Your Way Is My Way-a Gerard Way Story

Crazy Druggies And PLatypeese

Gerard’s been passed out the remaining four hours it took to get to New Jersey. Frank woke him up though, in a way that I’m not even going to tell you because it was VERY disturbing, even for Frank’s standards. We got there around 3 p.m., but it’s not like you could even tell what time of day it was. The rain here was worse than in Maryland, and the sky just looked like one giant grayish black cloud. Come to think of it, it looked more like weather for a tornado than just a regular storm…why must crazy shit follow me wherever I go?! It’s like someone up there decides what to do with my boring mundane life. I can just imagine Zeus, sitting high up on his cloudy throne, saying ‘’today, Anna and her friends will be caught in a tornado.’’ If I ever have the chance to zap Zeus, I would do it. He’s having too much fun zapping people and destroying their lives in some way shape or form.

So, as I’ve mentioned before, we have now arrived in New Jersey. The concert tonight has been moved to tomorrow night because of the bad weather. I think we’re all going to be staying at a house Gerard rented out during our time here. That is, if we can make it there before this ‘’storm’’ destroys the tour bus. I’m starting to wish we parked at that truck stop a few miles back…

When we finally finally got to our destination, everyone was running around like lunatics, grabbing their bags and a jacket, extremely eager to finally get off this cramped portable box called a bus. As I ran out of the bus with my hood up and dragging my over heavy bags behind me, I almost ran into Frankie, who ran back to the bus because he forgot his guitar.

It was several minutes before we were inside the house Gee had rented out, all of us soaking wet and tired.

‘’SOLID GROUND!!’’ Frank cried out, kneeling down and kissing the dark purple rug.

No one even bothered putting his or her things away, we all just rushed around, fighting for room space. I knocked Bob down a couple of steps as I raced past him up the staircase.

‘’MY ROOM!!’’ I called out, claiming a room at the end of the hall with a double bed and all the essentials. Oddly enough, the room had bright green walls. YAY!!

I collapsed down onto the bed, letting out a huge sigh as I heard doors being slammed from all around the house.

‘’MIKEYKINS, LET ME IN!! YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME!!’’ Frank yelled, banging on the door across the hall from me. Tehe, Mikey locked Frank out XD.

Gerard soon entered the room, holding up a big bag of potato chips. I now realized just how hungry I was.

‘’YAY!!’ I squealed, jumping up and stealing the bag from him. I grabbed a big handful of the precious food and shoved it into my mouth; quite a few of the chips didn’t make it in.

Gerard just stared at me, slightly amused at my actions.

‘’Ha, you’re so vicious when you wanna be,’’ he laughed, sitting next to me and lying down with his hands behind his head.

‘’NO!’’ I exclaimed, my mouth still full of chips, ‘’I’m juff weally hunkwee.’’ We both laughed at how funny I sounded with my mouth full.

We headed down into the living room, only to find everyone on top of each other in a big pile…to add to the funniness of it all, Frank was heard making sex noises from under poor Ray…obviously, this was VERY disturbing…but yet it looked SO fun…

‘’WEE!! I’M JOINING IN!!’’ I cried out, running and landing on top of Bree. I heard a loud ‘oof’ from underneath me.

‘’Ha, NOW who’s the rapist?!’’ Bree yelled laughing, and I heard Frank groaning from a few people below me.

‘’RAY, I’M PRACTICALLY EATING YOUR AFRO!!’’ Frank yelled, and he struggled to get up. Needless to say, we all toppled over.

‘’FRANK, YOU ARSE!! Thanks to you, my ass has experienced more MCR-inflicted pain,’’ I whined, eventually getting up and skipping over to Gerard. He hadn’t joined in our ‘bang gang,’ if you could even call if that. It was more of a ‘Pile of Pain.’

I jumped onto his back.

‘’PIGGYBACK RIDE, GEEGEE!!’’ I screamed, and he ran around with me on his back, while everyone else was off doing his or her own thing. I’m pretty sure they were already plugging in the Play station, because I could here bomb noises and sounds of people shooting each other. Well, maybe there was a war going on outside, how would I know the difference?

Gerard carried me into the kitchen, spinning us around a few times before letting me off his back. We collapsed on the kitchen floor for a few minutes, closing our eyes and relaxing. The poor guy was so tired that he almost fell asleep. ALMOST…no thanks to a highly unwanted visitor.

Gee started mumbling from next to me, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying at first. His words slowly became more legible.

‘’Mm…Anna, stop tickling my arm,’’ he groaned, fidgeting around a little.

