Your Way Is My Way-a Gerard Way Story

Now Really, Could This Get Anymore Cliche'?

The Next Day in Gerard’s POV

Okay, so apparently Anna really is coming back. Actually, according to Mikey, she and ‘Bury Me Alive’ should be here any minute. And what makes it worse is we’re sharing our bus with them. I’m probably going to have to share my room with some of the band members because there are three other beds where I sleep. Not that I’ve actually gotten much of any sleep the past month. The guilt of it all has been eating me alive; I miss Anna more than anyone will ever know. I’ve secluded myself in my room with the necessities; my Ipod, art supplies, a coffeemaker and a razor. You could probably guess why that last item’s in here…

I lay down on my top bunk, staring at the ceiling and contemplating a question that was driving me insane. Should I go out there and face Anna when she gets here? Or should I stay hidden in here like the cowardly bastard I am? *Sigh *

I checked my phone for the time; April 9th, 9:43 p.m. Wait, what the- April 9th? It’s my birthday already? Meh, it’s not like anyone will care, Mikey’s the only one who cares about my well being anymore. Frank, Ray, Bob and I put up with each other for the sake of the fans. Other than that, they and their girlfriends can’t stand me, most likely because I was the cause of Anna leaving…

A little while later I heard a knock at my door. Before I had the chance to tell the person to go away, in walked Mikey holding something behind his back and out of my view.

‘’Mikey, what-‘’

‘’Happy birthday, Gee,’’ he said, climbing up to the top bunk and handing me a thick envelope. I reluctantly took it, opened it up, and saw what Mikey had given me- $8,000.

‘’Wow…Mikey, thanks so much,’’ I said sincerely, ‘’but what’s all this for?’’

‘’It’s your birthday present, I didn’t know what to get you,’’ Mikey replied, ‘’plus I kind of owed you a lot of money…’’

I talked to Mikey for a while; it felt good to talk to someone, I haven’t properly done so in weeks. Maybe it’s because I’ve become quite the hermit…

‘’I gotta go talk to Tori about something…’’ Mikey said after a while, hopping off the bed and going to the door.

‘’Oh, and um…we’re meeting up with everyone at a nearby club called Embrace,’’ Mikey piped up before he left the room and closed the door behind him.

Everyone. Everyone as in them. Them being our support band…

Then also meaning Anna.

Well, I guess I’ll have to face her now. I’m positive Mikey will force me out of my room one way or another…

You know, sometimes I really hate myself.

Anna’s POV

Something about today had me very on-edge. Hm, maybe you know why? Yes, because apparently I’m reuniting with my American friends and him. To be quite frank, I am scared shit. I bet Gee’s with Lyn-Z and he’ll have her there with him…and…what the fuck- I said his name. AGH!! O.O

Well anyway, my five Canadian compadres and I are all waiting for My Chem outside of this club called Embrace in Chicago, Illinois.

‘’Where the hell are they?!’’ one of the twins complained, while the other one was trying to pick up girls…-.-‘… and um, Angie and Sean are sort of busy making out, while Nikki and Bam (yes, we brought Bammie along :D) are deep into conversation on this awesome band called H.I.M. Me- well, I’m just sitting against the club wall, huddled in my The Used hoodie and hiding the scars on my wrists.

I haven’t exactly been the most social person as of late…but hey, understandable, right?

Several minutes later (although it felt like centuries to me), the big black tour bus pulled up in front of the booming club. Onlookers stopped to stare.

And then they piled out.

First was Mikey and Tori, followed by Ray and Bree, Bobward and Lacey. Then Frank walked out…well, actually tripped out, that klutz…Sky came out and helped him up though.

Out last was a very depressed-looking, quiet, surprisingly alone Gerard. Whoa, back up- what the hell happened with Lyn-Z?! O.O

Everyone went around with introductions, but I stayed firmly where I was against the wall. I noticed Bam, Nikki and Sean glaring in Gee’s direction. Wow, he looks so…sad. Ha, I bet Lyn-Z broke up with him. Well boohoo for you, Gee, what goes around comes around…but that doesn’t mean I ever stopped loving that man…*sigh * Maybe I should try and talk to him sometime tonight…

We all headed into the club (after evading many MCR-crazed fans, which was quite the intimidating experience), and after a minute or two I realized all my friends had disappeared to somewhere else. Great, you just watch; they’ll all be pissed that I left without saying goodbye. I really don’t blame them…

I tuned out the obnoxious noise that was Lady GaGa (I swear these kinds of clubs need a better taste in music) and sat down at a nearby empty booth. I was alone for two mere minutes, when, surprisingly, Mikey, Jake and Jason appeared. Without permission, they squeezed into the seat in front of me. I raised an eyebrow at them.

