The Pages All Look Torn and Frayed

I Spent the Night Dancing-

The immense laughter and chatting that was going around the table suddenly stopped when the sound of glass clanging switched the mood. I turned away from Amanda and looked towards my left at Gerard. He was now standing up with his wine glass in hand as a smile was plastered to his lips.

“I would like to make a toast,” he stated while raising his half-full glass even higher, signaling for others to raise theirs as well. I reached over my plate of food and grabbed the delicate glass before me. He slowly turned to me, bending down slightly so he was looking me in the eyes. “To us.” He said seductively while clinging our glasses together. I could feel the blood running to my cheeks as his lips became closer to mine as the seconds past. My eyes slipped shut as his soft supple lips came in contact with mine. Fire works shot off through my brain and I felt as if the world around me had stopped. That is, until Chester decided to speak up.

“A toast to the tour!” He shouted while taking a sip of his white wine. Everyone did the same while agreeing to his statement. Gerard took his seat once more and poked at his food while Ville continued to talk. Since I could hardly understand what Ville was trying to say, I continued to nibble at my food.

“Someone is awfully quiet tonight.” I looked up at Quinn who was sitting directly across from me. I let my fork far from my fingers and hit the plate as I sat back and look at him.
“Surprising isn’t it?” I asked sarcastically.
“Is someone on their period?” Amanda chimed in. I smiled at her remark and the way she was acting so dramatic about it.
“No, Gerard wouldn’t be that happy if I was.” I replied while watching a look of horror strike Quinn’s face. He dropped his spoon, not caring that it hit the floor, and covered his face with his hands.
“Ew, ew, ew, ew!!” He shrieked, earning the attention of everyone at the table. Silence fell over us and all eyes turned on us. Amanda sank back in her seat, obviously trying to hide her laughter. I once more felt myself blushing at the fact that they were all staring at me like I was some freak.

“Gerard, we need to do something together before we have to start the tour.” I said, walking down the side walk with him attached to me by our hands. “You know that once it starts we will have no time for us. We will only get that one night for our anniversary, but other than that it’s just work, work, work.” I whined.

“What did you have in mind?” He questioned as we approached the hotel. It honestly resembled a haunted mansion tonight. The night sky was an inky black while shimmering stars covered the sky. You could see the silhouette of the tall intimidating hotel against the sky, making the mood almost eerie.

“I don’t know, maybe dancing!” I suggested happily. I wanted him to agree, to realize that we need to have fun tonight. I looked up at him with pleading eyes as I awaited his answer. He looked around for a few dreadful moments before nodding his head slowly. I squealed with delight and took his warm hand in mine. I started to drag him down the road to some night club we passed on our way back.

“Where to?” Amanda asked while grabbing onto Jepha’s sleeve to stop him. I turned back slightly while continuing to walk. Knowing that if I stop Gerard might change his mind.
“Dancing!” I replied only to see her face light up too. She grabbed Jepha’s hand and started to pull him along too.
“C’mon Jepha, lets go dance tonight!” She squeaked, dragging him into the loud booming club.

Techno music blasted from the speakers. The floors vibrated with the bass and drums. I turned to Gerard when we made it to the dance floor. Sweaty bodies were gyrating madly all around us, putting me in the mood to dance with my baby. I started to sway my hips while his just watched. I started to feel like a stripper with him just watching me dance.

“Don’t be shy Gee.” I shouted over the noise only to see him shake his head.
“I cant dance.” He mouth and I just pouted. He sighed and rolled his gorgeous hazel eyes. I grabbed his soft hands and started to make him sway with me.

“I cant believe you made me do that.” He laughed as we walked out of the club. Amanda and Jepha were awfully quiet since they were too tired.
“This was the best night ever.” I sighed while leaning my head against his shoulder. He giggled again and I felt his soft lips come in contact with my forehead. I let out a content sigh and felt pure bliss course through me.
“Tomorrow we start the tour.” I stated plainly.
“And tonight was the best night to spend our last night really together, sugar.” Gerard mumbled while giving my hand a light squeeze.

After having such a great night, I know the tour will be amazing.