The Pages All Look Torn and Frayed

Theres A Dozen Reasons in this Gun-

“Chicago, Let me hear you scream!” I shouted into the crowd before holding the mic out to them. Cheers and shouts erupted from the various mosh pits when the words echoed from my throat. Never in my life had I imagined that I would be experiencing this adrenaline rush and love of what I do. I never expected to see kids singing along with me as I spilled my heart out into the microphone.

I never ever would have thought that I would be standing here, center stage, while singing songs that I wrote during my darkest times. They screamed with me and danced to the music that I vomited onto tattered pages. They buy shirts with our band name plastered across the front and play along with our albums. I still remember back when I was finding guitar tabs online, then rocking out as hard as I could. I wanted to find that certain place where you loose all fear, a place where I was so free to dance and sing that I didn’t care who saw or heard. All I did was play my heart out, letting everyone see my emotions in the music I wrote.

I played a few random riffs here and there as I awaited for the crowd to quiet down. The persistent yelling finally died down and the people just stood there waiting for me to speak. I let go of my guitar, letting it rest on my hip casually. I took a deep breath while wrapping my hand around the microphone tightly.

“Are any of you as ecstatic to see My Chemical Romance as I am?” I shouted into the pulpit. Screams filled the air making a smirk fall over my lips.
“Well, I have a surprise for you then.” I whispered into the microphone before picking up my guitar once more. I took my position and glanced over at Holly while giving her a small nod. I turned to the crowd again as the drums kicked in.

“This is a really, really old jam. I suggest that if you have your lover standing next to you, you take this time to let them know just how much they mean to you.” I said calmly.
I noticed people start to take my advice as a few couples shared a deep kiss. A few people looked awkward and confused to my suggestions, but others seemed pleased as their tongues were shoved down their lovers’ throat. I smiled to myself at the amount of love filling the amphitheater, which started to smother us all.

I started to pluck at my fragile guitar strings as the music flowed through me. I let myself drift away from this world full of pain and guilt. I fell into an endless pit of poison. The music started to have its effect on me, swimming through me quickly. I never once did drugs, I never had to. Not when I had this medicine in my grasp. It flows through my system like the deadliest of poisons, but cures me from the inside out.

My left the people watching me, and even my band mates as I let my mouth gap open a bit.

“Hand in mine into your icy blues. And then I’d say to you, we could take to the highway…”

I waited for the moment I knew my heart would soar. It was so close yet so out of reach. The distance felt like a million miles away from my heart. I knew of the most intimate moment I would experience and each minute felt like an eternity. My soul craved for the love I knew I would feel. Tears actually started to brim my heavily lined eyes until I furiously blinked them away. I couldn’t ruin the show, now could I?

“I’m trying, I’m trying, to let you know just how much you mean to me…”

I smiled as my eyes snapped open as soon as his lethal voice echoed into my heart. Cheers cascaded over us as Gerard strided over to me with a microphone in hand. Those stunning hazel orbs piercing a hole into my aching chest. I felt my mind swell and my stomach tighten when his hand tenderly touched the side of my face. This must surely be love.

“I would drive onto the end with you…”

Gerard stared lovingly into my eyes throughout the entire song. No words could be formed to describe what I’m feeling right now. No actions could fully show just how much I love him. I would give the world and everything in it, just if it meant he would be mind forever.

“As snow falls on desert skies, until the end of every.”

As soon as those words left his mouth our lips collided so forcefully I saw stars. He wouldn’t pull away, and I didn’t mind at all. I never ever wanted this moment to end. Standing in front of thousands while publicly displaying our love was the best feeling ever. I hesitantly let go of my guitar and wrapped my shaky hands around his waist. His warm hand was placed on the back of my neck to hold me in place while bliss shook my system.

We finally had to break apart, just barley though. Our lips were still just barley ghosting over each other. He slowly brought the microphone up to our semi-connected lips.

“All we are, all we are, is bullets I mean this…”

We both lightly sang into the microphone, our voices blending like honey into the audience. Our lips brushing against each other as we sang each word. I let him finish off that part of the verse while I caught my breath. He pulled himself from me, letting me compose myself and play along with the bass and drums. He escalated his vocals and poured out himself into the song.

My whole body fell back into the music. His angelic voice poured over me as if kerosene was to be my fate. Heaven seemed to surround me now. This moment was coming to an end, and I cherished every moment of it. I savored his succulent taste and the moment we spent loving each other.

The song came to an abrupt end and he rushed over to me. We were both gleaming like children as sweat dripped from our faces. He grabbed me roughly and pulled our bodies together, despite my guitar being in the way. “I love you so much.” He whispered breathily into my ear before pulling away. He waved to the crowd before sprinting back off of the stage to let us finish our show.