Your Way Is My Way-a Gerard Way Story

Thank You, Kitchen Appliances

I hate her. Tori hates her, the guys hate her, even the kitchen appliances hate her! She’s been here for five days now, and the coffee pot’s already burned her and the frying pan fell on her foot yesterday. Yippee! But my point is, everyone is sick of her already. I even think Mikey thought it was a mistake bringing Jamie here, because every time he sees her coming into the room, he runs right out and goes into the bathroom. I think it’s to go throw up in the toilet from seeing her hideous face, but you could never know with Mikey. Maybe he can’t hold his coffee down.
So this morning I wake up –cuddled next to Gee and still half asleep- when I felt someone poking my face again. Geez Mikey, didn’t you learn already after the first time? YOU DO NOT POKE MY FACE WHILE I AM SLEEPING, YOU IDIOTIC BUTTHEAD!!
Finally, after a minute of having my face attacked again, I had hit my boiling point (keep in mind that my eyes are still closed and my face is towards Gerard and away from the poker).
‘’CAN YOU STOP THAT?!’’ I yelled, forgetting that I was right by Gee’s ear.
‘’AH!’’ Gerard screamed, falling out of the bed thanks to my loud scream. He’s probably going to get me back for this later.
‘’Oh, sorry!’’ I heard someone on the other side of me proclaim. That didn’t sound like Mikey. It sounded like a thing that really should be living under a boulder right now instead of in our apartment. Jamie. Dun, dun, DUN! What a pleasant surprise (obviously sarcasm).
‘’Anna, get UP!’’ Jamie yelled. God, her voice is obnoxious. Just hearing her talk makes me want to contemplate suicide! But it’s not like I haven’t contemplated that before. I would never go back to that again, but those times were just so dark. My dad had just died of OD, my mom had kicked me out of the house for the millionth and last time, and I was alone. Alone, in a different motel every other week. This was before I lived with Jamie, but personally I would’ve rathered to stay in the motels. I dealt with serious depression problems for over a year, finding a solution that I thought was the only way out: cutting. I thought that it would help me, that all of my problems would disappear. Oh, how I was wrong. Most of my problems had left once I started living with MCR, and Gerard was the antidote for my cutting problem. Sorry, trying not to go on a rant here, just thought I needed to explain that.
‘’What do you want Jamie?’’ I groaned, turning over to face her, ‘’Oh, and sorry Gee, I forgot you were there.’’
‘’Wow, someone really cares…’’ Gee replied, getting up off the floor, kissing me on the cheek, and heading out of the room. I caught Jamie staring after Gerard hungrily. Calm down Anna, don’t rip the bitch’s eyes out…yet…you can’t help that your boyfriend is a bitch magnet.
‘’What is it Jamie?’’ I asked again, getting agitated that she wasn’t answering my question.
She put on an evilly fake smile. ‘’You had a phone call before, but I told them you were still sleeping.’’
‘’Who was it?’’
‘’Your mother.’’
My what? MY MOTHER?! No, no, this has to be some sick little joke she cooked up to get me upset. The last time I saw my mother I told her never to call me again. She hasn’t called in two years.
‘’What do you mean my mother called?’’ I asked, trying to depict any form of a lie hidden in her nightmarish face. I’d known Jamie long enough, unfortunately, to figure out if she’s lying or not. This time, I saw no lies. Only the 100% evil truth.
‘’She asked where you are, but seeing as I don’t want that psycho abusive woman near here –especially near my Mikeykins- I told her to go kill herself and leave you alone. You’re welcome.’’ She said, skipping happily –and evilly- out of my room.
Well, that was somewhat nice of her…I think? At least she didn’t say where we are right now. But yet she did it to save her and Mikey’s ass, so I think I’ll go on hating her for the time being.
I sighed and plopped back down on the pillow, when I realized that Tori was still sleeping in the bed next to me, talking in her sleep.
‘’Mikey stop, that tickles,’’ she murmured, and I heard her turn over, ‘’Mikey, that really tickles, stop it you knucklehead, before I have to bite you.’’ I heard some giggling. Hold on a minute…
‘’Ouch! Be careful of my cast!’’ I heard someone shout from Tori’s bed, that someone being Mikey. Oh shit, what did they do?!