Wait, what the hell? I’m not tickling his arm…

‘’Gee, honey, I ain’t touching your arm,’’ I said, obvious confusion in my voice. Is Gerard going insane?

He opened his eyes. ‘’Then what is crawling…’’ he looked down at his arm that was farthest from me and stopped what he was going to say, because the next thing that came out of his mouth was, ‘’SPIDER!! AH, AH, KILL IT, KILL IT, KILL IT!!!!’’ He jumped up off the floor, flailing his arms around everywhere, running around in circles and screaming random curses. I couldn’t concentrate because I was laughing so damn hard.

The spider fell onto the floor, and Gee ran behind a kitchen chair and hid to the best of his ability. He looked like he was going to cry. Aw, I feel so bad…

‘’PLEASE KILL IT!!’’ he yelled, and I felt bad, so I at least tried to contain my laughter. I took napkin and squished the bug. Which, mind you, was smaller than a dime. I hate spiders too, but that one wasn’t so bad. Now daddy long legs-those cursed things are a completely different story in itself…

I chucked the napkin in a garbage can so Gerard would calm down somewhat.

‘’The two things I hate most in this world: spiders and needles,’’ he said, some relief in his voice. He got up from his hiding spot, taking my hand and we entered the living room. By now, the Play station was set up and Sky was versing Bree in some random game that involved a lot of shooting. Woo, shooting stuff is fun XD.

‘’Idiot, you’re not supposed to shoot ME, I’m on your team!’’ Bree yelled, sticking her tongue out at Sky.

‘’Hey, it’s NOT my fault, you had an invisible target on your forehead,’’ Sky smirked, giving Bree the finger.

This continued on for a while, until I got the brilliant idea to go run around in the pouring rain XD.

(Me: idiot, you’re going to get struck by lightning…) (Parker: yeah, and then you’ll be glowing!) …Err, okay? Wait, Parker, you’re still here? (Parker: mhm, I’m rooming in here inside your head for the time being) Oh Joy… (Me: WAHH!! YOU DIDN’T TELLME YOU WERE LIVING HERE!!) (Parker: oh…well I am! ISN’T THIS EXCITING?!) (Me: err…no. Now I need to get an endless supply of pie, or I’ll never hear the end of it from you…-_-) (Parker: YAY PIE!! Wait, you don’t have any yet?) (Me: umm…no…) (Parker: …O.o *war cry * *starts another cat fight *) Oh my God, you two NEVER stop fighting!! I doubt I’ll be able to pry you apart with a crowbar.

Alrighty then, where was I? These internal arguments always screw with my concentration…Oh yeah, running around in the rain fully clothed X]. Whose stupid idea was that? Mine, obviously. Ha, I’m so proud of my stupidity.

While we ran around, looking like complete and total idiots to any innocent person watching, Gerard took it upon himself to become the ’GeeGee Monster,’ scaring the living shit out of everyone because you wouldn’t see him but then he would pop up randomly. I love Gee to pieces, but even I was scared, mainly because I was his specified target. O.o

I ran and hid behind a big tree that was situated in the front yard, which provided some protection against the annoying rain but not much. I was still soaked through to my skin. I heard a couple of loud screams coming from down the road, figuring that Gee must’ve gotten one of the girls. I spotted a shadow running around in front of the house across the street. Looking closer through the heavy rain, I saw that it was Lacey.

‘’Lacey!’’ I said, loud enough for only her to hear. She saw me, ran through a few puddles and I pulled her behind the tree with me.

‘’W-where is everyone?’’ she whispered, her voice shaking because of the cold rain, even though she had a windbreaker on.

‘’I’m not sure, but who was the one screaming from down the road?’’ I asked, my eyes searching the area around us. I found it weird that Lacey and I were alone.

‘’Oh, haha I think that was Frank. I saw Gerard jump into the bush he was hiding in, I don’t think he was expecting it.’’ Ha, now I feel bad for Frank. The Geester got to him, oh no! Wait, that high-pitched girly scream came from him?!

‘’That scream didn’t sound like Frank’s, I thought it was one of you girls’,’’ I giggled, wiping my nose because a big raindrop had landed on it.

Lacey laughed too. ‘’The poor boy, I don’t think he’s even hit puberty yet.’’ Oh wow, I think I actually agree…

I suddenly heard running footsteps, running in our direction from behind, Lacey and I not daring to move in case they saw us. Out of nowhere I felt someone grab me by the waist, pick me up and put me on their shoulder. I realized it was Gee, and Lacey ran out of there like a bat out of hell. I started screaming.

