Whisper in the Dark

Leave Life Behind (trois)

When it was finally time to leave for my new life, my parents were no where to be seen (no surprise there). So I went to get the driver Edgar- yeah I know how stuck up that sounds- and left for my new life without saying good bye to the old one. To be perfectly honest, I had little emotion but hope as I watched the too uptight mansion become smaller and smaller, merely a distant memory already. I wished that I would find something better when I reached my destination, but the doubt was still heavy on my mind. Why would they send me to a place I actually enjoyed?

Edgar handed me a packet of papers about my new school and the dorms that would soon become my home. They looked spectacular I must admit and I noticed that the dorm halls were coed so that was kind of nice. Classes started in a week and a half, longer summer than my regular school, I liked that a lot.

Eventually we reached our destination and I was impressed by the gothic castle look that it had going on for it; the whole thing looked as if a king still lived in one of the many turrets that were strewn throughout the structure. Edgar led me up the steps and into the main reception/office area thing of the school where a thirty some looking man sat behind the desk. It was a nice change to see a man secretary for once; the stereotype was always a woman. He had a kind face and was nice enough as he introduced me to the school and the basic outline of the rules, which surprisingly weren’t many.

“Good luck, Pete,” Edgar told me sincerely. He knew that I hated my name and preferred to be referred to as Pete. Out of everyone in my house, he was the one that I liked most. “I will miss all of your adventures. The house will just not be the same without you.”

“Thank you for everything Edgar,” my words for once were as sincere as his were. “We will keep in touch, I promise you that. Thanks again for bringing me up here. Good bye for now.”

With that being said, I took up all of my stuff and headed for my dorm room and hopefully to a better life. But as I said before, that was a doubtful happening. One can never know, though, there could be exactly how it turned out. Before I could leave the office though, the secretary’s voice stopped me.

“Pete, there is one thing.” He already knew my dislike for my name. “We were a little bit short on rooms and you being a last minute transfer, well you may find this kind of an awkward subject. But um, well….” I could not imagine why he seemed so hesitant to tell me what it was he needed to tell me. How bad could it be? “Well, the truth is Pete, that you will be rooming with a guy.” He kind of cowered in fear a little bit, obviously waiting for the wrath that I am sure my parents informed them about. I almost laughed.

Huh, a guy roomie. That was new, I must admit. I had read so many stupid stories on the internet that girls wrote when they were bored about a girl having to room with a guy, but I didn’t think that a school would actually let that happen. But how bad could it be? I lived with six guys; I was prepared for anything a guy could throw at me.

“Hey, Mr. Danforth, chill please.” Mr. Danforth was the secretary in case that was not clear already. “I’m not going to smite you I swear. Whatever bull my parents fed you they were lying, I am not going to hurt you. Besides, I have six brothers which leaves me fully equipped to deal with a guy roommate. Don’t sweat it; I’m a big girl and I can handle myself. Trust me.”

“Oh, thanks Pete. I have tried to get many other girls to share with him, but well, most people do not like him and so the girls are hesitant to live with him. It’s not that he is a bad guy, it is just that he sees things differently so-”

“So we will get alone fine. No one really likes me either so things will probably work out fine for us. I told you it is not a big deal. I know to some girls sharing a room with a guy that is not popular would be the end of the world, but I can assure you that I am not a girl like that. Is there anything else you feel it necessary to tell me but are afraid I will be completely spiteful at?”

“No, I believe that is all there is to say. Oh, but you do have to wear a uniform. It is minimum though, you have a skirt that you can do anything you would like to and a button down vest that you will probably have no problem with. Your roommate should be in the room so go ahead up and meet him. He knows that you are, in fact, a girl, so he will not be freaked out.”

“Well, what a consolation,” I responded sarcastically already on my way out of the suddenly too warm room. “Thanks for your help Mr. D.”

The walk to my dorm was one full of pondering. Do I seriously have to share a room with a guy? I mean, I have no problem with that but wouldn’t he think it is a little weird? Especially since no one wanted to share with him, he might think that I am doing him some kind of charity and get mad at me or think I only want to room with him so I can…yeah, so don’t want to think about that. But I am curious to see what he looks and acts like since no one likes him. I’m sure I will like him just because of the way Danforth described him. I should just stop trying to picture him and go into the room.
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Blahh, I don't know.
For swiftlyfadingsoul because she's awesome xD
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