The Pages All Look Torn and Frayed

In A Hail of Bullets-

I let my fingers get tangled in his short black locks. Immense lust was overtaking my senses with each passing moment. His hand were firmly holding my ass sinfully, pulling our midsections together, letting me feel his jean clad erection. “Frank can’t give me an erection.” He mumbled against my lips. “I saw you standing by the stage and it turned me on.” He added.

I shoved my tongue back into his mouth, feeling around the moist cavern. My stomach fluttered when soft lips connected to the side of my neck, sucking and kissing softly. I swirled my tongue around Gerard’s, exchanging a good amount of saliva.

I suddenly jumped and pulled away from Gerard when I realized that his mouth was on mine, and his hands were connected to my rear. I spun around to see who had their lips all over my neck. I looked wide eyed at Bert who was cracking up. I started to frantically wipe at the saliva on my neck. I squealed and jumped up and down while wiping the drool on Gerard’s sleeve.

“Bert, what on earth is wrong with you?” I squeaked. He wiped his eyes free of tears from laughing so hard.
“I was walking by, and I saw you guys practically dry humping each other.” He laughed.
“You could have kept on walking, not do that!” I shouted. Gerard subtly kept his hand over his mouth, trying to hold in his laughter. I felt myself start to giggle as well once the reality of the situation kicked in.

“So, what’s planned for the anniversary?” Bert questioned while leaning against the wall. I shrugged lightly, finding myself starting to wonder what we should do. Three years is a long time, and I think something special should be in order. “I have everything already planned out.” Gerard spoke up. A whole hearted smile fell across my lips slowly.

“Oh, well, show starts in twenty minutes.” Bert exclaimed before running off. “I’ll meet you back here after you go on.” Gerard said as he planted a kiss on my forehead.
“Alright, I’ll see you then.” I mumbled before walking in the direction of my dressing room. Two weeks into the tour and things are going great. I hummed a random tune as I skipped into the room, shutting the door behind me.

Holly stopped applying her eyeliner and watched me suspiciously as I started to put on my stage clothes. I caught her eye and put down my black skinny jeans. “What?” I asked bluntly.
“Someone is a little too happy.” She stated. I shrugged while pulling on my pants, having extreme difficulty doing so.
“Well, my anniversary is coming up.”
“Dinner and a movie like last year?” She questioned while capping her eyeliner. I shrugged before smoothing my shirt on the chair to get some wrinkles out.
“Gerard said it’s a secret.” I mumbled as I pulled my shirt over my head.
“Oh la la.” She laughed.

I rushed off of the stage in search of my beloved. I pushed past the stage crew just to get to our hiding place. I don’t get as much time to see him as I would like, so every minute counts. In the mess of people Frank suddenly appeared before me, adorned in a loose fitting black shirt with faded grey jeans and his damp hair hanging in his face slightly.

“Hey Frank. Watch out, I gotta go find Gee.” I said while managing to look past him. His firm grip wrapped around my arm and started to pull me farther from my Gee. “Frank, let me go.” I exclaimed. He wouldn’t reply, just continue to pull me towards the dressing rooms. If he needed to talk that’s all he had to say. I watched as my destination slowly faded within the mess of people. I sighed when we reached the dressing room and Frank shut the door behind him.

I huffed and glared at him as he blocked my exit. I crossed me arms over my chest and just sighed again. “What the hell was that for?” I asked. Frank let his eyes hit the floor as silence filled the humid dressing room. His eyes rose and hit mine again the moment before he lunged at me. A small shriek left my mouth before his mouth covered mine.