The Pages All Look Torn and Frayed

A Beast in Repose-

“Frank what happened?” I shrieked when I caught sight of his black and blue eye. He didn’t answer me, just stand before me as I examined his wound. I reached a shaky hand up to brush over the bruise, making him flinch slightly. I frowned and felt like hugging him, but I didn’t want to make people suspicious of things.

“Who did this?” I asked just below a whisper. I don’t know why the words came out like that, but they just did. Maybe I was afraid of his answer, afraid that someone I knew did this to him.
“No one; I fell and hit the arm of the couch in Gerard’s dressing room.” He replied coldly. He flipped his chestnut hair off of his face, but I think he was just trying to get me to stop touching his face. I drew my hand back, letting it slip into the pocket of my jacket.

I continued to stand there examining his face. He just stood before me, fidgeting and messing with the hem of his shirt. “I’m going to go shower.” He said while pulling off his Zombie guitar. He held it out to me by the strap while rolling his shoulder. I silently took from him and put the strap over my shoulder, letting it drape at my midsection. He waved himself off before walking down the long lonely hall way.

I sighed before plopping onto a spare amp next to me. His guitar was still in my lap and I plucked at the worn and out of tune strings while waiting for Gerard. They just finished their set and he should be out here soon. Unless he went somewhere else, maybe to avoid me. I told him I would be waiting beside the stage, and I kept my promise. Although he has failed to keep his today.

“We’re going to the party bus. You wanna come?”

I looked up to see Amanda standing in front of me with Kayley, Quinn, Ville, and Chester by her side. I smiled up at her while shaking my head lightly. “I’m waiting on Gee.” I replied. As much as I wanted to join in on the fun, I wanted my beloved. I wanted to spend just a few moments with him before we were on the road again in our separate tour buses. They all nodded and shrugged before starting to walk off.

“Well, if you change your mind you know where we are.” Chester said before exiting through the double doors. I nodded, although he couldn’t see me. I sighed again, feeling almost exhausted from everything today. I slumped down and leaned against the guitar in my lap while still plucking at the strings.

“You might as well go with them. Gerard isn’t here.” Mikey said from behind me. I slowly turned in my spot until I had a clear view of him. He stood there with his arms crossed over his chest. A black jacket hanging on his shoulders and his hair did up nicely in a faux hawk.
“Why isn’t he here?” I asked, feeling like I’ve been through the same thing earlier.
“He said he had some things to buy.” Mikey shrugged. “Don’t wait up for him, let’s go.” He added while plucking me from my seat and yanking the guitar from me. He sat it on a stand and pushed me to the door. I hardly struggled against his grip, knowing that he had a point to everything he said.

A chill surged through me as the cold night air struck me. Mikey took the lead, pulling me through the parking lot until we reached HIM’s bus. A huge heart-a-gram was posted on the side, and I could hear booming music from within. Mikey pulled the door open and I followed him inside. I trudged up each stair that he did until we were fully in the bus.

Mikey disappeared in the crowd of people and I was left standing there awkwardly. I felt so out of place with out Gerard. He made me feel so alive, he made me come out of my shell.

“I haven’t seen you in forever!”

I smiled when Ville popped up in front of me. “Yea, ten minutes is such a long time.” I replied, rolling my eyes. He smiled at my remark and grabbed my hand, pulling me farther into the bus. He ushered me past plenty of people before we reached the kitchen counter.

Various drinks were sprawled out everywhere. I looked over and saw Bert mixing his own drink.
“What do you want?” Ville called over the loud music. I shook my head at his question, knowing inside that I shouldn’t drink.
“No, I cant; I shouldn’t.” I replied solemnly.
“C’mon you haven’t been on the party bus since the tour started. It’s just for tonight, plus, you don’t have any other plans.” He said. My thoughts automatically went to Gerard. He was just out somewhere while I was stuck here, gripping onto his empty promises. Maybe he’s having an off day or something, but I feel really alone. Every promise he made for me today was all broken. His promise of being there when I was finished was a lie. He left me alone. Then now he said he would see me after his set, and did he?

No. He didn’t.

“Okay, surprise me.” I smiled at Ville. His smirk broadened as he grabbed a few bottles, mixing some concoction for me. His back was turned, not letting me see the drink I would receive. He finally spun back around with two cups in his hands. He handed one to me and held it up, obviously for a toast.
“To getting drunk!” He declared proudly.
“To getting droooonk!” I agreed, while mocking his foreign accent. I put the cup to my lips and let the acid run down my throat.