Whisper in the Dark

Know your Place (quarte)

Opening the door to my dorm room, I immediately felt completely at home. The walls were laden with band posters similar to the ones that I had on the walls at the mansion. I noticed that he had about a million studded belts and Converse all over the floor. And I knew immediately why no one liked him; he was exactly like I was. Plus, I saw the girls jeans that he left laying on the floor- no one seemed to accept an emo boy. But I would show him how different I was. While all of this was going on in my mind, I didn’t even notice that the guy had come out of the bathroom adjacent to the dorm room.

“Hey, you must be the new girl,” his voice sounded behind me. I whipped around to see an extremely attractive guy. He was not very muscular and he was pale (he had his shirt off) but he had veins in his arms which was the biggest turn on in a guy in my opinion. And the next is hair, which he also passed with flying colors. He had the long emo hair with a piece entirely covering one eye (kind of like what mine did in the front actually) and it was died black and red.

Our hair is like the emo version of patriotism, I thought, having to stifle a laugh. He looked at me strangely; apparently I hadn’t stifled the laugh quite enough. Oh well, that didn’t matter. I still thought he was probably the hottest guy I had ever seen. And he was most likely totally off limits because we were rooming together.

“So, why did you decided to room with me?” he asked, shrugging into a Silverstein shirt. Oh my God why is he so perfect? I wondered fleetingly. “Most people are scared that I will try to murder them in their sleep or something.”

I looked down at myself as if that was answer enough, but of course I couldn’t miss the opportunity to open my big mouth. “Yeah well, in case you haven’t noticed I am sure most of the girls would think the same of me if I had to room with one. When Danforth told me that no one liked you I figured that it would be perfect since no one likes me either. And I was further convinced when I walked into the room and noticed all of these beautiful posters. And the belts and shoes and your shirt.”

He realized that I was rambling and he assumed that it was because I was scared just like all the other kids or whatever it was they were that prevented them from rooming with him (I still didn’t know his name). The truth was that I was nervous being around him for reasons I really shouldn’t have been such as…um HELLO! he was absolutely gorgeous. Why would I not be intimidated by that?

“Look, you are not doing me any favors be rooming with me,” he tried to convince because of the uncomfort that I so obviously showed. Stupid stupid stupid! “Honestly, you won’t hurt my feeling if you leave.” But he faltered and his eyes became sad. I knew he would be hurt if I left just like all the others. He thought I was different and I was acting as if I were no different than them.

“You don’t have to act all tough around me dude. I’m not like the others so I won’t bail on you. I am the complete opposite of scared; trust me when I say that you are definitely not scary. We will get along very well I can tell.”

He looked at me strangely as if he was thinking and he was, I just couldn’t hear it obviously.

Maybe she really is different than everyone else, he thought. She certainly looks different, a good different. Too bad she’s my roommate and it probably wouldn’t be able to happen. Why would she like me anyway? She is too good to be true.

“So what’s your name?” I asked, not liking the silence that ensued after the little thing that went on. “I’m Pete and yes it is short for something, but do not even waste your breath asking what it is because I am not going to tell you.” I sounded like a real bitch, but I didn’t care. If he was going to be my roommate then he would have to deal with the bitchiness that came along with me.

“I will not ask, but I will find out one way or the other,” he informed with a mysterious smirk appearing on his face. My eyebrows went way up at the new addition to his face. “My name is Hanley. It’s a sucky name I know, but it’s not like I was able to pick it myself.”

“Hey, I like the name personally. It reminds me of the band, which by the way is really good. So I’m not complaining about it. Can I ask you something personal? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I mean I know we have just met and everything so I completely understand if you don’t want to tell me but I know where you are coming from so I figured we could relate and you can feel comfortable telling me.”
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Boo. Idk, Pete's so weird. But I love Hanley. Is that weird?
I have school. Anyone agree? It sucks the life out of me.
Love it-Hate it-Let me know