The Pages All Look Torn and Frayed

Pop the Cheap Champaign-

I slammed my car door shut, letting the chunk of scrap metal move slightly from the force of the slam. I rested my head against the back of my seat while taking a deep breath. I ran my hand over my face, not realizing that I probably just ruined my stage makeup. I sighed while sitting up to see my deformed figure in the rear-view mirror. To my surprise my makeup was still perfectly in tact. As much as people said I looked nice, I felt horrible on the inside. I shouldn’t let my thoughts bring me down though.

I don’t know if Gerard has done anything wrong. It must just be a coincidence. I mean, I know that this tour would be awkward since him and Lyn-Z just got divorced like four years ago. And I think it would always be awkward, but still, he wouldn’t run back to her, would he?

I shoved the key into the ignition before picking up my phone. Knowing Holly she will want some coffee and candy on my way back. We always pick up candy for each other.
“Hurry and get your ass back here!” She yelled into the phone.
“Well, hello to you too.” I replied sarcastically while pulling out of the crowded parking lot. “What’s the big rush?” I asked.
“Someone is here to see you.” She replied excitedly.
“If it’s my parents, tell them that I’m not giving up my boy friend or career for some exciting life as a praise and worship leader.” I said. I heard her start to laugh then sigh lightly.
“No it’s not them. Just hurry back.” She said before the line went dead. I snapped my phone shut ant tossed it into the passenger’s seat. I raced back to the arena as fast as I could.

I pulled into the parking lot and practically jumped out of the car. I shoved the keys into my pocket before running to our bus. I pried the heavy door open and climbed inside, just to be met with no one. “Hello?” I called, only to hear no response. I sighed and pulled out my phone to call Holly and see what was up. A shriek escaped my mouth when I felt someone jump on my back.

I involuntarily dropped my phone and sighed. I figured it was just Frank up to his normal antics. “Frank, get off of me.” I said sternly.
“Frank? Who’s Frank?” The voice said while jumping off of me. I raised an eyebrow before turning on my heel. My eyes lit up and I let out a scream.
“Brett what are you doing here!!” I yelled while wrapping my arms around his neck.

“I was hired to shoot your new music video.” He replied as I pulled away from our hug.
“Are you serious?” I asked in total disbelief. He smiled while nodding his head.
“Wow, how many years has it been since we last saw each other?” I sighed lightly.
“About five.” He replied matter-of-factly. I smiled and laughed to myself, I was really happy at the moment. Every worry about Gerard was gone, I felt like I had my friend back. Someone I thought I lost years ago when I split from the church and started to do my own thing. My band formed, and ever since then I hadn’t seen him.

“You have to go meet everyone!” I yelled while pulling him off the bus. I linked arms with him as we traveled across the parking lot. He squirmed in my grip, just like old times. I refused to let him go though. It reminded me so much of when we were teenagers.

“I don’t wanna meet My Chemical Romance.” He argued as I shoved him past the double doors.
“But my future husband is in that band.” I replied.
“You said that seven years ago.” He protested.
“But this time I’m not lying.” I said happily.
I could hear laughter erupting from the lounge room, and I knew that’s where everyone was. I pulled him closer to the room until I was standing in the doorway, jumping around happily. The laughter died as people caught the sight of me hopping around in the door way. “This is Brett!” I declared while pointing to him. He just gave them a small smile while waving politely.

Chester was the first to have the courage to get up off his ass and introduce himself. Ville, Bob, Frank, Ray, Quinn, Mike, Jepha, Kayley, and Bert all followed suit. Everyone started to talk amongst themselves happily, while I looked around for Gerard. I searched every corner of that room and never once saw him. I frowned and walked towards the door and jutted my head out. I looked down the halls, only to see some stage crew here and there.

“I gotta go find Gee.” I said aloud, mostly to myself than anyone else. I reached and grabbed Brett’s arm, pulling him away from his conversation with Ray about guitars.
“Whaaaaaat?” He whined and struggled as I pulled him along, sticking my head in every room, trying to find my beloved.
“You have to meet Gerard.” I replied while running to the end of the hall with Brett in my grasp.
“I told you before that he should be thrown in a pool of scorpions, and I still stand on that thought.” He said rudely. I sighed and shook my head at his comment, specifically remembering that moment in time when he said those words seven years ago at camp.

“Hey babe.”

My attention snapped down the hall and I saw Gerard standing there waving at me. I squeaked while running down the empty halls towards him. I left Brett to walk down the hall alone as I jumped into Gerard’s arm. I smiled as he held me tight and close to his warm body. I looked up and captured his lips with mine, as my eyes fluttered closed.
“Ew, okay, I walked up at the wrong time.” I heard Brett say.

I smiled into the kiss before breaking away, holding onto Gerard’s waist.
“Gerard, this is Brett. Me and him were friend’s way back when.” I said as Gerard shook his hand.
“You know, just a few years ago Rachel here was totally obsessed with you.”
My eyes went wide as Brett continued to talk. Gerard knew I was a fan, but never knew of my obsessive compulsive ways.
“She had posters with your face all over them. They were all over her walls and…” I cut him off there by pouncing on him. He fell to the floor, hitting his head against the cement.
“Okay, I’ll stop talking.” He muttered as I pulling myself off of him.
“Good.” I replied while straightening my shirt.
“You never told me you were obsessed!” Gerard laughed. I glared at Brett who was laughing as well.

Just like old times.