Status: Completed

Bound by Love

Rosie's Lap Dance, and the Match Against Gryffindo

"Congratulations!" cried Rosie, the commentator from the match after I had changed from my Quidditch robes. "You were really good. I mean, the goals you scored, even when it looked like it was not in your favor... Me and Freddie here want to invite you and your friends to the Room of Requirement for a bit of fun. You up for it?"

"Sure, I'm up for it," I said smiling. "Can I take Draco, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Ron, and Neville with me?"

"Sure, take half the school if you want, just don't tell any of the teachers. And make sure you aren't being watched. Meet us there at 7 tonight..."

I decided to have Harry, Ron, and Hermione go together at an earlier time to make it less suspicious. Draco, Neville, Luna, and I went at a quarter to 7, and saw Rosie, Fred, and George sitting on a couch together.

"I have a bad feeling about this," I said, choosing a seat in between Draco and Hermione.

"You should," said Rosie. "I neglected to tell you that I had invited you all to a Truth or Dare party."

"Oh no!" cried Neville, turning bright red and looked as if he were about to piss his pants. He started to walk towards the door, but George got up and blocked him.

"Neville, listen," said George. "If you go out there now, you will get caught, and then you will be punished by the toad."

"Neville, we aren't going to make you do anything you don't want to do," I said calmly. "You can just sit here and watch the fun if you want, and tell us if you want to change your mind and play. You don't want to share the same fate as me and Harry now do you?"

I held up my scarred hand, and Harry also showed his. "Oh alright, fine," said Neville, sitting back down.

"Right, Freddie is up first," said Rosie. "And I think it is lap dancing time sweetheart..."

"Sure thing my Rose bud!" said Fred. All of a sudden, some striptease music came on, and Fred started to take off his shirt. Rosie began to scream loudly as Fred gave her a lap dance while Harry, Ron, Draco, and Neville sat with sour faces.

"Is it over yet?" asked Ron, who had covered his eyes.

"I dunno, but I hope it ends soon," said Harry.

"Ok Theresa," said Rosie. "Truth or dare?"

I thought for a bit. Since I was "high" off of my win from Slytherin, I picked dare.

"Ok, I dare you to switch clothes with Draco. But the catch is, you have to sit in his underwear and his t shirt for the rest of the game."

"Take it off Draco," I said with an evil smirk.

"Oh Draco, forgot to mention one last thing," said Rosie. "You have to wear Theresa's bra and panties for the rest of the game too. This also counts as your dare..."

"Hehe, Draco gets to wear a thong," I cackled as I went to the bathroom inside the Room of Requirement with him.

I returned with Draco, and his boxers and white polo shirt with the Slytherin crest on it didn't look half bad on me.


Poor Draco looked an awful sight in my pink bra and thong. He sat next to me and scowled, and all of a sudden, a blanket appeared, and he wrapped it around himself and me.

"Hope you are getting your jollies off Beattie," scowled Draco.

"Don't worry, I got more to come for the rest of you unfortunate souls," said Rosie. The blood in Ron’s face began to drain, and Harry began to turn red. Neville sat there and laughed.

"Hermione, take your pick."

"I pick truth," said Hermione defiantly.

"Fine, the truth is much more brutal than the action," said Rosie slyly. "Let's see... Oops! Forgot to give you some veritaserum to make sure you are telling the truth!"

She gave Hermione some to drink, and then began again. "Now, tell me everything you did with Victor Krum, like where you went and to what base did you get up to with him."

"Oh, come on!" cried Hermione blushing. "He wasn't- We were supposed to go together to the Yule Ball but I turned him down. He took me on the Durmstrang ship and went up to second base with me. And we were together when I went on summer holiday this year."

Ron's mouth dropped open, and I hit my forehead. "Rosie, that's really personal, why did you ask her that?" I asked.

"How would I know she went that far with dumb Krum?" said Rosie. "I thought they were just really good friends..."

Ron sank back in his seat, refusing to look at Hermione, and poor Hermione looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Rosie, mind if I take over?" I asked.

"Sure, I made a mess of things as is. Can't get any worse..."

"Ok, Ron, truth or dare?" I asked.

"I don't care anymore..." said Ron.

"Fine, I will pick truth for you then..." I said, downing the veritaserum down his throat.

