Status: OneShot.Finished.

Animal Feelings


I sat in my bedroom at my computer desk, looking at random pictures of this and that on the internet. My friend, Jen, was laying on my bed staring up at the ceiling blankly as she counted down the minutes until she had to leave to pick up her daughter from day care. Every once and awhile she'd sit up to look at the pictures I was looking at. But she mostly just droned on about how Rose, her daughter,'s dad wouldn't pay child support.

"Oh, my God. I wanna fuck him." I moaned, interrupting her while I was staring at my computer screen.

"Of course you do, Lottie." Jen said, sitting up to look at the man I was drooling over.

I could practically hear her rolling her eyes.

"He's fucking sexy." I said, turning quickly in my swivel chair to look at her.

"Yeah. Totally." she replied sarcastically.

I stared at her. "You cannot tell me that you don't think he's hot as hell."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I can. And I think I will. I do not think that he is hot has hell." She smiled at me.

Who was this he we were talking about? James Owen Sullivan. Better known to the world as The Reverend Tholomew Plague, from the absolutely amazing band Avenged Sevenfold. Now, I wasn't a little fan girl of his. I would never stoop that low. I had just taken a liking to his awesome sexiness. He was quite funny, too from what I'd heard. I didn't want a relationship with him. Getting in his sexy pants was all I wanted.

"It's not like you're ever going to get with him anyways, Charlotte."

I looked over at Jen. "Hey! It's possible! We live in L.A., Jenny Poo. I'm pretty sure they come here every now and again." I paused to smile to myself. "Which means that I'm bound to run into him sometime."

And again with the rolling of the eyes.

"Can't you just stop being mean to me? It's my dream. You're my best friend. You're supposed to support me in my endeavors."

Jen snorted. "'Your endeavors'. Ha. Don't make me laugh." She stopped for a second. "And I do support you in your endeavors... All of them but that one. I don't want to get your hopes up. I love you too much." She looked at the clock on my wall. "And it's five-thirty so I need to go pick up Rose."

She got up from my bed and grabbed her purse. She walked to my door, waved, and said,

"Bye, Lottie. I'll see you tomorrow. Have fun masturbating to Jimmy's picture."

Then left quickly before I could throw something at her.


Jen and I were sitting in my living room watching The Boy In Striped Pajamas. Why were we watching such a sad movie? Because we felt like being emotional. Jen had dropped Rose off at her parents' house for the weekend and we were going to have a girl's night...on both Saturday and Sunday. We didn't get to hang much anymore since Rose was born.

So, anywhore, we were watching the movie, and it was almost over. It was almost over and we were both crying our eyes out. What? Don't look at me like that. It's a very sad movie. I'd tell you why it's such a sad movie, but then I'd ruin it for you.

We sat on my couch long after the movie was over, not looking at each other. Yeah, we're best friends, but crying in front of each other is something we'd never gotten used to.

"Uhm... Anyways...." Jen said, standing up and stretching.

"Yeah. That was a, uhm...good movie."

"It was, it was."

We looked at each other.

"Poor, poor Bruno!" I yelled.

Jen looked at me. "We needa get outta the house."

"Yes!" I shouted. "Good idea! We should go clubbing!"

Jen nodded, and we walked up to my room to get changed and ready to go out.


Once Jen and I had gotten dressed and all made up to go out, we got into my car and left. We decided to go to a small, not well-known club on the other side of town from my house.

During the drive, we talked about, what else?, guys. She was talking about some guy that she'd met the other day in the super market. I know, she has weird taste in men. She droned on and on and on about this guys, who's name was Dave, or something, until I lovingly interrupted her.

"Yeah, this "Dave" guys sounds like a real charmer, but can we get back to reality here and talk about Jimmy?"

"Since when is Jimmy your reality?"

"Since right now."

Why does she always roll her eyes at me?

We arrived at the club and went in, and straight up to the bar. We sat and drank for awhile, but, seriously, who goes to the club just to drink? Not me. I like to dance. And so does Jenny. So, naturally, we went out to the dancefloor and danced together. And with some random guys.

We were back at the bar. I was scoping the place for guys, and Jen was talking about "Dave" again, when I saw them. And by them, I mean him.

"Jennifer!" I shouted, causing her to stop talking abruptly and turn to look at me with wide-eyes.

"What?" she asked.

I took her head and turned it in the direction of the guys that I'd seen. "Do you see them?"

"See who?"


"Them who?"

I angrily pulled her head; to try to get her to see them.

"Oh! Them." she said. Then she shook her head from my grasp and looked at me. "Oh, my God, it's THEM!"

"Thank you. That's what I was getting at."

"Wow, you're not freaking out about Jimmy."

I felt my eyes grow wide.

"Oh my gosh! Forgot all about him!" I turned quickly and looked at him.

He was so sexy sitting there, drinking JD, and staring back at me.

Wait. Staring back at me?

I smirked. "He's looking at me." I said to Jen.

"What? Why would he be- Oh my, he is." She paused. "He's walking over here."

I turned, my smirk growing. "And so he is."

Jimmy walked over and stood in front of me.

"I saw you looking at me." he said.

"How observant of you."

"I am pretty observant."

I smirked. "And I'm Charlotte."


"I know exactly who you are."

"Do you now?"

I nodded. "Mhmm."

He took my hand and lead me to the dancefloor. I looked back at Jen with an 'I toldja so' look.

Once again, she rolled her eyes.

Jimmy and I danced for awhile, and not in the way they do at weddings either. It started out fine, not at all vulgar. But the music changed and we were all over each other. You'd think we'd not like to be doing that in public....but... Feelings took over..

He took me by my hand, over to the table where the rest of the Sevenfold guys were sitting. He told them he was leaving and with one look at me, they all knew why.

I took Jimmy back to my house, not even bothering to think about how Jen was going to be getting home. We barely made it into my home before strong animal feelings took over.

It was a one night deal.

And that's all I wanted.
♠ ♠ ♠
1,282 words...