Your Way Is My Way-a Gerard Way Story


I wiped my eyes and got up, sitting next to Mikey on the couch.
‘’Yes, well I have a problem. I just saw your brother cheating on me…with Lyn-Z…’’ I said, my voice getting choked up. Mikey’s eyes got wide.

‘’WHAT?! WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING HERE?! I swear that girl is some deranged stalker, she refuses to let Gerard be happy with someone else…’’ Mikey said, letting out a big sigh and giving me a hug.

‘’Just talk it out with him when he gets back, I’m sure something must’ve happened along the way…I’m beginning to think Lyn-Z drugged him or something, no one in their right mind would make out with that pig-faced whore,’’ Mikey said, pulling away and getting me to laugh lightly. Mikey wiped away a stray tear from my face, and that’s when I remembered that he’d been crying too.

‘Mikey, why did it look like you’d been crying when I came in? Do you really miss your coffee that much?’’ I asked, trying to lighten the mood and get him to laugh. His face only showed loads of stress and nervousness as he ran his fingers through his dark brown hair.

‘’Well…while you all were out, someone came to visit…and they didn’t exactly bring the best news…’’ he sighed, biting down on his lip and staring at the ground as if there was something intently interesting down there.

I just stared at him blankly. Honestly, I have no idea what he’s talking about.

‘’There are three words you should know,’’ he said with a sigh, ‘’Jamie. Is. Pregnant.’’…O.o WHAT THE FUCK NUGGETS?!?!

I got wide-eyed, but I didn’t say anything. He continued on.

‘’She came here while you and everyone else was out, and I noticed she looked a smidge bigger in the stomach area. She showed me some papers after telling me she was pregnant, and- surprise, surprise- I’m the father. Apparently, the last time we…err…had sex…was over a month ago, the day before she cheated on me and I found out. She didn’t’ tell me about being preggy sooner because she’s been in rehab for the past months, she finally got help for her drinking problem. She just got out yesterday, so she found me and decided the best thing to do was tell me about her pregnancy. Obviously, I didn’t take it too well…’’

Wow…well that was a lot of info to take in, holy fuck nuggets!!

‘’Whoa…’’ was all I managed to say.

‘’Yeah, and then she wanted to know what we should do about the kid. She was all for putting it up for adoption, but I said no. if I’m gonna be a father, then I’ll be a damn good one. And then…she didn’t think she’d be able to handle raising the baby. And since her and I aren’t getting back together, she wanted to know if I could take care of it after it’s born for a while…or at least until she gets her life back on track.’’ Mikey sighed shakily. ‘’And I said I would.’’

‘’Mikey, a kid is a big responsibility, are you SURE you can handle this?’’ I asked, not too sure on how Mikey would deal with this whole situation. If he does take care of this kid, I sure as hell hope he doesn’t mistake it for a fork and try ad force it into a toaster. That would just be…weird. *shutters *

‘’I know I can do this; I’m just not sure what I should do about Tori. I love her, I seriously do, and we aren’t even dating yet, and I’m afraid that this will ruin my chance with her, and…and…and…my life sucks!’’ Mikey was almost in tears again, so I hugged him comfortingly.

‘’I think we both need to get our minds off today, how about we watch a movie with ice cream, just you and me, best friend time?’’ I asked, getting up and tousling Mikey’s hair a bit.

‘’I think that’s exactly what we need…’’ he chuckled, stretching and walking over to the movie cabinet next to the tv.

I went into the kitchen, dug through the freezer, and hit the jackpot; coffee flavored ice cream. This ought to make Mikey’s day…well, night actually, seeing as it’s currently 10:25 p.m.

I walked back into the living room with two bowls if coffee ice cream topped with whipped cream, finding Mikey putting a movie into the DVD player. He walked over to me, took his bowl and we sat down just as the movie started.

‘’What are we watching?’’ I asked, my mouth full of ice cream.

‘’You’ll see…’’ he smirked, and then he realized what kind of ice cream I brought.

‘’Damn, I LOVE YOUUUU!! COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE!!!!’’ he screamed, bouncing up and down in his seat repeatedly which caused me to scoot away from him slowly.

‘’Uhh…Mikey, you’re scar-OH SHIZNITS YOU PUT ON SPACEBALLS, AHHHHHH!!!!’’ I screamed, bouncing around in my seat too and completely forgetting about the whole Gerard fiasco. Spaceballs is my FAVORITE MOVIE EVER MADE!!

‘’Yep, I thought we both needed a little laughter, and this movie is perfect for that,’’ Mikey laughed, settling down and engulfing his ice cream.

Through most of the movie I just stared at the screen, my eyes hardly ever blinking in fear of missing anything. Me and Mikey were lying on the floor in hysterical laughter as my favorite scene came up. Captain Lone Starr and Barf were in a space diner, and this random guy at the counter orders the ‘special’, he ate it and felt funny, when suddenly this weird alien thing comes out of his stomach and starts singing and dancing. If you’ve seen Spaceballs then you know what scene I’m talking about.

