Ghost of My Former Self

A Walk Down Memory Lane With Draco Malfoy

After attending some rather tedious classes, Harry happily headed off to dinner. In just a little while, he would get to view more memories of his life and gain a better understanding of the world he was in. Vega told him during their free period that Draco intended on revealing a very crucial memory to him tonight, a memory that had to be viewed if the Marauders and Lily Potter were to remain in the dark about what happened last week.

Harry spent his time chatting with Dean; it was mostly Dean who spoke however. Harry was more focused on his meeting with Vega and Malfoy to pay any attention to what Dean was talking about. The emerald-eyed teen’s dinner quickly disappeared and he was soon on his way off to the Room of Requirement for what was to be the third time that day. Vega was waiting when he arrived, a smile on her face. “I figured you’d be here before Draco.”

“Of course I would,” Harry said. “Considering that I would have preferred to stay in the Room of Requirement all day viewing memories, there was no way that I would have waited. I want to figure this out; I need to figure this out.” He slumped against the wall and waited for the third member of their party to appear. As it was to be Draco Malfoy who showed him the memories, it was pretty crucial for him to be there. Even in this alternate dimension where Draco seemed to have grown up in a loving family after his aunt took him in, Harry never wanted to rely on the Slytherin for help. But, it seemed as if he had no choice.

Vega rolled her eyes. “Tiberius, where are you?”

“Right here, Rhapsody,” Malfoy replied.

“Took you long enough, cousin,” she chuckled.

“Yes, well some of us actually like to take our time to eat. Some of us actually want to sit and speak with friends,” Malfoy stated his gray eyes focused directly at Harry. “We didn’t exactly have to do this now you know; you could have waited a half-hour to an hour before coming here.” He scoffed. “But, no; you decide that it’s too important for you to know your past than allowing me to have a little time to myself. Let’s go then. I want to get this over with.”

Harry grimaced and duly followed his so-called friend into the Room of Requirement; Vega followed close behind, snickering as they went in. “This is going to be interesting,” she muttered.

“What are you muttering about back there?” Harry asked as he, Vega, and Draco entered what appeared to be the same room from earlier today. He would prefer it much more if they would keep things quiet and view the memories. There wasn’t very much time before the holidays; eight and a half days in fact. So, he would have to cram all of those memories into the time he wasn’t in class or playing Quidditch. “Seriously, Lyre, it’s not necessary.”

“Yes. I would like to get on with this,” Malfoy said. “I have several memories I need to show you. So, you had better get comfortable there, Sahara; there’s a possibility that you’ll be here for awhile.”

Perfect, Harry thought. I need to know more about my life and this is the only possible way for me to do so. “Okay then, Draco. Show me the memories; I’d like to see more of my past.” Since the confrontation yesterday regarding his own past, Harry had taken to calling the man that was supposedly his friend Draco out loud and Malfoy in his head. Harry would always think of him as his worst enemy; there was definitely no changing that.

Malfoy removed a memory his head and pushed it into the Pensieve. “The first memory is really the most important. Not viewing this particular memory could allow the Marauders to become aware of the fact that something is wrong. You don’t want that, Harry. So, peer inside.”

As it was exactly what he wanted to do, Harry followed this order and peered inside the Pensieve. The emerald-eyed Gryffindor got sucked into the memory, landing in what appeared to be a parlor. He didn’t recognize anything, so he assumed it to be his home, the Potter house. “This is your house, the home you live in with Rachel and your parents,” Vega confirmed. “We almost had the transformations at Grimmauld Place, until James thought that it would easiest here. There would have been no need for you or Rachel to travel anywhere.”

“Lyre, can you keep the chatter to a minimum,” Malfoy scolded. “We’re here to show Harry a memory, not small talk. Now come on. I’d like to get this over with as soon as possible.”

The two Gryffindors shared a knowing glance before Harry focused on the memory. As even Malfoy stated before entering the memory, this was an important memory to watch; it would help him fool the Marauders and their respective wives of Harry’s ignorance of this world. Harry looked over at the atrium and watched as Memory Draco came rushing by.

While he stepped out into the Potter house from the fireplace in the living room, something occurred to him; Draco didn’t understand why the location was changed from Grimmauld Place to Godric’s Hollow. Personally, he would have preferred to have the transformations at his second cousin’s place. Grimmauld Place seemed a more appropriate place to have the transformations. But, whatever; he would deal with this. As he hurried through the atrium and entered the parlor, Draco couldn’t help but wonder if the Raiders would be able to all transform today. It was a difficult task to become an animagus and there was really no telling as to whether or not they could all do this today.

“Draco, you’re here,” Harry stated.

