The Pages All Look Torn and Frayed

I Can Move on With You Around-

“Gerard, where are we?” I asked while trying to grasp onto something to let me know I was safe. Although, I should know that I’m always safe with him. But I still sighed when I didn’t get a much needed answer. His warm hand was clasped over my eyes, shielding my surroundings from my view. His other hand was on my waist, keeping my steady as his legs pushed up against mine to lead me where I needed to go.
“Gerarddddd.” I whined while tilting my head back and huffing.
“Stop whining.” He said sternly.
“But, I wanna go home.” I whined back.
“Stoppppp, your ruining the moment.” He huffed, and I knew that if I could see his face he would be pouting. His cute cherry red lips stuck out, just waiting for me to kiss him and make it all better. I smiled and crossed my arms over my chest, letting my love lead me where his heart desired. Whether it be to dinner or to the ends of the earth.

I felt his urging stop and I let my arms fall to my side. I was ready to know where I was, I hate being left in the dark. Literally.

“Are we there yet?” I asked.
“What did I say about ruining the moment?” He sighed. I giggled at his antics and how aggravated I was making him over all of this. I stayed quiet, I just listened to the sound of something creaking open. Again his hand was placed on my hip again, and I was urged forward. This time he started leading me down small flights of stairs, making my heart beat faster as the fear of falling took over me.
“I swear, if you make me fall…” I trailed off there, sure that I got my point across.
“I won’t let you fall, hunny.” He cooed, pulling me in every direction.

After what felt like an endless eternity of being blind we finally came to a stop. His hand fell from my eyes, and I was hesitant about opening my eyes. I pried my lids open to see my new surroundings as I felt his arms wrap around my waist firmly.
“Happy one month anniversary.” He whispered into my ear in a sing-song voice. I let my new vision take in everything placed before me. A black and red checkered blanket was placed on the dew covered grass. A picnic basket adorned the blanket, which candles decorated the scenery. A metallic bucket filled with ice and a bottle of green tea sat in the center of the blanket. A weeping willow stood tall above our movie scene, and haunting tomb stones surrounded our very spot.

As cheesy as all of this sounded, it was the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me. It was the dream I’ve always had but guys thought were too weird to be true. But finally I found my soul mate who cherished the slightly crazy surroundings I craved. I turned and looked at him through hazy eyes. Tears had started to involuntarily creep its way into my eye socket, threatening to cascade over the edge.
“It’s amazing, Gee.” I whispered quietly, almost afraid my voice would ruin this set up.
“I’m glad you like it sugah.” He whispered back before capturing my lips with his.

Fire works went off my mind, salty tears mingling with the kiss. He broke the mind blowing kiss and leaned his forehead against mine. “Lets go eat, we don’t want all of this to go to waste.” He mumbled sweetly. I nodded and smiled a whole hearted smile, the first I’ve ever really had. I cant even being to put into words how he makes me feel.

So many years of finding the wrong boy has finally paid off. A month together and all we’ve done is kissed. He makes no indications that he’s going to push for sex. When we come together as one, it supposed to be special. And with him, I know it will be. We have yet to say those three little words to each other, both knowing what damage those words can do. I’ve wanted to tell him, but I wanted to wait for a special time.

I sat cautiously on the blanket, afraid to disturb the peace. He sat next to me, pulling a wine glass from the basket. He poured some tea into that one glass, then took a sip before quickly grabbing the back of my neck, crashing our lips together. Our mouths opened together and the tea mingled between both of our mouths. I pulled away, swallowing my half of the sip, which now consisted of saliva as well.

He then started dumping the picnic basket over, various bags of candy falling all over the blanket and grass.
“I know its your favorite.” He mumbled, picking up a bag of Skittles and tearing a corner open for me.
“You’re so sweet.” I replied, watching a sting of crimson touch his cheeks.
“Not as sweet as Skittles though, right?” He asked, waving the bag a little.
“No, you’re sweeter.” I giggled, taking the moment to lean in and kiss him gently. His soft pursed lips brushing over mine, sending electricity throughout my body.

- - - - - - -

“It’s getting late. Maybe we should go.” Gerard suggested while continuing to rub circles in the small of my back.
“I don’t wanna.” I mumbled into his chest, hugging his waist tighter, afraid that he would let me go.
“I don’t want to leave either. But we really aren’t supposed to be here. And I don’t want to get in trouble if we get caught.” He said sweetly. I hated the fact that we would have to leave this move scene and go back out into the city and into reality again. I wanted to live in this dream land. Just me, Gerard, and candy. What more could a girl ask for?

I shifted and sat up, allowing him to sit up as well. He ran a hand through his tangled hair before standing up and brushing himself off. I sadly did the same, and waited as he gathered his belongings. I bet he spent hours making all of this perfect, and believe me, it was. I never thought someone could be this amazing.

“Ready?” He asked while walking up to my side. I nodded and tangled our hands together. We walked down the cobblestone path towards the exit, hand in hand. Silence over took us, as we just swung our connected hands back and forth like little children. I was totally content with life, not just content, I was fucking blissful. Every moment was on cloud nine now.

“Hey Rachel?” Gerard asked, breaking the smothering silence filling the air. I smiled at the sound of his voice.
“Yea?” I replied, looking around at the roses and tombstones everywhere.
He suddenly stopped, causing me to halt and drag myself from my trance. I looked up at him, only to see crimson lacing his cheeks, and his eyes avoiding mine.
“I think, maybe, I think I…” He stuttered, failing to force the words from his mouth. I smiled and squeezed his hands for reassurance.
“I love you.” He mumbled for the first time ever. My heart swelled and I bet I was smiling as big as the Cheshire cat right now. He looked back up at me with a look of pure desperation in his eyes. I’ve been waiting how long for this moment, and its finally here.

“I love you too, Gerard.” I replied proudly. A smile broadened on his face as well, as our bodies seemed to be growing closer and closer. Our eyes closed simultaneously as our lips connected for the most passionate kiss I’ve ever endured. I didn’t believe that pain was real anymore. All I knew was that he made me feel like the world had melted away, and I was finally safe and happy. I cherished this moment before we had to break away for oxygen. I stared up into his sparkling eyes, making me fall even more in love with him.