‘’NOO, GeeGee Monster, put me down!!’’ I yelled, kicking my legs everywhere and almost getting him in the face at one point. Gerard just laughed, not even caring that we were getting drenched as he carried me down the street, which was looking less like a street and more like a lake by the second.

‘’Sugar, if I were you I’d be quiet, before you wake all the druggies in the neighborhood.’’ Now that shut me up. I’ve always had this intense fear that one day some crazed drug addict would jump me. It’s already happened once, and I would prefer if history didn’t repeat itself.

After a few minutes of walking, I became curious as to where we were going.

‘’Uhm…where are you taking me exactly?’’ I whispered, in fear of what my crazy boyfriend had planned for me.

‘’Oh…just my secret lair,’’ he replied nonchalantly, but from his tone of voice I could tell he was smirking. Meh, wipe that smirk off your face, little mister! Who said you were allowed to abduct your own girlfriend?! Wait…haha I just realized that I was yelling at him in my head again…mhm…yeah Anna, ‘cause he can REALLY hear your thoughts…well, he could if he was Edward from Twilight…O.o

Suddenly, a loud scream could be heard from a few houses down. Gerard stopped walking, both of us listening to find out what was going on. A running figure soon appeared through the thick rain, the person had come running out of a house close by as if he or she were being chased.

Gerard let me off his back, just in case we were forced to run. The person neared closer, they were probably around fifty feet away from where Gee and I stood. When a kitchen knife could be seen being brandished over the person’s head, Gerard and I ran for our lives, running through puddle after puddle as running footsteps were audible behind us.

‘’RUN!! DA PLATYPEESE, THEY HAVE COME TO DESTROY THE HUMAN RACE!!’’ the person, now recognized as a ‘he,’ yelled from behind us. Hm…’platypeese’ must be the plural of ‘platypus.’ But my brain didn’t have time to register that, for my boyfriend I are currently being chased by a madman with a kitchen knife. What a wonderful way to start off our two-week break.

As we rounded a corner, Gerard pulled me out of Psycho’s view and into an overgrown shrub. Psycho kept running past us, not noticing that we were no longer in front of him. I guess Gerard wasn’t kidding when he said I shouldn’t wake the druggies…

Gee was lying on top of me, his hand clamped over my mouth until we both thought it was safe. Gerard got out of the prickly shrub and helped me out, seeing as my limbs were numb from the still-pouring ice-cold rain. We quickly ran in the opposite direction that the crazy guy had gone, since we had passed our house in our attempt to escape the armed madman. Once Gee and I were safe and warm inside the house, we collapsed onto the floor, our breathing heavy and oblivious to the fact that six of our friends were staring at us like we were crazy. They were all wrapped in towels and drinking either hot cocoa or coffee (definitely coffee in Mikey’s case).

Wait, did I say six people? Hmm…one, two, three, four, five…six…two people are missing. And from the looks of it, Frank and Sky were the only ones not present. A wave of panic shot through me from head to toe.

‘’W-where is Sky a-and F-F-Frank?’’ I shivered, not even bothering to get off the floor.

‘’Frank went out to find your sis, no one was able to find her,’’ Ray said quietly as he towel dried his hair.

‘’What do you mean, ‘no one was able to find her?!’ MY SISTER WENT MISSING AND NO ONE BOTHERED TO TELL ME?!’’ I screamed, now getting off the floor to glare at everyone. I kicked the wooden front door with a considerable amount of strength, it didn’t even hurt. Although, my foot DID leave quite a big crack where it hit. Oh shit, this isn’t even our house…oh well, SEE IF I CARE!!

I was two seconds away from screaming at each and every person in here. Unfortunately for me, I was right behind the door when it flung itself open, hitting me in the nose.

‘’FUCKNUGGETS!!’’ I yelled, clutching at my nose, which was bleeding from the impact.

Frank and Sky entered the room, I only knew this because everyone was asking ‘’Where have you been?!’’ or ‘’What took you two so long?!’’

Gerard didn’t even care that they had returned, he was more concerned with my nose problem.

‘’I’ll get you some ice,’’ he told me, racing off into the kitchen.

‘’Sky!’’ I shouted to the best of my ability, since my nose was hurting me badly.

She ran at me and tackled me to the ground like a football player. She was still soaking wet, so her wetness rubbed onto me.

‘’BANANA!’’ she yelled happily, squeezing me into a hug. I only put one arm around her, keeping my other hand fixated on my nose.

‘’I was being chased by some madman,’’ she told me, helping me to my feet while everyone else went back into the living room except for Frank, ‘’this psycho guy was running after me with a kitchen knife and screaming about platypeese or something…I thought I was gonna get killed. Well, until Frank came along and pushed the guy when he wasn’t looking, he dropped the knife…’’ she looked toward Frankie with a smile.

