Struck by an Angel

Sometimes I Think It’s The Other Way Around

Amelia’s plane arrived on time at the JFK airport in New York and she looked around waiting for Nick or someone to come over to her or for her to at least spot them and walk over. She eventually spotted Danielle making her way towards her and she ran at her dragging her case with her before enveloping her in a huge hug.

“Danielle where are the guys?” Amelia asked with confusion on her face. Danielle looked suddenly worried. Amelia raised her eye brow and tapped her foot waiting for her friend to reply.

“Well you see, you know Miley Cyrus?” Danielle said softly waiting for Amelia to nod her head which she did. “Well she said they were not aloud to come meet you especially Nick. She’s annoyed that Nick invited someone who was according to their parents the only other girl other than me that he Joe and Kevin ever really worried about. They even joked on how we used to say Joe was the Devil as he always tempted us into doing bad things where as Nick and Kevin were our ‘angels’ saving us from temptation. She didn’t like it at all and she’s being all territorial about Nick,” Amelia made a scowl at Danielle who laughed and shook her head.

“I don’t like the sound of her, Nick isn’t her property they may be dating but me and him have known each other since we were kids,” Amelia said furrowing her brow deeper as they walked to the car. Amelia waited for Danielle to say something about it, anything and knew that just wasn’t going to happen not to day in any case.

The rest of the car journey was silent and neither Amelia nor Danielle said anything until they had pulled up into the parking lot of the hotel. Danielle turned to Amelia and gave her a levelling look just like she did every time she knew Amelia was going to let her mouth run without thinking. Amelia bowed her head a little and grimaced. She wasn’t going to be able to chuck her to cents worth in all that easily.

“Don’t you dare let your mouth run, both you and Miley means a lot to Nick and the rest of the guys it would be better and more comfortable for us all if you didn’t let your mouth go. I don’t like her either for the situations she is putting them in. Making them feel like they are in the wrong for wanting you back in their life but just try to grin and bare it please?” Danielle said starting off serious and ending in a pleading to and Amelia knew she was only thinking of how Kevin hated having to choose and she was trying to save him t he mind distorting pain and confusion it would cause him to have to choose between someone in the business who would make his life hell and his and his girlfriends close friend.

“Fine but if she tries to be a bitch to me I am letting my mouth run I am not going to let her walk all over me just because she is famous,” Amelia’s tone was as defiant as she could make it without earning the annoyance and subsequent wrath from her friend. They exited the car together and made their way into the hotel. Danielle walked up to the concierge desk and waited for him to arrive.

“Hello Sir I need to pick up the spare room key for Mr Nicholas Jerry Jonas’ room.” Danielle said in a poliet and sweet voice. The man smiled at her and then glared at Amelia who shrank back from his sharp gaze. “She’s a friend of MrJonas and his brothers,” Danielle continued on in earnest but the man still looked doubtful.

“I do not recognise her she is not from the business I believe,” the man said in a spiteful and doubtful tone. Amelia heard laughs from somewhere in the vicinity and recognised them straight away and she smiled.

“Nick! Long time no see I missed you!” Amelia called out turning around to look straight at one of her best friends in the world. He broke out into a grin and moved away from the girl standing next to him who Amelia knew only to well and hoped she wouldn’t have to know her any better.

“Mia Rose! I miss you so much!” Nick yelled as Joe and Kevin’s eyes widened and they all ran at her scooping her up in a hug. Despite the fact that Nick was by far the fastest and most athletic of the three Kevin somehow beat him to her and tackled her to the floor.

“Danielle please explain one thing to me!” Amelia yelled from underneath Kevin and even Joe who was some point decided to join Kevin’s impromptu pile on.

“Sure Amelia, that’s if I can of course!” Danielle shouted through her giggles. She knew what she was going to ask it was an age old routine of theirs that developed the first time Nick had ever tackled Amelia and caused a pile on. This soon spread over to Kevin and even got modified a little just for Joe.

“Why is it always me who gets struck down by the angels and never you I mean I’m not half as sinful as you are,” Amelia continued with a laugh and she heard the three guys laugh and one girl scoff. She wriggled out from underneath Kevin who was by now pushing himself up. Nick outstretched his hand in offer to help her up and Amelia took it gratefully with a meek smile and a small blush just like it used to be.

“Right now that video girl has arrived to ruin all of our lives can we go get breakfast? I’m pretty sure Danielle can keep this girl company,” Miley spat looking Amelia up and down with disgust Amelia shrugged her shoulders and looked at Nick.

“Do as you guys please Danielle can even go with I’ll go find Frankie and play video games like we used to,” Amelia said with a smile but she darted a mean glare at Miley for being so cold to both her and Danielle.

“No way Miley, Joe can take you to breakfast I want to catch up with my best friend and Kevin and Danielle have a wedding to plan you knew that was the plan anyway. Me and Kevin only came down with you guys because Danielle had gave me a one ring buzz to tell me that they were here,” Nick said levelling Miley a reproachful glare.

“Yeah Miley I thought we told you that today was all about Amelia seeing as we haven’t seen her in so long? Plus you have to fly out to los angles after breakfast to go to recording remember?” Kevin supplied helpfully only earning himself a withering look from the child star of Disney.

“I don’t care who today is all about I don’t want that poser little tramp anywhere near my boyfriend!” Miley hissed angrily staring straight at Amelia with hateful eyes.

“You know what I’ve had just about enough of you and I don’t even know you! You don’t deserve someone as sweet as NJ because frankly you cant accept or at least be civil to someone who has been his friend since we were babies! I don’t like prissy little diva’s are you forgetting what NJ, K2 and Danger boy here live by? Live like your at the bottom even when your at the top girlie because no one knows how long its going to last,” Amelia said her voice full of emotion and her eyes hard and glassy as she stared at the famous girl who she just told off.

“Woah NJ now there’s something I haven’t been called in a while,” Nick said with a smile. Amelia smiled and hugged him.

“Now if you excuse me NJ and Joe plus Danielle and well miss Thing. I need to talk to my other angel on his own because I want to tell him something!” Amelia said joyously as she grabbed Kevin by the arm and pulled him away to the elevator with her bag. “Right Danielle literally has be struck by angels because of you so I made you guys some reservations at Olive Garden for tonight I got you a new suit and her a new dress you’ll pretend it was all your idea. I thought it would’ve been nice for the two of you to have a meal away from everyone and Tonight was the perfect opportunity because everyone will be to busy fussing over me,” Amelia said with a smile Kevin looked utterly perplexed and then pulled her into a hug.

“You know Amelia sometimes I think it’s the other way round and its me Nick and Joe that are struck by an angel and not you! You really are one in a million!” Kevin said with a huge grin before leading her to Nicks room where he swiped a card and led her to the room where she could put her bag. “Well lets get this show on the road. And ignore Miley she’s just jealous because your all Nick talks about to anyone including at interviews. He never mentions his relationship with her only that he’s missing a girl from back home, they always take that to mean LA but he doesn’t mean LA he means NJ,” Kevin said with a smile and for the third time that month Amelia truly knew she had be struck by angels but not just one, no she knew all along she had been struck by four of them including her devil man danger boy Joe.
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Okay I'm not a Miley or Niely hater! I love Miley Cyrus she is pretty cool and Niley is an OKAY coupling but I don't think its going to work I mean they tried once and they didn't work so why try again? But anyway. Enough of that until they say it's true I won't believe it. So I hope you like this.