Modern Love?

Chapter 4

22 May 2002

Sinandmysery –online-
Dyingalone –online-

Sinandmysery: Guess what?
Dyingalone: What?
Sinandmysery: I got my hair dyed!
Dyingalone: Cool
Sinandmysery: Hey what’s up Venom?
Dyingalone: Nothing
Sinandmysery: Yes there is, tell me
Dyingalone: No I’m fine
Sinandmysery: Tell me the truth
Dyingalone: I’ve waited my whole life for someone to say that
Sinandmysery: So…
Dyingalone: It’s nothing really, just a fight with my brother
Sinandmysery: Oh sucky, I know how that is
Dyingalone: You have brothers and sisters?
Sinandmysery: Yeah, 2 younger sisters and a twin brother
Dyingalone: Twin brother, cool
Sinandmysery: Yeah, but he left home when he was 16
Dyingalone: Have you heard from him since?
Sinandmysery: Once or twice, but I know he’s alright
Dyingalone: How?
Sinandmysery: It’s a twin thing
Dyingalone: Oh yes, I’ve heard about that
Sinandmysery: Most people have
Dyingalone: So how was your day?
Sinandmysery: Awesome!
Dyingalone: Oh yes, you got your hair dyed
Sinandmysery: Yeah!
Dyingalone: What color?
Sinandmysery: Black with red streaks
Dyingalone: Awesome, nearly the same as mine, but I’ve got a red patch
Sinandmysery: Lmao, a red patch?
Dyingalone: Yes
Sinandmysery: Amusing
Dyingalone: It is, isn’t it –British accent-
Sinandmysery: ::D
Dyingalone: You’re such a smilie whore
Sinandmysery: Did you just call me a whore?
Dyingalone: I think I just did –gasp-
Sinandmysery: You are so going to get it
Dyingalone: Am I know? And what are you going to do about it Angel?
Sinandmysery: Oh… you just wait
- 2 minutes –
Dyingalone: Um… I’m been waiting
Sinandmysery: Yeah I noticed
Dyingalone: So what are you going to do?
Sinandmysery: .
Sinandmysery: ..
Sinandmysery: …
Sinandmysery: ….
Sinandmysery: …..
Sinandmysery: ……
Sinandmysery: …….
Sinandmysery: ……..
Sinandmysery: ………
Sinandmysery: ……….
Sinandmysery: ………..
Sinandmysery: …………
Sinandmysery: ………….
Dyingalone: Wtf?
Sinandmysery: Nothing
Dyingalone: Was that your revenge?
Sinandmysery: Maybe –shifty eyes-
Dyingalone: It was wasn’t it?
Sinandmysery: Yeah
Dyingalone: That was pathetic
Sinandmysery: Oh thanx
Dyingalone: No problem
Sinandmysery: You couldn’t do better
Dyingalone: Yeah probably not
Sinandmysery: OMG!
Dyingalone: What?
Sinandmysery: You said ‘Yeah’ not ‘Yes’
Dyingalone: Your point?
Sinandmysery: You’re coming to the dark side
Dyingalone: ???
Sinandmysery: The informal side
Dyingalone: Right…
Sinandmysery: Muahahahaha… I rule
Dyingalone: Okay then… -whisper- crazy
Sinandmysery: Am not
Dyingalone: Are so
Sinandmysery: Am not
Dyingalone: Are so
Sinandmysery: Not
Dyingalone: So
Sinandmysery: Not
Dyingalone: So
Sinandmysery: Not!!!!!
Dyingalone: Fine then you’re not crazy
Dyingalone: Just mentally challenged
Sinandmysery: Thank you
Sinandmysery: Wait… that’s harsh, real harsh
Dyingalone: I’m sorry –puppy dog eyes-
Sinandmysery: That’s not going to work on me
Dyingalone: Pretty p-p-pwease –puppy dog eyes-
Sinandmysery: Aw…
Dyingalone: Got you, you know you love it
Sinandmysery: I know but I’m not admitting it
Dyingalone: You don’t have to we both know it
Sinandmysery: :P
Dyingalone: SO what are you doing?
Sinandmysery: Writing and eating skittles
Dyingalone: Skittles!!!! –Gasp-
Sinandmysery: Yeap and they’re all mine –evil laugh-
Dyingalone: Nooo… give me some pwease
Sinandmysery: Fine have the orange ones –throws-
Dyingalone: Ew…
Sinandmysery: That or nothing mister
Dyingalone: Come on, at least some red and black ones
Sinandmysery: Well seeing I like you so much…
Dyingalone: Yes…
Sinandmysery: You can have two
Dyingalone: You must not like me that much
Sinandmysery: Well after 4 days, it’s a lot
Dyingalone: I suppose
Sinandmysery: Goodie
Dyingalone: I have to go now :(
Sinandmysery: Aw :( -tear-
Dyingalone: Bye Bye Angel
Sinandmysery: See you Venom
Dyingalone: Ttyl
Sinandmysery: You better!
Dyingalone: Lol bye
Sinandmysery: -wave-

Dyingalone –offline-
♠ ♠ ♠
Can't be bothered with chapter names
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