‘’Whoa, whoa, hold on, what did you do to him after he dropped the knife?’’ I asked as Gerard came back with an ice pack and hot chocolate.

‘’You guys saw the same guy we saw?’’ Gee asked, handing me the two items.

‘’I guess so, but Frank, tell them what you did,’’ Sky replied, forcing Frank to answer as she nudged him repeatedly.

‘’Okay, okay, quit it, Ms. Nudgy Pants…wait, what am I supposed to tell them?’’ he asked stupidly, looking toward my sister in confusion. Oi…

Sky just glared at him, but I guess that must’ve helped with his thinking process because he remembered the answer.

‘’Oh! Yeah, I killed him and threw him into a bush,’’ Frank said proudly, standing on his tipie-toes and putting on an over-happy grin that was VERY frightening. Only Frank could pull off looking like this and still being somewhat attractive (to Sky lol).

‘’YOU WHAT?!’’ Gerard yelled, beating me to the yelling, ‘’Frank, are you crazy?! Now we’re gonna have the cops on our tail!! The next place everyone will see MCR shall be in MUG SHOT PICTURES!!’’ Gerard edged closer and closer to Frank, who kept backing away. Frank put up his hands as if to surrender.

‘’Chill dude, I was kidding,’’ Frank said calmly, ‘’I just beat the crap out of him and he just ran back to wherever he lives. Well, limped actually.’’ Thankfully, Gerard looked relieved.

‘’Yes, and he beat him up all by himself,’’ Sky said proudly, walking closer to Frank and giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Frank was grinning like an idiot. Which, well, I guess you could say he is.

I just sipped at my cocoa, not saying another word. The ice pack that I was holding to my nose was slowly numbing the pain away.

Gerard, Frank and Sky had gone off into the living room with the others, leaving me to myself. I put the ice pack back in the freezer, dumped the rest of my cocoa, went upstairs and hopped into the shower. I found myself singing the first song that popped into my head; The Ghost of You by MCR.

‘’At the end of the world, or the last thing I see, you are, never coming home, never coming home, could I? Should I? And all the things that you never ever told-‘’ I stopped singing because I heard someone banging on the door. ‘’FRANK GO AWAY!!’’ I figured it was him, since his bladder always picks the worst times to empty itself.

The door opened and who I assumed was Frank ran in. ‘’I’m not Frank,’’ Gerard said as he did his business.

I blushed insanely. Have I ever mentioned that his voice makes me feel like a retarded puddle? No? Oh, well it does.

‘’Ha, were you expecting Frank or something?’’ Gee asked as he flushed and turned the sink on.

‘’No,’’ I giggled at the tone of jealously in his voice, ‘’it’s just Frank is usually the one to come into the bathroom whilst I am in the shower.’’

Gee left the bathroom, so I finished my shower and put on a big Power Rangers t-shirt and Gerard’s Spongebob boxers. I found him waiting in our bedroom, curled up under the bed covers and humming to himself. So I decided to give him a heart attack and jump on him since he wasn’t looking.

‘’OOGLIE BOOGLIE!!’’ I screamed, jumping on all fours on top of my poor boyfriend. He looked ultra petrified.

‘’Don’t…do…that…Oh God,’’ he breathed, trying to catch his breath. Then he noticed what I was wearing.

‘’What is it with you and my boxers?’’ he laughed, pulling me closer so he could hug me.

‘’Your boxers are smexxy, and I am stealing these because Spongebob is plain amazing,’’ I replied, getting under those warm, cozy covers that were literally calling me.

‘’Oh, so we’re sharing underwear now?’’ Gee laughed, leaning over to give me a kiss.

I pulled away. ‘’Well, we COULD share underwear… I’ve always wondered how you would look in a bra…’’ I smirked at him. ‘’But what’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is yours. Your way is my way, GERARD Way.’’ I stuck my tongue out at him. ‘’Sorry, just had to add that in there.’’

He stuck his tongue out at me, gave me another quick kiss, and drifted off to sleep. I, on the other hand, couldn’t get to sleep to save my life. Even after a busy day like this I was wide-awake. Maybe it was because the two voices inside my head were still in a catfight (if you know what’s good for you, you won’t ask too many questions about that). The main reason I was wide awake, I think, was because there was a constant nagging in the back of my head. And the nagger kept telling me one thing, over and over again; I shouldn’t have come to New Jersey.
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welcome to the black parade-my chem<3333 :D