“Where are the others?” Draco asked.

“Oh, well, Rachel and Brianna are in Dad’s study with him and Moony. Right now we’re waiting on Padfoot to arrive with Vega and Hermione in tow,” Harry explained, scowling as he spoke Hermione’s name. It never quite made any sense that Harry and Hermione would bear such hatred towards one another; their hatred was unfounded and uncalled for. “So, I’m not quite sure when we’ll start. That can only be determined once everyone’s here.”

Draco nodded and accompanied his friend to the Potter study. As he sat there waiting for the arrival of his cousins and Hermione Granger, Draco spied the younger Potter and Brianna sitting in the corner speaking with the Potter patriarch. He seemed to be regaling them with a story from the Marauder days. “Reliving the golden day?” Draco asked, elbowing Harry.

Harry gave his Slytherin friend a strange look before catching on to what Draco meant by the off-handed statement. “Oh, yeah. He wants the girls to be prepared for when they enter Hogwarts come September. When they come to Hogwarts, there will be four legacies, from three-fourths of the Marauders. Dad would never pass up the opportunity to relive the golden days as you call them. He wants them to be prepared for the coming year.”

“Peter Pan,” Draco muttered, recalling the story Lily recounted to them several years ago. “Both of them. Your father and Sirius. Remus at least has matured a little bit. But, not your father or godfather; they act like they’re still children. It’s like you’re the oldest male in the house.”

“Mum, Rachel, and I came to accept that,” Harry replied. “Somewhere deep inside, Dad will always be Prongs. It’s the same with Padfoot. Dad and Sirius will always be children on some level.”

“Well, someday their childish behavior could get them in trouble. Something could happen and they’ll be forced to grow up.” Draco grimaced. “At least you and Vega didn’t follow in their footsteps. I don’t think anyone could have taken much more of their antics.”

Someone cleared their throat behind them. Draco and Harry turned to see the trio they were waiting for standing at the door. “Sometimes adults need to have fun,” Sirius said. “Let loose.”

“Dad!” Vega admonished.

“Can we please get on with this?” Hermione asked, peering around. “I’d really like to get out of here.” Draco never quite understood why Hermione hated Harry so much. The hatred borne out of their first meeting on the Hogwarts Express seemed to have sprouted for no apparent reason. He and Vega did what they could to keep the peace over the past three years, but sometimes it was simply too much for the two cousins to handle. Harry and Hermione were each too stubborn in their convictions for him and Vega to do anything about it.

“Yeah!” Rachel agreed. “I want to see what animal I become.”

“Then follow us,” James decreed as he and Sirius led the group out into the back of the house. An area, as Draco soon realized, had been set up for them to use. “Now, who would like to go first?”

“I will, Mr. Potter,” Hermione announced, stepping forward.

Draco and the Marauder offspring watched carefully as the bushy-haired Ravenclaw concentrated on her animagus transformation. The rest of the group stood there for a few minutes before a small brown otter was perched where Hermione Granger once stood. Through the applause Hermione received for being the first to transform, Draco eyed the bushy otter.
Otters are supposed to be playful, bubbly little creatures, Draco remembered thoughtfully. How is Hermione—our brainy little know-it-all—any of those things? It seemed quite odd that their resident brainiac would be an otter. He expected an owl or perhaps a fox—a smart creature who would personify the Ravenclaw’s most prominent personality trait: her brain—not a playful creature such as an otter. “Hermione, playful?” Draco chuckled.

“You got a point there,” Harry murmured.

The small brown otter disappeared and the bushy-haired Ravenclaw reappeared, storming over to where Harry and Draco were standing. “Harry James Potter, you better not be insulting me!”

“I assure you I wasn’t,” Harry defended. “You’re just trying to pick a fight. Ray, Ri, how about the both of you transform next?” He elbowed Draco. “Five Galleons says Ri becomes a wolf.”

“You’re on,” Draco laughed.

Rachel and Brianna—at Harry’s insistence—stepped up, willing themselves to transform. It took slightly longer than Hermione—since they were younger—for them to do so, but soon Rachel Potter and Brianna Lupin became a mangy little auburn-colored Shih Tzu dog and a silver tabby cat respectively.

“Drat!” Harry huffed, digging the five galleons out of his pocket and handing it to Draco. “I thought for sure that little Ri would be a wolf. How could she not be considering who her father is?”

