Your Way Is My Way-a Gerard Way Story

Bury Me Alive

One month later…

I flipped through the channels on the tv monotonously, having absolutely nothing better to do since Nikki was off doing God knows what. Yeah, I’m living with Nikki now, her and I are now best friends. Don’t think I’ve forgotten about my other friends (who I’m sure are back on the road by now, having the time of their lives and…forgetting about me…). Although none of them have tried to come and find me. Then again, I didn’t tell them where I was going…they could be looking for me and I wouldn’t even know it. The thing is, I don’t want to be found. Let me start a new life, one where I wouldn’t have to think about Ger-him. I can’t even say or think his name anymore, brings back waaaay too many memories…

But yeah, back to Nikki. She knows all about my past, and I know about hers.

Nikki DiCamillo’s (who just so happens to be Dico’s sister) parents are both dead, they died in a major car crash when Nikki was 12. Her older brother Brandon DiCamillo (Dico, as we know him), took care of her, seeing as he was 19 at the time. Nikki had a hard time in school, always being made fun of for being ‘that weird girl’ and she was known for getting into fights. Now that she’s out of school, Nikki and her band ‘Bury Me Alive’ are working on making it big. The other band members, whom I’ve met and befriended, go as follows…

Jake and Jason Friedman- (the ‘Jakeson’ twins) play lead guitar and rhythm guitar. These two are the loud-mouthed annoying twins of the group, who also have fun sarcastic personalities. I have the hardest time telling those two apart, and what makes it worse is they trick me into thinking they’re the opposite person. They both have longish light brown hair and green eyes, plus they’re hair is EXACTLY THE SAME as each other’s. Jason (I think…?) refuses to dye his hair a different color to help me out a bit. How rude. Regardless of their annoyingness, I love them both like brothers.

Then we’ve got Sean Bender, the random, crazy, normally fun loving bassist. Sean reminds me a lot of Mikey in a way, their personalities are really similar. Ha, funny how they both play the bass. Sean is also a pretty big klutz, which makes me feel a bit better about my clumsiness. He has black hair that goes into a fringe, blue eyes and snakebites (if you don’t know what snakebites are, they’re those double lip ring things where you have one on each side of your lip). Sean’s also really good for advice, so I tend to go to him a lot whenever I start missing him again. Sean, like the Jakeson twins, is like an awesome brother to me.

Lastly, but not leastly, we have ‘Bury Me Alive’s’ drummer, Angie Donohue. Yes, they have a girl drummer; you don’t see many of those around. Besides Bob, she’s probably one of the best drummers I know. She has a fun, loud, psycho personality that reminds me a lot of, well, myself. She has black scene hair with blue highlights, light hazel eyes, and she’s a BIG MCR fan…which doesn’t really help with the depression I’m falling into…Angie is dating Sean, they’ve been together for well over a year. Angie and I have become great friends, her and I tend to go out a lot with Nikkikins :D

So anyway, out of the ‘’New Character Analogy’’…thing. I got accepted into the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for writing short stories (I’m not going to Massachusetts, so I’m still going to do an online program). In the mean time, I’ve been working in a Starbucks not too far from here. It pays pretty well, but I got the day off today because I called in sick…even though I’m really not. Work has me exhausted, plus I’ve been working on an essay for school that’s taking me forever. Right now- I need me time. Me time consists of watching crappy tv shows whilst eating ice cream like the fat ass I am. I know, sounds like fun. Haha, jealous peeps…O.O

I flipped through random tv shows for awhile until I stopped at Viva La Bam. I sighed, it was an all-day marathon. Guess I know where I’m staying for the rest of the day; seated on this couch, watching Bam and his friends destroy his parent’s lives. I haven’t talked to him (or any of my other friends, for that matter) since I left them all back in New Jersey. I wonder how Bam’s doing…

I little while later I heard the doorbell go off. I got up from the couch, expecting it to be someone from the band or something. Instead, it was someone I hadn’t expected to see whatsoever.

‘’Bam?’’ I said questioningly. And there he was, standing on the front porch…only he didn’t look too good. His hair was a mess and he looked slightly depressed, to be honest.

Well this is quite ironic.