‘’We know about you and Gerard,’’ Jake and Jason said in unison. Mikey was staring intently at the ceiling, which could only mean…


‘’Michael James Way, what did you do?’’ I said as calmly as possible.

‘’Well,’’ Mikey said, biting his lip intently, ‘’I wanted to see how you were holding up about the Gerard and Lyn-Z thing, and I didn’t want to ask you because I knew you’d either lie or rip my throat out for mentioning it, so I asked them. They didn’t know what the fuck I was talking about, so I explained the situation.’’ Mikey gulped. ‘’You’re not going to rip my throat out…right?’’

I had to laugh at how freaked out Mikey was. ‘’No, I’m not going to rip your throat out, Mikeykins…’’ I turned to Jake…or Jason…I really need to learn to tell them apart… ‘’Sorry for keeping my past a secret from you guys, it’s just a hard thing to talk about and I’ve been in a pretty fragile state lately…’’

The twins both smiled a bit. ‘’It’s fine, we totally understand.’’

I talked to my three amazing guy friends for a while, and although no one else showed up to talk, I felt…better. Better than I’d felt in a while. And suddenly, I felt the need to talk to Gerard. To see if what I saw really wasn’t what it looked like…

The problem is, how the FUCK am I going to bring up the courage to do this?! O.O

(Me: you really should talk to him…) O.O What the- where the hell have you been?! I haven’t seen you in- well, actually I haven’t heard from you- in WAY too long! (Me: yeah, I was still here, but I got rid of Parker) hmm…she was quite the odd one…had this weird obsession with pie…but oh well, I take it you know what’s been going on lately? (Me: hell yeah I know, and if I EVER see you touch that razor again missy, I will hold a pie convention in your head and allow Parker back in here!) O.o yeah, you definitely have my word on that…

A little while later, after assuring Mikey and the Jakesons that I’d be okay by myself, they went back to where everyone else was. Which leaves me…alone -.-’. Maybe I should get up and walk around a bit, I think my damn leg is falling asleep.

Which is what I did. I struggled to shove through the ‘dancing’ people (if you could ever call It dancing. To me it looked like everyone was humping while standing up. You could imagine I was uncomfortable.). In the midst of my struggling, I felt my phone vibrating in a way that told me I had a text message. Once I got out of that tight environment, I checked my phone to find that Bam had texted me, saying:

Guess who’s got a date with Nikki tomorrow? :D

I smiled a little; Bam is one of the few people who can get me to smile even when I’m feeling crappy. I replied with a ‘congrats’ and continued walking around. As you can probably tell, clubs aren’t exactly my thing.

I was staring to feel claustrophobic after a while, what with people knocking into you every time you turn around, so I headed outside. The minute I stepped out, I was hit in the face by a cloud of cigarette smoke, causing me to cough for about a minute straight. I was never one for smoking either.

To the right of the whole ‘smoking gang’, I spotted MCR’s manager, Brian, on the phone. I was about to go over and talk to him, but from the looks of it, he was mad at the person he was talking to. Out of nowhere, I became curious. I snuck past him and hid between two cars that were parked near him by the curb.

I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to hear.

‘’Look Jamie,’’ Brian sighed. Wait, did he say JAMIE?! O.O

Brian was cut off and I heard yelling coming from the other end of his phone. You know, that person sounded a hell of a lot like Mikey’s ex girlfriend…O.O…I’m really not liking where this is going.

‘’Look, I know I agreed not to tell Mikey, but shouldn’t he know? You told him you were having HIS kid, not mine…’’

‘Jamie’ started yelling again, from what I could tell, and-wait, Jamie…and Mikey…and-BRIAN?! JAMIE IS HAVING BRIAN’S KID?! (Me: O.O’ *faints *) Okay now this is just fucked up.

I didn’t even hear the rest of the conversation. I immediately got up from my hiding spot and ran back into the club. I searched frantically for any of my friends, I just needed to tell SOMEONE!

And without warning, that someone came all right.

I ended up colliding straight into Gerard.


That was my initial reaction when I saw him; O.O.

I stared up at him while I sat on the tiled floor; once again, my arse is in pain. But that’s not important right now. No, what’s important is the fact that I can’t stop staring at Gerard. (Me: *throws cookie at inside of Anna’s head *) AGH, why do I DO this to myself?! *sigh * Well, it’s not like he’s looking away. In fact, he was staring directly at me while I sat on the floor looking like a complete and total dodo bird -.-‘. Actually, his staring is starting to get a bit creepy. I’d have expected him to walk away by now O.O.

Gee looked like he was about to say something, but he was interrupted.

