The Pages All Look Torn and Frayed

I Came Here to Make You Dance Tonight-

“We’re going to have to cancel the shows, aren’t we?” I asked Brian shamefully. He just stared down into his steamy cup of coffee, avoiding my stare. Brian is one of those managers that hates putting off shows. He will do all he can just to make sure that we still put on the best show in town. Although we’ll be missing our headlining band.
“Not necessarily.” He replied, looking up at me. I took this as my turn to stare into my porcelain cup full of steaming tea. I watched the ripples hit the side of the cup, then I noticed my reflection staring back at me from the drink.

“We just need to find another band to take their place.” He said, leaning back in his chair.
“What about LeatherMouth? Frank probably wouldn’t mind playing with them, they need to put themselves out there more anyway.” I suggested, watching Brian nod to my statement.
“But they don’t have enough songs to do a whole set. We’d have to get another band to play with them. What about like, David Coasta?” He asked.

I shook my head. “David is touring now.” I replied.
“Hey, didn’t you and Brett have a band way back when? The Yelling Marker…something.” He asked, looked up at the ceiling, like the answers were written there for him. I shrank back in my seat, and scowled at the brightly colored cup in front of me.
“Its Screaming Crayon Revival. And no, I’m not playing a show with Brett.” I muttered.
“Oh yes you are.” Brian fought back. I furrowed my brows together and looked up at him.
“No, I’m not.” I scowled.
“We need a band to cover, and it would be perfect for you both to play.” He said reasonably.
“I-Am-Not-Playing-A-Show-With-Brett!” I shouted, my words all staccato. Brian rolled his eyes dramatically and stood up, motioning for me to leave the coffee shop at him. I huffed my way out, knowing that he pulled me out here because I was causing a scene. Honestly, I don’t care. He cant make me play a show with that back stabber.

“You have to Rachel.” He said in a stern voice. I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest, just like a little kid.
“Get someone else to do it.” I said while turning my nose up. He just sighed loudly and started to massage his temples. “Frank’s label, Skeleton Crew, have plenty of others. What about Hot like a Robot?” I asked.
“They are on tour as well! Just play a few shows with him until Gerard gets better. Why are you so mad at Brett anyways?” He asked, pacing slightly. Brian is like the father I never wanted, he nagged constantly. Whether it be a situation like this, or me not playing as good as he knows I can. But, damn, let him get up on stage every night and see how well he plays a few weeks later.

“Brett is the reason Gerard is in the hospital!” I yelled, Brian must be fucking stupid if he didn’t realize that.
“Well, I know that.” He rolled his eyes. “But I thought you would have forgiven him by now.”
“I don’t think I can.” I mumbled, crossing my arms again.
“Well, your going to have to.” He growled.

“Brett used to have another band, they are called Scene 11. Go find them and get them to play.” I suggested, getting damn fed up with this.
“No, I’m not paying for whoever else to fly out here and get new equipment. You and Brett are both here, and so is the equipment. You are going to go apologize to him, and play a damn show tomorrow night.” He all but shouted before turning on his heel and heading down the road, not even giving me a moment to object. I let my mouth gape open as I watched his figure disappear down the road. I sighed and let out a frustrated yell before turning to walk back to the venue. I know everything Brian said was true, and I should forgive Brett. As much as I don’t want to.

But I know what I have to do.