our water fight. The whole kitchen floor ended up covered in soapy water, the dishes long forgotten, while Frank and I wrestled around in the mess we made. Frank currently had me pinned to the floor.

‘’Frankie, get off of me!’’ I hissed at him. My feelings hadn’t wanted me to say those words.

‘’Make me!’’ he said childishly, sticking his tongue out at me. Damn he looks so cute...

I was about to push him off when I heard footsteps in the hallway. Frank got off of me just in time.

‘’Frank, are you coming to bed?’’ Tori asked quietly, appearing at the entrance to the kitchen with a tired face and bed hair.

‘’Yeah, I’m coming,’’ he replied, flashing me a quick smile before he got up and wiped his hands on his jeans, following Tori out of the room.

Wait a flip fucking second, he left me here to clean up this mess by myself! And that’s not even counting the dishes! That bastard…I think I like him…O.o

And for that thought (which I can’t have anymore, he’s dating Tori, God damnit!) I should stab myself a million times with a bunch of cacti. Frank isn’t mine. He’ll probably never be. Yet there still burned a flame of hope inside of me that told me otherwise...
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i dont love you-my chem<3333 :D