Struck by an Angel

Contest Entry For:

Vampiress632's Pick a Banner, Write a Story Contest.

Word Count: 3,324

Plot: Amelia Rose Ferguson has not see three of her best friends since they made it big and hit the road to LA. She hasn't visited the tree house she made with Nick Jonas since he left. That is until she found out about their new fan competition. Will Amelia win or will she never get to reconnect with her friends again? Or will Nick's girl get in the way? Kevin is sweet and an older brother. But who is really the true angel in all of this?

I know this was a contest entry! But I fully intend on keeping it going because I have a few things planned for it. So I made a one chapter prequal to show the day the Jonas Family left New Jersey and subsiquently Amelia and Danielle behind.
  1. This Is It...Are You Ready?
    I had fun writing this!
  2. Sometimes I Think It’s The Other Way Around
    Second Installment
  3. Star Struck
    Hey new chapter.