The Pages All Look Torn and Frayed

My Light Is Electric-

“I hate this bus.” I grumbled while crossing my arms over my chest.
“Drink a coke and get over it.” Brett sighed while tossing me a drink from the mini fridge. I caught it just barley and popped the top open, letting the fizz slowly seep from the top of the can. “Why can’t me and Gerard be on the same bus?” I asked, mostly to myself than anyone else.

“Two different bands, hun.” Holly said while trying to beat Brett in Guitar Hero.
“Plus, we don’t wanna see or hear anything that would scar us for life.” Brett chimed in. Holly just nodded to his reply while keeping her eyes glued to the screen. I just huffed to myself.

I hardly saw Gerard all week. He was always running out preparing songs or having meetings. He’s never normally that busy. And plus Frank was always around wanting to play video games or mess with our guitars. Then Bob always said how me and him should go have lunch together, and Ray wanted to continuously shop for guitar gear. And then Mikey just hung around me because me and him haven’t had any quality time. Its really all too weird. I love those boys to death, but sometimes, I wonder if they are hiding something from me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I know that me and him would be busy on this tour. And lord knows I’m grateful that I’m here and get to see him practically everyday. Because it’s either be here, or be home in Jersey alone while he’s on tour.

“We’re at some truck stop.” Holly stated. I snapped from my trance and looked up at my surroundings. I didn’t even realize that Brett and Holly had stopped playing, which that would explain why ‘Headfirst for Halos’ wasn’t blaring from the television anymore. Brett sat at the table reading some magazine, and Holly was looking out the window at our new surroundings.

“Finally.” I sighed while standing to my feet. I made my way past the mess and out the bus door. I swung it open and stepped into the cool air. I breathed in the fresh air deeply, letting it sting down into my lungs. I dug my hands into the jacket pockets, relishing in the coldness around me. I looked up at the grey sky and around the bleak parking lot. I spotted the bus with the ring of fire on the side. It’s amazing that they have had that bus for all these years.

I started my way across the parking lot, my breathing coming out shorter thanks to the freezing air clutching at my throat. I pulled the bus door open and climbed inside, sighing while loving the feeling of the warm air in here. I walked into the living area and saw Bob sitting on the couch.

“Hey Bobby, where’s Gee?” I asked as I walked by him. I peaked my head into the bunk area, only to see Mikey sound asleep in one of the bunks.
“He’s on a different bus right now.” Bob said before turning a page in his magazine. I walked back to the living area, looking practically everywhere.
“Is he looking for me?” I asked as I stood in front of him awkwardly.
“Nope.” He plainly replied. I felt my heart sink and tears brim my eyes, but I wouldn’t break. It’s not something to be upset about anyways.
“Oh hey, what are you doing here?” Frank asked as he magically appeared in the doorway.
I turned slightly and smiled at him. “Looking for Gee. Where were you?” I asked kindly.
“I was in the bathroom.” He said before zipping his pants. I smiled and shook my head at him. “So, where exactly is Gee?” I asked quietly.
“Oh, who knows. Lets go buy some candy.” Frank declared while feverishly walking past me and grabbing my hand. Once more I was pulled back into the icy tundra that is the parking lot. I know it really isn’t that cold, but to me, its damn freezing out here.

He looked over his shoulders every few moments, I guess to make sure I was still there. He pushed the door open and ushered me into the small gas station. He waltzed over to the candy aisle and stood there with his hand on his hip and a look of pure concentration etched along his face. I grabbed my Skittles, not even having to think twice about it. I stood behind Frank silently, just waiting for him to decide.

The bell chimed when someone else entered the building. A rush of cold air surged through the open gap, making me shiver just slightly.
“There you are.” I heard someone say. I smiled at the voice and felt him wrap his arms around my shoulders.
“Where were you?” I asked while smiling up at him whole-heartedly. I snaked my arm around his waist and embraced the warmth that was radiating off of him. I looked up at him, feeling like I haven’t seen him in forever, almost like I wanted to make sure he was real. His cheeks were flushed a light red, I’m guessing from the cold.

Although his back was turned, I could visibly see Frank’s shoulders tense at my question. I shook it off, and just turned my attention on my love.
“You were with Mindless Self Indulgence, right?” Frank spoke up. Gerard’s glassy eyes narrowed and he just nodded.
“Yea, we were talking about maybe doing a song together.” Gerard said.
“Yea, sure you were.” Frank grumbled before walking over to me and snatching my candy from me. He walked over to the counter to pay.

“Just one more week until our anniversary.” I stated happily. I glanced up at him just to see him nodding his head with a small smile plastered to his face. His hazel orbs looking down at me, and his small teeth showing past his lips. I heard a bag shaking, so I looked forward and saw Frank standing there with a bag held out to me. I thanked him and took it before we all started out the door.

“We better go before the bus leaves us.” Gerard stated and we all picked up the pace a bit. This wouldn’t be the first time a bus left one of us. We first stopped at My Chemical Romance’s bus, and Gerard kissed my forehead before climbing into the warm haven of his bus. I waited for Frank to hug me like he normally does. He simply just walked past me, totally ignoring my open arms.
“Frank?” I called, slightly confused about his sudden mood change. He turned and looked over his shoulder at me with a grim expression on his face. I couldn’t tell if he was upset or mad. I dropped my hands by my sides, knowing that I wasn’t going to be getting a hug.

“Sometimes, you’re so fucking oblivious.” He said coldly.