Modern Love?

Close Encounter?

28 May 2002

Dyingalone –online-
Sinandmysery –online-

Sinandmysery: Guess what!!!
Dyingalone: You got your hair dyed again?
Sinandmysery: No
Dyingalone: Um… I have no idea
Sinandmysery: I got two free tickets to the –insert other band here- and My Chemical Romance concert
Dyingalone: That’s awesome when?
Sinandmysery: In a month
Dyingalone: That’s when they’re back in Jersey
Sinandmysery: Yeah how did you know?
Dyingalone: I keep up to date with when bands go to Jersey
Sinandmysery: I see, oh I wish I could take you
Dyingalone: Oh that’s sweet
Sinandmysery: Wait your not going to be here in a month, are you?
Dyingalone: I’ll be back a day after the concert
Sinandmysery: Stink
Dyingalone: Yeah it is
Sinandmysery: So how did the show go last night?
Dyingalone: Freakn’ fantastic
Sinandmysery: I so want to see your band play
Dyingalone: You will in time
Sinandmysery: Yeah I remember that
Dyingalone: It’s about the same time I get to read your poetry
Sinandmysery: Lol, it sure is
Dyingalone: Interesting
Sinandmysery: What’s interesting?
Dyingalone: Our agreement
Sinandmysery: It is isn’t it?
Dyingalone: Yeap I’ve already said that
Sinandmysery: Sorry :P
Dyingalone: Lol
Sinandmysery: So got another show tonight?
Dyingalone: Yeap sure do
Sinandmysery: Wow its non-stop isn’t it
Dyingalone: Yeap especially when you’re an up and coming band
Sinandmysery: But at least you have fun
Dyingalone: Sure do
Sinandmysery: I have to go now
Dyingalone: Okay bye bye Angel
Sinandmysery: Ttyl Venom

Sinandmysery –offline-

Narrator voice
“Gerard and Winter continue to talk/chat oblivious to each others identities, I shall now skip ahead a month to the 27th June 2002…”