‘’I-imagine having that weird alien thing as a pet?!’’ Mikey choked out, holding his sides as he rolled around on the floor with me.

After the movie was over everyone still wasn’t home yet, but I was exhausted.

‘’Hey Mikey, can you get me some paper?’’ I asked. Mikey left the room and returned with a pen and paper in hand.

‘’What are you doing?’’ he asked, trying to look over my shoulder as I wrote but I purposely blocked his view.

‘’Writing my Christmas list early, dipshit,’’ I replied sarcastically. I looked over at Mikey, who was giving me the most confused look ever. I had to laugh at that.

‘’I’m breaking up with Gerard…’ I sighed, writing these words down that I’d hoped I’d never have to say:


Hope you had fun with your whore Lyn-Z tonight. Yep, that’s right, I saw you two. Yes, I’m mad. Yes, I wish it was legal to kill people. But most of all, I’m hurt and disappointed. Have a nice fucking life, and FYI- I’m leaving tomorrow. Don’t even try to stop me. It’s over.


Mikey read through the whole letter, his face looking crushed when he was finished.

‘’Y-you’re leaving? But you can’t, we all need you here!’’ he complained, his face showing genuine sadness. Ugh, this is just making it a whole lot harder to say goodbye…

‘’Mikey, I have to. I can’t stand looking at his face every day and knowing that he did this to me. It’s not fair. I couldn’t handle it.’’ I have everything planned out in my head, although Mikey wasn’t supposed to know I’m leaving. No one was, it would make ‘goodbye’ WAAYYY too hard, I’d end up being convinced to stay anyways. Since everyone will most likely have hangovers tomorrow morning, I’ll probably leave around 7 a.m., just in case. That leaves me enough time to get a cab to the airport and go somewhere far away…like Canada! Perfect. Thankfully, I never emptied my bags when I arrived here. I’ve basically been living off my suitcase. So I’ll just call a cab and I’m all set. All that’s left to do is forget…which I don’t think I’ll ever be able to do. These people saved my life, how do you forget something like that? They saved me from my mom, Jamie, depression and most importantly- myself. This is going to be much harder than I thought it would be…

Mikey just shook his head solemnly, and lay down on the couch, falling asleep after a few minutes.

Now, to give my note to Gerard. I didn’t want to give it to him in person, I’d never be able to bring myself to do it. Maybe I should tape it to his pillow or something…

So I ran upstairs with the note and some tape, sticking it to his pillow. I grabbed my bags and brought them down to the den with me, not wanting to sleep in the same bed as Gerard tonight. That is, if he even gets in. he could’ve gone to Lyn-Z’s house for all I know. The thought of it nearly made me sick.

Luckily I somehow was able to get some sleep, although I’m not sure how that was possible. All that had been running through my head as I tossed and turned were my memories with Gerard, which felt like centuries ago. Just two days ago we were running down the street away from a crazy druggie/hobo thingy who’d been screaming about human-dominating platypeese whilst holding a knife. Just two days ago we’d talked about sharing underwear (even though it was all pure sarcasm). And then there’s my birthday present from him, which I refuse to get rid of, even at a time like this. It was a silver heart locket with our initials engraved on the back, while inside was a small picture of him kissing me on the cheek, and my face was all scrunched up. It was my favorite picture of the two of us.

I stopped staring at the picture, taking off the necklace and chucking it across the room, letting it hit the wall. I made sure the alarm on my phone was set for 7 a.m. so I’d wake up on time, and after awhile I fell asleep.

Bleep. Bleep. Bleep. WHERE’S THE DAMN OFF BUTTON ON THIS THING?! I SWEAR I-oh, there it is…I finally turned the alarm button off on my phone, getting dressed and making my way upstairs to the front door. Luckily, everyone was still asleep. I heard them come home around 3 a.m., but I’m not sure if Gerard did. I sighed, not wanting to know everyone’s reactions when they realized I was gone, and stepped out of the house. I called a cab, which arrived in about fifteen minutes, and got to the airport. It took a while for the plane to arrive for Quebec, Canada, but when it did, I had to force myself onto it. I showed the ticket lady my ticket, after putting my main luggage on that luggage belt thing, and boarded the plane. This was bound to be interesting.

I looked around on the plane, only carrying my Green Day messenger bag when I spotted an empty seat next to a girl who looked like a combination of Bree and Lacey. She had auburn hair with blue and purple highlights, bright blue eyes, while wearing a Bullet For My Valentine hoodie, light blue skinny jeans and purple converse. Hm…

‘’Hi, mind if I sit here?’’ I asked, pointing to the seat next to her which was closest to the isle.

‘’Nope, go right ahead, I don’t bite…I just nibble,’’ she laughed as I sat down next to her.

‘’I’m Anna,’’ I said, sticking out my hand for her to shake after I’d put my bag near my feet on the floor.

‘’Nikki,’’ she smiled, shaking my hand lightly.

