The Pages All Look Torn and Frayed

Shut Up-

I stood on the side of the Revolution stage just waiting for Frank to rush off in a heat of adrenaline. Just as I expected he came waltzing off the stage with an exhausted smile on his face and a slick sheet of sweat covering him. When he started to pass me as if nothing mattered I grabbed his heavily inked arm, causing him to loose balance and fall over on me.

“Whoa, what’s up?” he asked while composing himself. I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to ignore the patch of sweat he got on my arm. He raised an eyebrow then shifted his gaze to my tapping foot. I tried to keep a straight glare as worry spread over his face.

“What? Rachel, what did I do?” He asked with panic filling his tone.
“Oh you know what you did.” I growled.
“Tell me.” He demanded, slightly growing a backbone in the situation.

“I thought I was the only one who could give Gee and erection!” I blurted out. Frank’s worried and scared looked turned into one of complete delight. I knew he would get some sort of sick pleasure from all of this. But he just walks around the stage, shoving his tongue down my boy friends throat, then feeling him up. People probably didn’t notice, but I could visibly see his jean clad erection.

“Well, I’m just so damn sexy.” Frank said while swaying his hips at me. I wrinkled my nose in disgust while noticing him looking like a stripper. His hip bones were protruding through his tight pants. His white button up shirt was showing his flat stomach, obviously flaunting his happy trail.

“But that’s not right. You shouldn’t be groping him on stage. Do you want rumors spread?”
“Maybe your boy friend is just too irresistible.” Frank confessed with a deep husky voice. I managed to not let a smile fade over my lips as I saw Gerard walk up. He raised an eyebrow when Frank let those words escape his mouth.
“Aw, thanks Frankie boy.” Gerard said happily.

I swear Frank practically jumped out of his skin. He spun around quickly with bright red cheeks. “You know I was kidding, right?” He asked while looking up at Gerard. That signature smirk started to spread over his sweaty face. He watched carefully as Frank twiddled his thumbs.

“Yea, that’s what Rachel used to say. And look at us now.” He declared proudly while wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I let myself fall into his embrace as Frank rolled his eyes and walked away. Once the pure bliss of being in his arms started to fade, his foul odor started to fill my senses. I pushed him off of me while scrunching up my nose.

“Ew, Gee go take a shower.” I whined.
“Sugah, you know you love the sweet smell of sweat, sex, and cigarettes.” He laughed.
“But I only like that smell when we are actually done with the naughty.” I continued to whine. He started to giggle lightly until he leaned forward, capturing my lips with his. The sweetness of coffee, cigarettes, and sweat mingled into my senses as his tongue slid into my mouth.

Lust overtook my body and it shuddered when Gerard pulled away from me, leaving a small trail of drool on the side of my mouth. “How about we share the shower?” He whispered seductively as his tongue darted out of his mouth and around the shell of my ear. I felt myself robotically nodding to his sexual plea.

“I hate to break it up, but I need to talk to Rachel.”

My lust filled gaze was broken and reality struck me. Gerard and I both looked over to see Amanda standing a few feet away. Her face was blank of all emotion, and her fists were lightly clenched. My body screamed for Gerard to just have his way with me, but my heart knew that Amanda needed me. I untangled myself from Gerard and I gave him a sympathetic look before following Amanda.

When I stepped into her teal dressing room I noticed Kayley sitting on the worn out black couch. She was totally zoned out from us, a look of pure concentration on her face. Amanda shut the door, making sure to flick the lock shut as well. “What’s going on?” I questioned while leaning against the makeup counter.

“That whore Lyn-Z, that’s what.” Amanda snapped. I furrowed my brows in concentration as I thought about her. I never really did talk to her, but I knew she wasn’t exactly the most reliable person. She was never stable, and always drunk or something. But then again, she seemed nice around me. “She’s a sweetie though.” I said hesitantly, trying to pull up anything I know about her.

“Oh yea, she’s so sweet.” Amanda said sarcastically as she paced the floor. I swear she was going to burn a hole in the floor. “So sweet that she shoves her tongue down Jepha’s throat!” she shouted in frustration. She finally plopped onto the couch, letting her hands hide her face.

“Lyn-Z? The same Lyn-Z in Mindless Self Indulgence?” I asked, obviously shocked at what she just told me.
“Yea, MSI did a song with The Used, and in the middle of it she walked over to Jepha and kissed him.” Kayley spoke up. Fury started to bubble in the pit of my stomach. I know just how much Jepha means to Amanda. And just the other night he was going on and on about how much he loves her. I know that he didn’t kiss her, but it was all her doing. I knew there was something very wrong with that girl.

“Manda, don’t worry, I’ll be sure that Lyn-Z never steps foot near him again. After me and her have a little talk, she will be way to scared to go near him.” I informed her while leaning down to hug her lightly. I let myself out of the room and started down the halls. I knew what I was going to do now, and I would make Lyn-Z realize what she did.

“Rachel, where to?”

I turned to see Ville starting to follow me around. He is probably just bored, and needed to find someone.
“Where is Lyn-Z?” I asked while continuing to walk.
“MSI is performing right now.” He said in his deep foreign accent.
“I thought they were on this morning?” I questioned as I grabbed a spare microphone.
“We switched times today. Wait, do you have a song with them?” He asked while watching me turn up the sound on the sound board.
“Nope.” I replied happily before flipping the microphone on.

I wouldn’t give him a chance to further question me, I waved him off as I walked further towards the stage. I took a deep breath, totally not knowing where I was going with this plan. I stared at them as they were finishing a song, Lyn-Z was in the middle of her signature backbend, just trying to show off to the crowd.

The split second the song ended, I hurled myself onto the stage. I ignored the confused looks on the bands face, and just focused on the roaring crowd. I waved out to the excited kids as they had no clue to what was going through my mind. I strode over to Lyn-Z as the song started. They just had to go along with me being out here. I let my gaze stay on her as I tried to pierce daggers through her with my eyes. I put the microphone up to my mouth.

“This song is about never fucking with someone else’s man!”