‘’Hey, Anna,’’ Bam replied quietly, ‘’before you ask, everything’s fine…’’ Hmm…my crap sensors are tingling…O.O

‘’Uh, alright then…what are you doing here? Wait, how the hell did you manage to find me?’’ I asked. Now I was curious.

‘’I have people, and I thought I’d come to see how you are,’’ Bam said, forcing a smile. Something’s not right. This isn’t Bam at all; the Bam I know is hyper and fun, but this side of him is quiet and depressed. Something must’ve happened…

‘’Oh, okay well come in,’’ I said awkwardly, letting him inside and closing the door behind us. We sat down at the dining room table.

‘’Missy left me,’’ Bam sighed as soon as I sat down. I nearly fell over in my chair.

‘’What the fuck, what happened?!’’ I said astonished. From what Bam last told me, he and Missy were going great. And now this?!

‘’She left me for some other guy a week after you left. Said something about how I was an embarrassment to her. She filed for a divorce and it went through like a week ago,’’ he said quietly. I could tell he was pretty torn up about this.

‘’Wow, Bam I’m so sorry,’’ I said sincerely. I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

‘’I’m alright, really,’’ Bam replied, smiling to prove his point, ‘’I’m actually pretty okay with it for the most part. I’ve even started looking to date again. I guess you could say I move on pretty fast.’’

I laughed a little. ‘’Any luck with the dating yet?’’ I asked. Before you jump to conclusions, no, I’m not looking to date Bam. I haven’t dated at all during my time here, and Bam’s just a friend. So to those of you who wanted to believe a ‘’Banna’’ could happen, sorry to disappoint. It’s not going to happen.

‘’Nah, nothing yet,’’ he said, ‘’I could always date Dico or something…’’ He looked at my astonished face and laughed. ‘’I’m kidding.’’

‘’Speaking of Dico, this is his sister’s house that I’ve been staying at,’’ I told Bam.

‘’Yeah, when I found the address I told Dico to find out where it was located, and Dico said that it was his sister’s house up in Canada…is she hot?’’ Bam asked hopefully. I just laughed and slapped his arm.

We did some more catching up for awhile, when I heard the front door open and people talking. I guess Nikki has returned home, and she brought the band.

‘’Anna? You here?’’ I heard Nikki ask, and I saw her peek her head into the dining room.

‘’Oh, there you are…are you Bam Margera?’’ Nikki asked, fully walking into the dining room. Jake, Jason, Sean and Angie followed.

‘’Yep, and you’re Nikki?’’ he asked, staring at her with a look of…happiness?

‘’Yeah, and these are our friends Jason, Jake, Angie and Sean,’’ Nikki replied with a smile. What the-is Nikki blushing?! O.O

Bam was about to say something, but the Jakeson twins interrupted.

‘’So, when are we packing?’’ one of them asked, clapping their hands together.

‘’Yeah, when are we going on tour anyway?’’ the other one asked, looking at his band mates for an answer. Jake? Or Jason? AGH I’M SO CONFUSED, WHICH ONE IS WHICH?! I-wait, did they say they’re going on tour?! O.O

‘’Wait a second, why are we packing? What tour? What’s going on?’’ I asked. Angie was the first to respond.

‘’Well we ran into a band manager…Brian, MCR’s manager!!’’ she yelled out of excitement. Oh dear God, I can already see where this is going…

Angie was too busy hyperventilating, so Sean sighed and continued whatever she was going to say. I think I have a pretty good idea of what it was…

‘’We talked for a while, told Brian we were in a band, and Brian said that MCR was looking for a supporting act for their shows. And we got the spot.’’ Sean wasn’t as happy as everyone else; he and Nikki are the only ones who know about my past with MCR and…*gulp *.

‘’So wait, you guys are touring with them?’’ I asked. I could already feel a lump forming in my throat.

‘’Yeah, and so are you, nimrod,’’ one of the Jakeson twins said, ‘’we told Brian we were bringing you along. Weird, he told us he knew who you were when we mentioned your name…’’ his voice trailed off, and he looked at me for a response. Nikki was busy talking to Bam, and from the looks of it they were flirting. Oh this is just great. Now Nikki can’t save me from this conversation.

‘’Uh, when are we leaving?’’ I asked, trying to change the subject.