That was enough to get me up. I jumped out of my bed and peered over Tori’s, seeing two people snuggled together.
‘’Um, what are you two doing?’’ I asked, not really sure if I wanted to know or not.
‘’Huh? Oh hey, Anna,’’ Tori said cheerfully, hopping out of her bed –fully clothed, thank God.
Mikey got out of bed too, stumbling slightly. ‘’Good morning, must go get coffee before I do anything active,’’ he said, giving me a quick hug and walking out of the room like a zombie. Dear Mikey, I’m afraid you might’ve already done something active. Last night. With Tori. If you didn’t, I’m sorry. But what am I supposed to think when I see you two in bed together and she’s giggling and you’re ‘’tickling’’ her?!
‘’Tori…’’ I said slowly.
‘’Anna…’’ she replied in he same tone.
‘’What did you two do?’’ I whispered, just in case anyone named Jamie Burgess was eaves dropping.
‘’We didn’t do anything,’’ Tori said, her voice sounding slightly disappointed, ‘’we’ve become friends of late, and it was just harmless cuddling. Until he started tickling my rib cage and I bit him right next to his cast, but that’s not the point.’’ She stopped talking for a second, and she stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut. A second later, I heard a scream and a bang and then Tori said, ‘’leave me alone bitch, before you lose your ears!’’
Tori walked in –looking mighty proud of herself, if I might add- and we continued on with our conversation.
‘’So yeah, do you think Mikey likes me?’’ Tori whispered, knowing that Jamie would be listening.
‘’I don’t know,’’ I admitted, ‘’maybe, you two have seemed to be getting along great lately, far better than the Witch.’’
Tori smiled hyperly. ‘’Yay! I really hope so! I’m also hoping that Jamie will fall in a hole or something, a hole too deep to climb out of. Or, Oo I know! Duct tape her to a wheelchair and push her down a huge hill, with dogs chasing after her! Or, even better! We could shoot her in the head and make it look like she did it, you know, a suicide? Do you think Jamie is suicidal? Hmm…I hope so, I don’t want blood on our hands…’’
Tori started to get changed into new clothes, still rambling none the less. I just left the room, I needed food or coffee or Gerard before I could absorb anymore information.
Everyone was seated around the table, eating away at bagels and drinking coffee like there was no tomorrow. Well, actually only Mikey was like that, him being a recovering coffee addict and all. Apparently he isn’t ‘’recovering’’ from his caffeine addiction though, he was already on his third cup of coffee this morning. I wonder if you can die from drinking too much coffee. I think I’ll tell that to Mikey later, just to watch him freak out.
I seated myself next to Gerard and I stole his bagel, biting off a big piece and shoving the rest in his mouth. He struggled to take the over sized chunk out, coughing while doing so, while the whole table –except for Jamie, who laughs at nothing except my pain- started laughing. Mikey accidentally spit out his coffee while doing so, causing to it land on Jamie who was seated next to him like glue. This caused the table’s laughter to grow louder. That is, if tables could laugh, which I’m sure they can’t.
Tori came downstairs, her hair in a messy bun, and she sat on the other side of Frankie. I watched as her movements became more intense while she glared at Jamie and Mikey. Tori picked up a knife and started stabbing her bagel with unnecessary force. The glass dish broke in half.
‘’Oops,’’ she said, picking up the pieces and throwing them in the garbage, ‘’that was an accident.’’
Jamie snorted. ‘’Yeah, and so were you.’’
Tori froze where she was. ‘’Excuse me? I was an accident?! At least I’m not a two-faced whore like SOMEONE at this table!’’
Jamie stood up. ‘’Yeah right, I’M the whore. I think you’re talking about your little friend Anna, not me.’’
Why bring me into this? ‘’Leave us the fuck alone, shut your bitchy little mouth, or get the fuck out of here!’’ I said, standing up in my seat, but Gerard held onto my arm in case I decided to lunge for her throat.
‘’Come on Mikeykins, lets go, we don’t need these low life losers,’’ Jamie said, grabbing Mikey’s arm and pulling him out of his seat. She was halfway out of the kitchen, when I made a break and tackled her to the ground, punching her in the face and pulling her hair with all of the anger she’d caused me. I felt a heavy blow to the side of my head, and everything went black.
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dead!-my chem<3333 :D
tehe dont worry anna didnt die :p