Modern Love?


25 May 2002 (pm)

Sinandmysery –online-
Dyingalone –online-

Dyingalone: Well hello there Angel
Sinandmysery: Hey Venom
Dyingalone: How did you sleep?
Sinandmysery: Like a baby, thanx to you :D
Dyingalone: No problem
Sinandmysery: You know you’re really good at singing
Dyingalone: Yeah, many people have said
Sinandmysery: Oh… right that makes sense since you’re in a band. Guess you’re the singer?
Dyingalone: Sure am
Sinandmysery: Wow, I so want to hear your band now
Dyingalone: You will, in time
Sinandmysery: Oh L I want to hear you sooner
Dyingalone: Lol, be patient
Sinandmysery: Fine, for you
Dyingalone: Thankies
Sinandmysery: Thankies?
Dyingalone: Sorry I’m sleep deprived
Sinandmysery: Sorry my fault
Dyingalone: No it isn’t, I chose not to go to sleep after our phone call
Sinandmysery: Why didn’t you?
Dyingalone: I was writing
Sinandmysery: Really? What?
Dyingalone: New songs
Sinandmysery: You’re the lyricist too?
Dyingalone: Yeap
Sinandmysery: -gasp- wow, you’re full of talents
Dyingalone: Right –shifty eyes-
Sinandmysery: Lmao more than me
Dyingalone: I’m sure you have talents
Sinandmysery: Sure I do –cough-
Dyingalone: Lmfao smooth
Sinandmysery: It was wasn’t it ::D
Dyingalone: Lol, so what are your talents?
Sinandmysery: I don’t know
Dyingalone: Come on, be modest for once
Sinandmysery: Um… I don’t know
Dyingalone: Come on Angel tell me, what do people comment you on?
Sinandmysery: Well… I write
Dyingalone: Oh what?
Sinandmysery: Poetry
Dyingalone: You do?
Sinandmysery: Yes, why do you sound so surprised?
Dyingalone: How can you tell if I sound surprised?
Sinandmysery: I don’t know
Dyingalone: Okay, so you write poetry huh?
Sinandmysery: Yeah
Dyingalone: Can I read?
Sinandmysery: I don’t know, can you read?
Dyingalone: Lol smart ass, can I read some?
Sinandmysery: You will, in time
Dyingalone: Shot me with my own bullet, hey?
Sinandmysery: Why yes it does seem I have :P
Dyingalone: Sneaky
Sinandmysery: That’s me alright
Dyingalone: What other talents do you have?
Sinandmysery: Do you have to ask me such hard questions?
Dyingalone: yeah sure do
Sinandmysery: Well I’ll answer another time
Sinandmysery: Be right back
Dyingalone: Okay
- 30 seconds –
Sinandmysery: Hello
Dyingalone: You weren’t gone long
Sinandmysery: No I wasn’t
Dyingalone: Okay
Sinandmysery: So… how r u?
Dyingalone: I’m fine, this isn’t Angel is it?
Sinandmysery: ‘Angel’?
Dyingalone: That’s a no, who are you?
Sinandmysery: Gabby
Dyingalone: Her sister?
Sinandmysery: Yeap
Dyingalone: Oh you can help me
Sinandmysery: I cn?
Dyingalone: Yeah, what is she good at?
Sinandmysery: Who my sister?
Dyingalone: Yeah
Sinandmysery: Um… she can play the piano
Dyingalone: She does?
Sinandmysery: Yeah and she draws
Dyingalone: Really, is she good?
Sinandmysery: Yeah, though don’t tell her I said so
Dyingalone: Okay, anything else
Sinandmysery: Hum… she makes good cakes :P
Dyingalone: Yum cake
Sinandmysery: I have to go she’s coming back
Dyingalone: Okay, thank you
- 1 minute –
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Dyingalone: .
Sinandmysery: I’m back, what the hell were you doing?
Dyingalone: I got bored
Sinandmysery: Okay then
Dyingalone: So what were you doing?
Sinandmysery: I went to the bathroom Mr. Noisy pants
Dyingalone: Don’t bring my pants into this
Sinandmysery: And why not, they’re on you
Dyingalone: How do you know?
Sinandmysery: Are you flirting with me Venom?
Dyingalone: Maybe –shifty eyes- OR… I could be saying that I’m wearing a dress :O
Sinandmysery: Lmfao, do you wear dresses often?
Dyingalone: I prefer skirts that way I don’t have to have breast to hold it up :P
Sinandmysery: Lol, I see maybe you should get that fixed –wink-
Dyingalone: Hum… maybe I should
Sinandmysery: And while you’re at it you could get some other things removed
Dyingalone: Like what?
Sinandmysery: Um… I didn’t think it threw that much
Dyingalone: Right then, well that ends that conversation lol
Sinandmysery: It does doesn’t it
Dyingalone: Yeah, so your talents
Sinandmysery: Not this again
Dyingalone: Yes this again, so do you play an instrument?
Sinandmysery: Piano
Dyingalone: Really?
Sinandmysery: There you go again being all surprised
Dyingalone: Again how can you tell?
Sinandmysery: I just can
Dyingalone: Okay that’s settled, how long have you been playing?
Sinandmysery: About 10 years
Dyingalone: Since you were 7?
Sinandmysery: Yeap maybe earlier, can’t quite remember
Dyingalone: Wow that’s a long time
Sinandmysery: Yeah, do you play an instrument in your band?
Dyingalone: Nope I suck at guitar, I can’t even play ‘Sweet Home Alabama’
Sinandmysery: Shame, I can even play that. Well if you could, you could be a one man band
Dyingalone: Lmao, right I could replace 5 other people?
Sinandmysery: Um… maybe not. So there are 5 people in your band?
Dyingalone: Yes there is Miss. Observant
Sinandmysery: lol, well I have to go now
Dyingalone: You going to be alright sleeping and such?
Sinandmysery: I’ll be fine, Night Venom
Dyingalone: Night Angel

Sinandmysery –offline-