Modern Love?


21 May 2002

Sinandmysery –online-
Dyingalone –online-

Sinandmysery: Ello Venom
Dyingalone: Hello Angel
Sinandmysery: How are you?
Dyingalone: Pretty dam good
Sinandmysery: And why’s that?
Dyingalone: Because I just had the best night and now I’m talking to you
Sinandmysery: Oh don’t I feel special
Dyingalone: You should
Sinandmysery: Lol :D
Dyingalone: SO how are you?
Sinandmysery: I’m good, though not as good as you
Dyingalone: It’s hard to be as good as me :P
Sinandmysery: Modest much?
Dyingalone: Lol of course not…
Sinandmysery: Lmao
Dyingalone: ?
Sinandmysery: Laugh my ass off
Dyingalone: I like, very nice
Sinandmysery: Thank you, there is also lmfao
Dyingalone: …
Dyingalone: Wait I get it
Sinandmysery: You do?
Dyingalone: Yes, Laugh my fucking ass off
Sinandmysery: -claps-
Dyingalone: -bows-
Sinandmysery: -pushes over-
Dyingalone: Hey! That’s not very nice
Sinandmysery: Sowwi –puppy dog eyes-
Dyingalone: Aw… so cute, reminds me of Frankie
Sinandmysery: Who?
Dyingalone: Oh no one just one of my friends
Sinandmysery: Ohk
Dyingalone: So Angel tell me a little about yourself
Sinandmysery: Hum… like what?
Dyingalone: I don’t know
Sinandmysery: How about we play the random question game
Dyingalone: Sure, how does it work?
Sinandmysery: Ohk, first I’ll ask a question, any question and you answer then it’s your turn to ask
Dyingalone: Sounds fun, you start
Sinandmysery: Ohk, Location?
Dyingalone: Somewhere in California
Sinandmysery: Right… your turn
Dyingalone: Mood?
Sinandmysery: Random, a little happy
Dyingalone: Only a little happy
Sinandmysery: Yeah most I’ve been all week
Dyingalone: Oh poor Angel
Sinandmysery: Um… thanx my turn
Sinandmysery: Favourite color?
Dyingalone: Red (black but that’s a shade)
Sinandmysery: Lol same here
Dyingalone: Cool. Girl?
Sinandmysery: Are you asking if I’m a girl?
Dyingalone: Yes
Sinandmysery: Yes I am
Dyingalone: Thought as much
Sinandmysery: And you a man?
Dyingalone: yes
Sinandmysery: Thought so
Dyingalone: Favourite band?
Sinandmysery: Hmm… hard one
Dyingalone: Come on, any band. First one that comes to mind
Sinandmysery: Ohk Iron Maiden and this new one called My Chemical Romance
Dyingalone: Awesome, they rock
Sinandmysery: Hometown?
Dyingalone: Jersey
Sinandmysery: Same here
Dyingalone: Ah now I see about what you were saying yesterday
Sinandmysery: Yeap
Dyingalone: Favourite place?
Sinandmysery: Anywhere?
Dyingalone: Absolutely anywhere
Sinandmysery: Where I am at the moment
Dyingalone: And that is?
Sinandmysery: In my closet talking to you
Dyingalone: Aw… now I feel special
Sinandmysery: And so you should
Dyingalone: It’s your turn
Sinandmysery: It is, Favourite feeling?
Dyingalone: Being on stage
Sinandmysery: Are you in a band?
Dyingalone: Yes, but I’m not telling which
Sinandmysery: Oh why not?
Dyingalone: Because
Sinandmysery: Because why?
Dyingalone: I don’t want to
Sinandmysery: Why not?
Dyingalone: Because
Sinandmysery: My god, I’m not going to get anywhere
Dyingalone: Nope
Sinandmysery: Fine then, your turn
Dyingalone: Okay, Favourite pizza?
Sinandmysery: Cheese and pepperoni
Dyingalone: Yum… -drools-
Sinandmysery: Ew!! Not over my pizza
Dyingalone: Lmao
Sinandmysery: If you stop drooling we can share
Dyingalone: Deal
Sinandmysery: Buttface
Dyingalone: :D You know you like it
Sinandmysery: :P
Dyingalone: That’s a yes
Sinandmysery: You wish
Dyingalone: Nope I know
Sinandmysery: Lol well I have to go now
Dyingalone: Okay bye bye
Sinandmysery: Ttyl Venom
Dyingalone: sure will Angel

Sinandmysery –offline-