‘’Tomorrow,’’ Sean sighed, looking at me with a look as if to say ‘’I’m sorry we’re putting you through this.’’ And that was it. I ran upstairs and headed to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I dug through one of the drawers under the sick until I finally found it. A razor. Holy crap am I nervous. I have to face him again. I can’t do this. I looked down at the shiny metal object in my hand. Well, I haven’t done this in quite a while…

Here goes everything…


Mikey’s POV

‘’GERARD!!’’ I yelled as I pounded on his closed bedroom door, ‘’PLEASE COME OUT!!’’

‘’FUCK YOU MIKEY, LEAVE ME ALONE!!’’ he replied. Nice Gee, real nice to say to your already-depressed younger brother…

I gave up finally; I’ve been at this for two hours. Ever since Anna left, Gerard shows his face only when it’s absolutely necessary. Even then it’s a major struggle to get him out of that room. I’m worried about him, I think everyone here is. And now that we’re back on the tour bus, everyone’s worried that Gee will try to leave when the bus stops. He’s fallen back into depression, that much is obvious. Well, he did this to himself. You cheat on your girlfriend, you get what you deserve.

In other news, (ha, I sound like one of those annoying news reporters), I’ll update you on the other things that have been happening. Sky and Frank have finally gotten together, thank God. Took them long enough…and then we have the ‘’I’m having a baby with Jamie’’ problem. Um…let’s just say Tori won’t speak to me now. She hates the idea that I’m having a kid with someone else, and now I’m being avoided. Great going Mikey, get the girl you’re in love with to hate you. Wait, why the hell am I talking to myself?…O.O

‘’Mikey!’’ Ray called from the tour bus living room. I woke out of my trance.

‘’What Afro Boy?!’’ I called back, walking into the living room to find everyone else seated on the couches.

‘’Brian just called,’’ Frank said from underneath Sky, who was seated on his lap, ‘’we got a support band for our shows.’’

I plopped down next to Bob and Lacey and snuck a quick peek at Tori. She was staring at her checkered Vans.

‘’Oh, that’s cool who’s the band?’’

‘’They’re from Canada, called ‘Bury Me Alive.’ From what Brian said, they were really good. They’re just starting out, so he thought this would help them make it big. Oh, and get this- they’re bringing a friend along…’’ Ray said, but something in his voice told me he wasn’t finished talking.

Okay, they’re bringing a friend, big deal. ‘’Oh, who’s they’re friend?’’

‘’Anna,’’ Bree said with a sigh.

Whoa, wait, WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

Speaking of Anna, do you have any idea how bland it’s been without her liveliness entertaining everyone? This past month, the girls have mainly been…quiet. I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW IT WAS POSSIBLE FOR A GIRL TO BE QUIET!! Hm, well this is weird. I just got the sudden urge to lick a fork, WHAT THE FUCK?! O.O… okay, not the point here…

‘’Anna? As in our Anna? The same Anna who left a month ago? The same Anna who was in love with our beloved Gerard? The same Anna-‘’

‘’YES, YES, THAT’S HER!!’’ Tori yelled, turning her stare off her shoes to glare at me. God, she has the most beautiful icy blue eyes…

Ironically enough, Demolition Lovers has popped into my head…oh my God, MIKEY FOCUS!!

I suddenly snapped back into reality. Anna’s coming back. I’ve got to tell Gee.

I ran off the couch to Gee’s door and pounded on it until my hands hurt.

‘’GEE!! ANNA’S COMING BACK!!’’ I yelled. I kept banging on the door for a few minutes. Gerard didn’t respond. I sighed in defeat, ending my rant and I stormed back into the living room.

Gerard’s POV

No way. Mikey has to be lying. Anna’s not coming back. She shouldn’t come back, not after what I did to her. I’ll always hate myself for it.

Just to clear some things up, no, I’m not with Lyn-Z. She coaxed me into getting drunk with her; I’m not even sure how she did it. And she came onto me; I was too stupid and drunk enough to go along with it.

That one moment ruined everything I had. The girl I’m in love with hates my guts. I’m back into the deep depths of depression…

I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself…

But maybe, just maybe, if Anna is really coming back…

I can fix what I destroyed…

But one can only hope.
♠ ♠ ♠
im not okay-my chem<3333
i promise, things will change here sooner than you think.