Your Way Is My Way-a Gerard Way Story

Cuddle Buddies!

I sighed. ‘’Do your worst. And by your worst I don’t mean sleeping with you, so don’t even mention that one.’’
‘’Ha ha, no not that. Number one, you have to cuddle with me in my bed tonight.’’
That might not be so bad. ‘’Fine, I’ll do it. But JUST cuddling. What’s the second thing I have to do?’’
Gerard laughed. ‘’Yay, cuddle buddies! Okay, the second thing you have to do-and I know you’ll love this one-you have to kiss me.’’
Now, this is where I start freaking out. ‘’Kiss you? As in like a peck, or a full on make out session?’’ I asked. I felt my heart beat speeding up a bit.
‘’Whichever one you want,’’ Gee said, ‘’but personally I would prefer the second one.’’ Of course you would, Gerard, because you just love torturing me. Well, technically it’s not torture if you enjoy it…
‘’Fine,’’ I said. And without even thinking, I pulled Gerard down to my level and kissed him full on the mouth. I think it surprised him quite a bit, because he pulled back a little at first.
We just lay there, kissing for a while. It got a little more intense at one point, and that’s where I had to stop. I felt Gerard’s hand start to go into the ‘’Danger Zone,’’ and that’s where I drew the line.
‘’No, I can’t,’’ I said, pulling myself out from under him, ‘’not tonight. And I told you before that I’m not like that, Gee.’’ I sighed and plopped down on his bed, pushing my hair back.
Gerard got up and sat down next to me. ‘’I’m sorry. I know this is a lame excuse for what I almost did, but I’m a guy. That’s just our instinct.’’
I looked up at him, but he wouldn’t look at me. Ah, what did I just do?! I didn’t wanna hurt him…
‘’Is that option to sleep in your bed still open?’’ I asked him, trying to break the awkwardness.
‘’Yeah, you can sleep here. I’ll go somewhere else if you want.’’ Gee started to get up from the bed, but I didn’t want him to go. ‘’No,’’ I said, grabbing his hand. ‘’I want you to stay here, please don’t leave because I’m a lame excuse for a girlfr-,’’ I stopped myself from saying that dreadful word: girlfriend.
That stopped him from leaving.
‘’Did you almost just say what I think you said? Girlfriend?’’ he asked, looking at me happier than before.
‘’Just go to sleep, drop it. And I did not say girlfriend.’’ I plopped my head on the pillow, and I felt Gee lay down next to me, mumbling something I couldn’t hear.
‘’So does this mean we’re dating now?’’ Gerard asked after a few minutes.
Why did he have to ask that? Questions like that confuse me.
‘’We’ll talk tomorrow. Go to sleep, my lazy ass vampire…’’ I laughed a little to myself.
I fell asleep, resting my head on Gerard’s chest. That’s always a good way to fall asleep. As soon as I was knocked out, I began to dream of the night I met MCR.
I remember every detail as if it happened just yesterday.
I was at one of their concerts in Chicago with my friend Jamie. Jamie’s dad had some connections to the band, so he got us both some backstage passes. I was super excited; MCR had been my favorite band for a long time. I’d already seen one of their concerts, but that was before Gerard got sober in August of 2004. And plus, this was their Black Parade tour, completely different from their Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge tour.
So after their concert was over, Jamie and I headed backstage to meet the band. As soon as I saw them, I began to freak out (no shit, who wouldn’t be freaking out? Ha ha). What should I say? Does my hair look okay? Is my underwear sticking out (as if that’s a bad thing for the guys)? All these questions were running through my mind as we approached them.
Once we all got talking, we just clicked and automatically became friends. In fact, I felt so comfortable talking to them that I told them about my situation at home. My dad passed away when I was twenty due to over dosing on crack. My mom was always an abusive parent to me, and I would have to live at my friend’s houses from time to time.
They were so understanding of what I had to deal with when I was younger, and that just made me feel a lot better. I also told them how at the time I was completely broke and was living with Jamie. They asked if there was anything they could do to help, but I just told them to keep in touch because I wanted to stay friends with them. So a few months later, I was with Jamie in her apartment, and we got into a huge fight. Jamie had developed a drinking problem, so I confronted her about it. It didn’t end well. I ended up getting all of my things and leaving Jamie’s place for good.
The first thing I did was call Gerard to tell him what happened, since the band and I talked a lot and updated each other on what was new in life. Since MCR was in the area, they picked me up in their tour bus. I felt like the luckiest girl alive. They let me tour with them for the rest of their Black Parade tour, which was absolutely AWESOME! During the whole tour, I developed close relationships with each band member, especially Gerard. He was the one who let me on their tour and saved me from hoboism.
After the entire tour was over (after months of traveling, a person could get exhausted), the band decided to stay in L.A. for a while, just relax. I was considering looking for a home there so I wouldn’t bother MCR more than I already had. Well, it was safe to say that they would not let me go anywhere else. Since we had all become such close friends, they considered me, Anna Lynn Perry, as part of My Chemical Romance. There began my very amazing journey with five very amazing people.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Ugh, stupid alarm clock again. I started to get up from the bed to shut off the highly annoying noise, but it decided to shut off by itself. Oh wait, never mind. Gee shut it off. I plopped back into his bed, definitely not ready to move yet.
‘’Hey,’’ I heard Gerard whisper in my ear. I love when he does that. ‘’You never answered my question last night.’’
I was still half asleep, so I had no idea what he was talking about. ‘’What question, and why are you bugging me literally right after I woke up?’’ I asked him, half mumbling.
‘’I asked if this means we’re dating now,’’ he said, and I felt him sit up next to me. I did the same.
‘’I’m not really sure,’’ I said, brushing through my knotted hair with my fingers, ‘’usually someone has to ask someone out in order for it to be a relationship, and I don’t remember either of us doing that last night.’’
I looked at Gee out of the corner of my eye, and that’s when I began to get nervous. Gee was shirtless. Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God… I NEVER REALIZED WHAT A PERFECT BODY HE HAD, HOLY CRAP!! Okay, okay, calm down, deep breaths, try not to look, try not to- DAMMIT I looked again…
‘’Well, there’s only one way to settle this,’’ he said, putting his arm around me, and I nearly had a heart attack just from him doing that. ‘’Will you finally, finally, FINALLY be my girlfriend, Anna?’’ he asked, gazing at me with those eyes… I’m surprised I’m not dead yet.
I was surprised he said ‘’finally.’’ Had he liked me all along, not saying anything, and I was such an IDIOT not to see it? Without hesitating, I threw myself in his arms, and yelled, ‘’ HELL YES, I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU TO ASK THAT, FOR, LIKE, TWO YEARS!’’
Gee hugged me back, and it felt so good to be in his arms. To know he was mine.
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blah blah sucky ending =/
vampires will never hurt you-my chem <3333 :D