"Why do you love Hermione? How much do you love Hermione? And what are the things you love about her?"

"I don't love- I love Hermione because she is the most beautiful and smartest girl I have ever had the chance to know. I love her more than words can say, more than life, more than death... I love how she smiles at me during class. I love how she laughs at my jokes. I love everything about her..."

"AWWWWWWWWWWWW!" the whole room sighed. And with that, Hermione ran to Ron, and gave him a huge hug and began to make out with him.

"Thanks for fixing that mess up," said Rosie. "You know I didn't know about that... I didn't mean to-"

"I know, I didn't even know either," I whispered. "Let's just drop it. Anyway, we got a match the next day girl, we gotta get some rest!"

Everyone left the room but Draco and me. We were getting changed back into our normal clothes. I saw a mysterious basin appear before me, its white contents were swirling rapidly. I touched the surface, and nothing happened. I bent over to see it better, and saw to my surprise, an image of Draco and his father.

"Draco, you will get that silly girl out of your head!" shouted an angry Lucious. He had chained his son up against a wall somewhere dark and damp, and poor Draco looked gaunt and skinny.

"I can't," said Draco hoarsely.

"Then I will beat you until you get this filthy mudblood girl out of your head!"

The whip in his hand was brought down on Draco, and I watched in horror as he endured lash after lash, and endless steam of blows.

Lucious then stopped unexpectedly, and Draco cried. "Father, you would do this to your own flesh and blood?"

"You are not my flesh, you are not of my blood!" spat Lucious. "YOU ARE NO SON OF MINE! NO SON OF MINE WOULD DATE OR EVEN TOUCH ANYONE WHO IS NOT A PUREBLOOD!"


I turned around quickly, and touched his face gently. "I saw..."

"Yes, I thought you would," said Draco quietly. "In a way, I wanted you to see what I went through this past summer. I didn't think you believed me, and I knew the Pensieve would show you all you needed to see..."

"Draco, I love you," I whispered, kissing his lips gently. "I only wish that you didn't have to go through all of that pain..."

"Potter, Greenleaf, shake hands!" said Madam Hooch.

While I was sitting on my broom, hovering above the stadium, I saw Draco and Luna in the commentator's box, and McGonagall was watching them like a hawk.

"Well, who knows who will win this time!" said Draco. "Tessie is the best chaser this school has ever seen, but then again, Potter is the fastest, and best seeker the place has ever seen too. Who's it gonna be? Ravenclaw or Gryffindor?"

The whistle blew, and the Quaffle was released. Tracy Beaumont caught it, and I raced after her, trying to catch up with her at the goal posts. Fred swung a bludger my way, and I ducked. WHAM!

"Gud damn it Fred!" said a bleeding Rosie. "You hit me in the nose you dumbo!"

"TIME OUT!" shouted Draco.

Madame Pomfrey was called out on the field, and she healed Rosie's nose quickly.

"And now, we are back in the game," said Draco. "Oi Freddy! Watch your girlfriend's nose next time!"

"Draco Scorpius Malfoy!" said McGonagall.

"Sorry! And now, Ravenclaw has possession of the Quaffle..."

Tracy passed me the quaffle, and I aimed at the goals. The ball was almost in Ron's hands when-

"TESSIE SCORES!!!!!!!!" shouted Draco. "Hell yeah, that's how we roll!" He started to do a funny little hip hop dance, and I laughed so damn hard that I almost fell off my broom.

"Now Rosie Beattie has the quaffle," said Draco, getting himself together.

Rosie zoomed down the field, and George sent a bludger my way, and I just narrowly avoided being hit.

"And Gryffindor scores! Come on Tessie, where is your defense?"


Fred and George snickered as I flew back to Tracy, and resumed the rest of the game.

It was a really close game. Gryffindor's team was amazing, and Rosie was a great chaser. The game continued, until-

"Hey, I think Potter has spotted some money!" said Draco jokingly. "There he goes, and Chang is on his heels..." Everyone stopped to watch as the two seekers were neck and neck, trying to catch the snitch.

"And Potter has caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins 220 to 170!" said Draco.

"Good game Harry, Rosie..." I said, shaking their hands.

"What, we don't get anything from you Theresa?" asked the twins.

"If it were up to the two of you, I would have a hole my face where my nose would be!" I said, throwing them a dirty look.