Modern Love?

Angel and Venom

29th June 2002
Sinandmysery –online-
Dyingalone –online-

Dyingalone: Angel!
Sinandmysery: Venom!
Sinandmysery: You’re finally online
Dyingalone: Yeah I’ve been travelling remember
Sinandmysery: Yeah true
Dyingalone: So how was the concert?
Sinandmysery: I can’t tell you that until we meet
Dyingalone: And when will that be?
Sinandmysery: I don’t know, when will that be?
Dyingalone: you choose, I’m only here for a month though so it can’t wait too long
Sinandmysery: Hum…
Dyingalone: So while you think, how are you?
Sinandmysery: Pretty good, pretty good and you?
Dyingalone: Same but mine would go more like this: Pretty dam good
Sinandmysery: Maybe just a little better than me
Dyingalone: Maybe
Sinandmysery: So how was your show last night?
Dyingalone: It was great to be back home and the fans were great
Sinandmysery: So is New Jersey your favourite place to play in?
Dyingalone: Yeah so far, actually I think it’ll always be the best place
Sinandmysery: Awesome
Dyingalone: So what are you doing except talking to me and thinking about when he should meet?
Sinandmysery: Just thinking in general and you?
Dyingalone: Same, though thinking could prove to be harmful to my health and probably yours too
Sinandmysery: Really? How could it be harmful to mine
Dyingalone: Well if you think you’ll hurt your brain too
Sinandmysery: Oh… so it wasn’t that you’re dangerous to me but I’m dangerous to me
Dyingalone: That’s right
Sinandmysery: Nice. Thanks
Dyingalone: I have to get off now, my brother wants the computer
Sinandmysery: Aw… :( I suppose, you could just tell him to go away
Dyingalone: I am not going away!
Dyingalone: That was my brother
Sinandmysery: I guessed as much, sorry wasn’t trying to be mean Venom’s brother
Dyingalone: That’s fine, you call him Venom?
Sinandmysery: Yeah he wouldn’t tell me his real name
Dyingalone: well it’s Gkhflisryfifif
Sinandmysery: It’s what?
Dyingalone: Um… ignore him, he’s gone now but I need to go before he comes back
Sinandmysery: Wait does your name actually start with a G?
Dyingalone: Goodbye Angel
Sinandmysery: Fine then, ttyl Venom
Dyingalone: Better

Dyingalone –offline-
Sinandmysery –offline-
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for taking so long, here's the next chapter