The Pages All Look Torn and Frayed

Wrecking this Evening Already-

“Is the drunk person gone yet?” I asked quietly, trying to match the secrecy in the car.
“Yea, I think so.” He mumbled while swinging his car open again. He slid out and I followed suit. I plopped onto the grassy ground under me while he walked aimlessly around the abandoned field used as a parking lot. I picked at a few pieces of grass, just trying to occupy myself.

“Look, tires!” Brett yelled while racing off to get the dismembered tires from the grass. I smiled and shook my head to myself at his childish antics. He ran back over to me with a black tire in hand and a grin on his face. “This boring moment in time calls for a tire toss!” He declared. I watched as he spun around and tossed the tire into the cold air. It hit the ground roughly just a few feet away.

“Your turn.” He said while spinning around to look at me. I smiled and shook my head at his request. “Honestly, no, I don’t want to.” I said while throwing a handful of grass around.
“Your no fun.” He grumbled while sitting up on the back of his car. I pulled my weary body up from the ground and leaned next to him. The streets were empty, no life, no cars, no nothing. Only the sound of music coming from the bar down the street. We stared at the blank boring buildings before us, just wondering what lies inside of them.

A black suburban pulled up to the building across the street from us. We watched intently as a man and a poorly dressed woman stepped out of the car. She was adorned in tight fitting clothes and a halter top which hugged her a little too tight. They walked up to the building as the man started to unlock the building.

“I bet that’s a brothel.” I mumbled to Brett quietly.
“Nah, I think it’s a meth lab.” He replied.
“I still say it’s a brothel.” I said as both of them stepped into the building. Nothing seemed to be happening, and honestly, I didn’t really want to know what was going on. I looked up at the starless night, the almost peaceful scene interrupted by a police siren.
“Look.” Brett nudged my shoulder. I looked over to see the same man and woman coming out of the building.
“That was fast.” I laughed. He just laughed too, and it increased when he saw them opening the door for the building next door.
“I think one side is the brothel and the other is a meth lab.” He said while thinking about the situation. I smiled and shook my head lightly.

“See? We are having fun.” I said simply. I could feel him looking over at me through the corner of my eyes. “I’d rather be in bed. But I am having fun I guess. Its like, I wanna stay here since we are having fun, but I also wanna be at home in my pajamas while listening to MXPX.” He stated.
“I wish I was at the hotel curled up in bed with Gerard.” I said.
“Ew.” He stated.
“I just wanna be home in my lovers arms.” I sighed.

“Where the fuck were you?” Gerard yelled when I finally got to the hotel. It was already two in the morning and I was exhausted. We finally thought about calling a tow company and they brought us back to the hotel. I really wanted to get here and lie in his safe warm arms, not get lectured by him.
“Where the fuck were you?!” I shouted back. I watched as his face dropped and a total look of confusion etched along his features.
“What do you mean? I was here waiting for you.” He said, defending himself.
“Then why didn’t you answer the phone?” I sighed. I grabbed a pair of sweat pants from my bag and slipped them on.
“I didn’t hear it ring.” He said while pulling out his phone from his back pocket. He flipped his phone open before saying, “Oh, it was on silent.” He looked up at me and gave me this really sad sympathetic look.

“It’s okay hunn. I had fun with Brett anyways.” I said while patting his shoulder. I walked past him and sat on the king sized bed.
“Wait, what kind of fun?” He asked worriedly. I giggled at his sudden excitement.
“You worry too much babe.” I laughed. I lied back on the pillows, feeling myself sink into the bed. I closed my eyes and knew that my body was craving sleep.

The bed shifted lightly when Gerard sat down. I could feel his warm presence getting closer to me as the seconds passed. I smiled when I felt his lips ghost over mine for a moment before he fully pressed them against mine. I swear I just melted against the bed. It’s amazing how one man’s simple kiss could make me see fire works. I must just be a puddle in the creases by now.

He detached himself from my lips, leaving me still in the same position, needing and craving more. He reached over me and grabbed his vibrating phone from the bed side table. He flipped open his phone, reading whatever text message he just received. He climbed off of me while fixing his twisted shirt.

“Where are you going?” I asked sadly while sitting up in my seat.
“Um, Mikey needs to talk about something.” He stuttered.
“At 2:30 in the morning?” I asked. I wondered what on earth Mikey would need at this time of night. I was sure he would be asleep by now. I ran my hand over my face and sighed deeply. I heard him sigh as well before he shuffled over to me.
“Just go to sleep baby, I’ll be back in a little bit.” He said softly as he brushed my hair off my face. He bent down and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. I nodded slowly while lying back on the cotton pillows. I pulled the blankets around my body, silently wishing it was Gerard in here hugging me tightly.

“Bye baby.” He said as I heard the hotel door open.
“Don’t say bye. Goodbye could mean forever.” I mumbled into the blankets.
“Well, I love you.” He whispered into the dull darkness.
“I love you too Gerard. More than you could ever know.” I whispered into the night, hoping he could hear my desperate pleas through those simple words.