‘’Hey Banana, are you alright?’’ I heard Bam call from behind me. Within a second, Gerard had disappeared into the crowded ‘dance’ floor.

I picked myself off the ground, turning around to find Bam looking at me concerned. Nikki stood right next to him with a similar facial expression.

‘’Y-yeah, I’m fine,’’ I said rather stupidly. My panicked facial expression was a pretty big give away to the fact that I was not okay.

‘’Psh,’’ Nikki said, rolling her eyes, ‘’Anna, you’re shaking, your face looks like a piece of paper with eyes, and you just had physical contact with Gerard. Do you honestly expect us to believe that you’re okay?’’

Damn, this girl knows me too well.

I stuck my tongue out in a mocking manner and walked past them. I don’t need people to worry about me, I’m perfectly okay.

I’m as okay as someone who should be in a psych ward.

Hm, I can name a few people like that.

Frankie, as an example.


Jumping Jesus, where has all of this sarcasm come from?!


I think Gerard knocked my old personality right back into me.

Thanks a lot, asshole.

The damned guy can’t even let me be depressed -.-‘.

I finally found Mikey, sipping on a beer and hanging out with everyone except Gerard. I really don’t care where he disappeared to; he probably left to go stick his tongue down some whore’s throat. Good going, Gee; have fun getting STD’s.

I tapped Mikey’s shoulder while he was in the middle of a conversation with all the guys. He turned around and smiled.

‘’Hey Banana, how are y-what’s wrong?’’ he asked, a little confused when he saw the worry etched into my face.

‘’I need to talk to you. Now. It’s important.’’ I glanced over at the other guys; none of them looked mad at me for leaving them about a month ago. In fact, I was getting grinned at…but Frank and Bob’s grins were sort of creeping me out O.O

Either they were really happy to see me, or they were just very very drunk.

God, boys and their alcoholic beverages -.-‘.

Mikey nodded and we walked about ten feet away from the rest of the guys. I wasn’t exactly sure how Mikey would take this. I mean, he thought he was having a kid with Jamie, but it’s actually his manager’s O.o.

‘’What’s wrong, Banana?’’ Mikey asked as a group of four girls giggled at him like outrageous groupies. This pissed me off, to say the least.

I sighed. ‘’Should I beat the shit out of them for you?’’ o asked, but Mikey shook his head.


Mikey and I stood silently for a few minutes. Then suddenly, I blurted out this next comment.

‘’Jamie-is-having-Brian’s-kid,’’ I said quickly. Boy, did I have bad timing. Mikey spit out his beer, almost hitting me with it. ‘’WHAT?!?!’’

And then I explained the conversation I’d overheard with Brian on the phone with Jamie. Mikey’s face was hard to read. He looked confused, angry, sad, and…happy? O.O Michael James Way, you are one confusing stick of awesomeness.

I let out another sigh. ‘’I’m sorry Mikey, I really am.’’

Mikey shook his head slowly before letting out a smile.

‘’Don’t be sorry; I wasn’t actually ready to have a kid, and especially not with that THING. Now, first order of business; I’m off to go fire Brian. Secondly, I gotta ask the guys about hiring Bam as our manager.’’

I laughed. ‘’Bam as a manager? Remember, your crazy idea, not mine, Mikeykins.’’

Mikey smiled, giving me a hug and walking toward the club entrance to find Brian, most likely.

I had to use the bathroom, so I went towards the back of the club. I got pushed and shoved by random people quite a few times, but when I got to the very back to the club near the restrooms, I only saw Jake and Jason standing outside an unknown door. O.o okay then…

‘’Hey guys,’’ I said happily as I walked up to them. The fact that Bam might become My Chem’s manager somehow lifted my mood.

‘’Hola Banana,’’ the twin on the right said. Before I could say anything else, Jake and Jason grabbed me by the arms, opened the door to what I assumed was a closet, and locked me in.


Holy f-nuggets. Those bastards will never have the chance to have children once I get out of here.

I straightened myself up, not even looking at my surroundings as I pounded on the door yelling at those two barnacle heads.

‘’LET ME OUT OF HERE BEFORE I HANG YOU BOTH FROM THE TALLEST TREE I CAN FIND!!’’ I screamed. It only took me a few seconds to realize I wasn’t getting out of this closet anytime soon.

It took me a few more seconds to realize I wasn’t alone in here…


‘’They locked me in here too, and believe me, we’re going to be in here for a while,’’ a quiet but distinctly familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around quickly, only to find myself face-to-face with a very familiar pair of hazel eyes and black hair.

The one and only, Gerard Way, ladies and gents…


Now really, could this get any more cliché?
♠ ♠ ♠
famous last words-my chem<333 :D
so long for now, chikas and chikos