‘’So what brings you on this plane? Wait, wait, let me guess…’’ she said, closing her eyes and thinking for a minute. ‘’You’re getting away from a boyfriend, or ex boyfriend, because you caught him cheating…or, well, it could be her…you never know with today’s society…but I have nothing against people who like the same gender,’’ she said smiling. I couldn’t help but laugh a little at her cautiousness.

‘’Yep, how did you know? It’s a he, by the way, and yes, Gerard did cheat on me…’’ I sighed, hating the memory of seeing him practically eating Lyn-Z’s face off.

‘’Gerard? As in Gerard Way?!’’ Nikki almost yelled. I had to put my hand over her mouth.

‘’Yes, that’s him. And how did you know why I was here?’’ I asked, really wanting to know the answer to this one. Am I really that predictable?

Nikki took my hand off her mouth. ‘’You’re just an easy person to read, plus it was a lucky guess.’’ Oh…well it would’ve been cool if she could read minds. Damn…

‘’Oh…well why are you here?’’ I asked, feeling comfortable talking to Nikki. She seems like a cool girl so far.

‘’Uh…same situation as you, actually,’’ she sighed, turning her gaze to her purple converse. ‘’I’ve been staying with my boyfriend this week in Belleville, and I went out for a while to do grocery shopping, since he never does it, and I come home two hours later to find him in bed with another girl, and a stripper at that! So yeah…now I’m going back home to Canada.’’

‘’Wow…that sucks, I’m so sorry,’’ I said truthfully, and I have to say, being cheated on fucking sucks.

Nikki and I somehow got into a cool conversation on animals, causing a lot of fellow passengers to stare at us as if we were two diseased octopuses…or OCTOPEESE!! (Reminds me of platypeese lol).

‘’My favorite animal is a platypus. In fact, I happen to have a pet imaginary platypus named Onch! He’s best friends with Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb,’’ Nikki said proudly, causing us both to burst into hysterics.

‘’Well, I have a pet imaginary fainting goat named Ernie, who is best friends with…Phillip the Nickel!’’ I said randomly, sounding like a complete idiot to anyone who might be listening…damn eavesdroppers… like that old lady sitting behind us! I know she’s listening because every time I turn around catch her staring at Nikki and I…do I smell of something? Stupid crazy old lady, go back home to your 49 cats and straight jacket…

‘’I have an imaginary pet fainting goat named Ernella, she could be Ernie’s friend! YAY, GOATY FRIENDS!’’ Nikki yelled, causing quite a few people on the plane to say ‘’SHH!!’’ XP

‘’Oh…and I forgot to mention…Onch is a goat-eating platypus…’’ Nikki said awkwardly. NO, MY POOR ERNIE!!

After a while of weird talk amongst ourselves, I told Nikki about the crazy guy that chased Gerard and I, the one who was ranting about platypeese or something. Nikki thought that was really funny.

‘’Ha, Onch will rule us all one day,’’ she laughed.

‘’Yeah, okay,’’ I said sarcastically, ‘’and Plankton from SpongeBob is going to magically steal the Krabby Pattie Secret Formula.’’

‘’Hey, that could happen!’’ Nikki said defensively.

‘’He’s have to kill Mr.Krabbs first, just give Krabbs a check for $1,000,000, he’ll have a big enough heart attack that will kill him,’’ I laughed, not even sure where all this randomness was coming from. Talking to Nikki seems to take my mind off of Gerard.

That’s when I realized my phone had been vibrating nonstop for the past hour or two. I guess everyone woke up and realized I was gone. I checked my missed calls, seeing that I had 59 from Bree, 56 from Tori, 58 from Sky, 44 from Lacey, 35 from Frank, 38 from Bob,34 from Ray,47 from Mikey and 160 from Gerard O.O.Holy shit, these people are desperate to talk to me. Oh, and50 missed calls from Bam. I’ll call him later.

The flight attendant was going around, telling everyone we’d be landing shortly. Great, now I just need a place to stay.

‘’Are there any good hotels here in Canada?’’ I asked Nikki, who had an IPod headphone in one ear. I could hear ‘’Holiday’’ by Green Day being played.

‘’Uh…I don’t know any near where I live, I think the closest one is about five miles away from the airport.’’ Nikki stopped talking for a second to think. ‘’You could stay with me for a while, if you want. I’ve got plenty of room at my house.’’

‘’Sure, thanks a ton,’’ I smiled, grateful that she was willing to take in some random girl that she met on a plane.

I eventually drifted to sleep, only this was no ordinary dream. I saw memories flashing before me like a slideshow, most of them of me and Gerard. That is, until the memory of Gerard with Lyn-Z popped up, which ruined everything. This was no dream, this was a nightmare.

I woke up with a start, feeling clammy and sweaty. Nikki looked at me with concern.

‘’Are you alright?’’ she asked, pushing a piece of hair out of her face.

‘’Yeah, I’m fine…just had a nightmare,’’ I breathed, thankful that I was awake and away from all the drama. A fresh start is exactly what I needed. And a fresh start is exactly what I will aim for. I just hope nothing gets in my way on my road back to happiness…
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drowning lessons-my chem<3333 :D