If MCR Took a Trip to the Zoo O.o

If MCR Took a Trip to the Zoo O.o

*MCR had the day off from recording, so they decided to take a trip to the zoo. They arrived, paid the entrance fee and began their exploration. *

Mikey: so, what should we see first?

Frank: *in a kid’s voice * OH OH WE SHOULD GO SEE THE MONKEYS!!

Gerard: um, why? So we can return you to your brothers and sisters? I think the fans would be pretty pissed when they find out you left My Chem to move back in with mommy and daddy chimpanzee.

Ray, Bob and Mikey: *hysterical laughing *

Frank: *pouting * yeah, yeah, make fun of the short guy… let’s just go, the monkeys are right over there…

*They all walk over to the monkey cage *

Frank: *ahead of everyone * *looking at a nearby Capuchin monkey * aw, you’re a cute little guy…

Bob: *whispers to Ray * I wonder if that monkey can speak idiot.

Ray: *struggling to contain his laughter *

Frank: I heard that! *Sticks his finger into the cage * aw, you’re a cool little guy…Hey, can we keep him?

Mikey: I thought we agreed that any family members we discovered here would stay here?

Frank: okay…? When did I agree to that?

Mikey: just now.

Frank: damnit, tricked again by the guy who forgets to unplug the toaster before he puts his fork into it…

Gerard: ha, that sounded so wrong…

Frank: *ignores Gerard and looking at the monkey who was coming closer to him *

Ray: *randomly bursts into laughter *

Monkey: *upset by Ray’s laughter and pokes Frankie in the eye * OHH AHH AHH EEEEEEEEE!!!!

Frank: OW!!!! *Backs away from the cage with a hand over his eye * DAMN MONKEY!! WHAT THE FUCK, RAY?!

Everyone else: *almost peeing themselves with laughter *

Frank: *sighs * *sees a 10 year old boy chewing gum * *evil smirk * payback time, Raymond…

*5 minutes later *

Gerard: *finally stops laughing * hey, has anyone seen Frank?

*Everyone stops laughing and looks around *

Bob: yeah, where the hell is Monkey Boy?

Mikey: probably off getting food, the fat ass…he better bring me back a coffee!

Frank: *watching from a nearby tree as the 10 year old boy walks over to Ray *

Boy: *points to Ray’s Afro * hey mister, is that your real hair?

Ray: *looks at the boy with a raised eyebrow * um…yeah? Why?

Boy: because it looks really cool…hey, I think there’s something caught in it…I’ll get it out!

Ray: *a bit confused * er…okay…*bends down to the boy’s level so he can reach *

Boy: *looks at Mikey, Bob and Gerard who are all busy in a conversation * *spits his gum into Ray’s hair *

Ray: *feels the gum get caught on his head * what the-

Boy: *runs away laughing *

Ray: *sighs and tries to pull the gum out of his hair * damn kid, how am I supposed to get this out?!

*The other 3 guys notice Ray tugging at his hair *

Mikey: do I really wanna know?

Frank: *walks back over * hey guy…Ray what’s wrong with your hair?

Ray: *still tugging at the gum * some random kid came over and spit his gum in my hair!
*Everyone but Ray bursts into laughter *

Frank: *thinks: kids will do anything for ten bucks… *

*A little while later at the kangaroo cage *

Gerard: *looking at a HUGE female kangaroo * Haha, hey Mikey, come check out this cool kangaroo, it’s the fattest one in here!

Mikey: *busy eating a Popsicle * no way, I heard that kangaroos pee on annoying people…

Ray, Bob and Frank: *back away from the cage *

Gerard: *still there * yeah okay, I don’t believe that. I haven’t gotten peed on yet, have I?

Kangaroo: *hops over to Gerard, cocks her head to the side and pees on Gee’s foot *

Gerard: *jumps back from the cage cursing *

*All the guys stare at Gerard, highly amused *

Mikey: Gerard…did you just-

Gerard: yes Mikey, a kangaroo peed on me.

*Everyone but Gee is doubled over in laughter *

Gerard: *wiping off his shoe with paper towels that a random person gave him * yeah, yeah, you’ll have your laughs Mikey, just wait until we see the crocodile exhibit…

Mikey: *stops laughing * …O.O

*Later on at the crocodile exhibit *

Gerard: okay, here we are…

Mikey: *nervous * uh, I gotta use the bathroom…

Bob: *spots a bee * hey look a bee…

Frank: Mikey quit being a chicken and face that fucker…

Ray: who’s the fucker?

Gerard: the crocodile, idiot.

Ray: *sees the crocodile glaring at Mikey and sitting on a rock * oh yeah…Hey Mikey, aren’t you like petrified of those things?

Mikey: -_-‘ *gulps *

Gerard: *sighs * *grabs Mikey’s arm and drags him to the front of the glass *

Mikey: I hate you…

Gerard: who, me or the crocodile?

Mikey: both of you!

Frank: you love ME though, right Mikey?!

Mikey: sure Frank, sure…

Bob: *still staring at the bee that was now following him * hey, I just remembered something…

Ray: what’s that?

Bob: I’m allergic to bees…O.O


Crocodile: *hisses at Mikey *

Mikey: -crocodiles…O.O *runs away from the tank * AHHHH CROCODILE SCARY!!!! *Jumps into a big open trashcan that was mainly empty *

Bob: *realizes that the bee is about to sting him * MAKE ROOM IN THERE, YOUR FUCKER!!!! *Hops into trash can with Mikey *

Frank: *laughing * w-where did they go?

Gerard: *laughing * *shrugs *

*Gee, Ray and Frank find Bob and Mikey hiding in the trashcan *

Ray: *laughs * trashcan sex?

Mikey: *gets out of the can * no you idiot, that fucking crocodile hissed at me and I got scared.

Bob: *climbs out of the can also * yeah, and I almost got attacked by a bee…

Gerard: *smirks * I think it followed you out here, Bob… *points to the bee behind him *

Bob: O.O AHHHHH!!! *Dives back into garbage can *

*A few hours later, with Mikey calmed down, Bob out of the trashcan and the gum still in Ray’s hair, the boys were in the limo on their way home. *

Gerard: I just realized a lot of crazy crap happened today…

Bob: like what?

Gerard: well for one, a kangaroo pissed on me…

Bob: and a scary bee chased me…twice…

Mikey: a mofo crocodile hissed at me and I ended up in a trashcan with Bob…

Ray: some random kid spit gum in my hair *pulls at the gum * which isn’t coming out anytime soon…

Frank: and a monkey jabbed me in the eye…oh, and I hired the kid who spit his gum in your hair, Ray… *automatically regrets telling Ray that *


Frank: *laughs nervously * uh…no?

Ray: *hits Frank on the back on the head *

Frank: OW!! *Rubs his head *

Gerard: hey Mikey, look what I recorded on my phone…


Gerard: haha yes…

Bob: ha, at least no one recorded that bee chasing me…

Mikey: no, but I have something MUCH better…

Bob: what might that be?

Mikey: *holds up a jar with the bee inside * I caught your little friend…

Bob: O.O AHHHH!! *Tries to stand up but hits his head on the limo ceiling *

*Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace starts playing *

Mikey: *looks at the bee in the jar * hey, I think I’ll keep him…I can name him…Piglet!

Bob: you’re keeping it?! *Faints *
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teenagers-my chem<3333 :D