The Pages All Look Torn and Frayed

I Swear I'm Not-

“Brian said that we have a week for a break, and we’re checking into a hotel tonight.” Ray said excitedly as he walked by my dressing room. I nodded to myself while trying to pry open a bag of Skittles. Brett was sitting up on the couch with a computer in his lap, while Amanda sat on the makeup counter twirling her hair in her fingers.

I smiled when I finally opened the evil Skittles bag and tossed some in my mouth. I instantly felt someone collide into my lap and wrap their arms around my neck.
“I want some.” Frank stated. I sighed and tossed a few in his mouth as well. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek before getting up. “I love you.” He called while walking out the door.

“We’re going out tonight.” Brett suddenly said from the couch. I looked up at him from my place on the floor. “Where?” I questioned while chewing on my candy.
“Tremont, The Almost are going to be there.” He said with a smile.
“I wanna go!” Amanda spoke up. Brett gave her a sympathetic look while shaking his head. “Sorry, but I wanna go with Rachel since years ago we went and saw The Almost together.” He said in a low voice. She shrugged and popped her gum.
“Okay. Have fun.” She said while walking from the room.

“When is it?” I asked while pulling myself up onto the couch.
“Seven.” He plainly stated, pointing to the computer screen to indicate that he was right.
“Sweet, I’m going to go get ready.” I said happily. I jumped up and dashed for my suitcase.



We both ran at each other and collided forcefully into each others arms. We separated in a heap of giggles and still held onto each others arms.
“How are you? I haven’t seen you in forever!” He said excitedly.
“I’m great. How’s the tour going?” I replied.
“Good, good. Wait, aren’t you supposed to be on tour?” He asked back.
“Yea I am. But we have a break right now.” I said while pushing back a strand of my hair.
“Man, thank God for tour breaks.” He sighed happily. I giggled at his remark.
“And how do you guys know each other?” Brett chimed in from beside us.
“We used to open for them.” I said, pointing at Aaron.
“Awesome. Dude, the show was amazing.” Brett said to Aaron. Aaron let go of my arm and grabbed a piece of paper, signing it for a fan.
“Thanks man, I’m so tired though. As soon as this is over I’m crashing for the night. I’m getting too old for this.” Aaron said.
“Yea sure.” I replied sarcastically. “Well, call me when the tour is over, okay?” I said as Brett started to walk off.
“Will do.” He called back before being swarmed with fans again. We walked through the crowd, lucky that no one noticed me.

“I’m thirsty as hell.” I mumbled as I pulled my jacket around me tighter. Brett followed me as I walked past his car and to the gas station. A small bell chimed as we entered the abandoned building. I made sure to just grab a drink and pay. I still remember the hookers Brett and I saw here years ago.

We walked back to his car, admiring the tires that lay across the grass. I slid into the passenger’s side while taking a swig of my green tea.
“Do you remember when my dad’s car broke down?” Brett laughed while shoving the key into the ignition.
“Oh, I so remember that.” I laughed. Both of our laughter died down when the car wouldn’t start. He turned the key time and time again, sighing when the engine wouldn’t start.
“Speak of the devil.” He sighed while resting his head against the steering wheel.


It’s been about half an hour since we figured out that we were stuck here. I called everyone on the tour, but either their phones were off, or they just didn’t answer. I did get a hold of Ville though. He said everyone was asleep of partying, and I wouldn’t dare ask someone as drunk as him to come pick us up. Brett only came to Charlotte because he’s the director of our video, so he doesn’t know anyone to call around here.

I glanced over at him since it’s been about twenty minutes since I last heard him talk. He was leaning on his arms while staring out into the bleak night. A red glow from the bar across the street cast a shadow across his features. It seemed to be subtly but country music started to seep into the scene. It reminded me of a movie. The way he seemed so sad, with corny country music to accompany his depressing mood.

I sighed and opened the door, leaning against the car to stretch my sore legs. The car shook slightly when he did the same, slamming the car door shut.
“We shouldn’t have even mentioned about when my dads care broke down.” He mumbled into the air. I started to laugh slightly, only to receive a weird look from him.
“But we had fun remember? And I bet, we can still have fun.” I said trying to lighten the mood.
“I guess. But it would be more fun if we had a guitar.” He whined.
“Aha! See? I knew you were going to say that!” I squealed.
I saw him look away from me and at the road. I followed his gaze and saw a dark shadow stumbling around the side walk. He shot me a glance and I knew what he was thinking. We simultaneously bolted for the car and climbed inside quickly.

“We gotta wait for him to pass, and then we can get back out.” Brett said in a low whisper.
Although we were stuck in uptown Charlotte, I know that we will find it so amusing, just like we did years ago.