“Seems she has more of her mother in her,” Draco noted. “I’ll go next.” He shoved his newly-earned money into his pocket and stepped forward, concentrating on his inner animal as he did. Harry would flip if he learned that Draco was already aware of the form he would take. When he first discovered that Remus Lupin was a werewolf, Draco immediately went to look up animagi. In the process of doing so, he learned of his inner animal. And now, everyone else—Marauders and Raiders alike—would learn of it as well. Concentrating on his inner animal, Draco willed himself to change. His telltale platinum blond hair became the white fur that covered his body as a fluffy white tail sprouted.

“Bloody Hell!” he heard Harry gasp. “Dragon Boy’s our wolf.”

Draco, in his wolf form, smirked and trotted up to his friend
. This is what you get when you make assumptions, Potter. He transformed back and eyed his friend warily. “So, Brianna was going to be the wolf, huh?” Draco asked. “I bet you’re eating your words now.”

“I had no way of knowing that you would be a wolf,” Harry countered. “Everyone standing out here—not just me—thought that our little Lupin would be take after her father. Brianna becoming a cat and you being the wolf threw us for a loop. So, don’t blame me.”

“You’re the one who made the bet,” Draco reminded him.

“Yes, and don’t remind me,” Harry grumbled.

Vega was the next to step forward and attempt a transformation. “This,” Draco said to Harry, “should be interesting. Whatever animal she is, it’s going to be black to stay true to her name.”

“Remember though, you have Black blood running through your veins,” Harry reminded the blond. “And yet you transformed into a white wolf. For all we know, Vega could take after her mother like so many of us have done; you and Brianna have clearly proved that it’s not only the Marauders who have an influence over the decision regarding the transformation.”

“Have you seen Sirius’s personality though? It’s overpowering,” Draco said. “You can see that personality peeking through in Vega. At least in Vega’s case, I think she’ll take after Sirius.”

“We’ll see,” Harry noted as they returned their attention to Vega. As he watched his second cousin begin her transformation, Draco couldn’t help but wonder what was running through Prongs’ and Padfoot’s heads at the moment. Harry and Vega were the transformations they were truly looking forward to; Harry because he was the spitting image of his father with his mother’s eyes and Vega because she was Sirius’s daughter. They were the offspring of the two most prominent Marauders and they were the most anticipated transformations.

A black fox soon appeared where Vega once stood and a rumble of laughter erupted at the other side of the yard. Draco peered over to see an older version of Harry laughing uncontrollably. It took awhile for the laughter to calm down, but as soon as it did, he turned to Sirius. “Well, Padfoot,” he said. “It seems as if you should have named your daughter what we discussed.”

“Must you bring that up, Prongs?” Sirius asked.

“Your daughter is a fox!” James countered. “I think this conversation is long deserved and you know it. Maybe if that name never came up as a possibility, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

“What name?” Vega inquired, coming towards them after transforming back to her human form. “Dad, James, what are you two talking about that is so funny about my animagus form?”

Everyone else gather around the two Marauders, wondering what was going on. This had never come up prior to this, so Draco couldn’t help but wonder what was going on here. It appeared as if this conversation was had before between the two men, a long time ago. “Vega, do you recall the Black tradition in regards to naming their children?” Sirius asked of his daughter.

She nodded. “Names are found within constellations whether they be stars or the name of the constellation themselves. But, what does that have to do with me? I’m already named for one.”

“Ah, but you don’t know the real story,” James cut in. “There was a reason you were named Vega, namely that dear old Padfoot over here refused to name his daughter Vulpecula as your mother wanted. He thought it was a stupid name and they soon settled on Vega. But, there was a time when you were almost named for a fox constellation. I find it quite ironic that you are a fox just as your mother wanted you to be. How ‘bout you, Padfoot?”

“Shut it, Prongs!” Sirius snapped.

“See?” Harry whispered. “Takes after her mother.”

“Her fur is still black,” Draco countered. “Anyway, you’re up.”

Harry stepped forward to where the other five before him stood and took a few minutes to transform into his animagus form: a lion. “A true Gryffindor!” James exclaimed when he saw what he son became.

“Okay, now that we know that you can all transform. It must be determined as to what you will each be known as in each of your form,” Sirius said. He turned to the five Raiders not in their animagus transformations. “Transform please. We will determine the names.”

The Raiders transform and went to stand in a group. “Ms. Granger, please step forward.” A small brown otter stepped forward. “Hermione Jean Granger, your Raider name will be River as your animagus form was as unpredictable as a river.” The otter that was Hermione nodded and stepped back into the group. “Ms. Potter, please step forward.” The auburn-colored Shih Tzu trotted up to the forefront. “Rachel Erin Potter,” her father said, “your Raider name will be Sol, a Portuguese word for sun which reflects the nickname of Ray that you were given as a little girl.” The Shih Tzu dog that was Rachel gave a small yip and returned to the group. “Ms. Lupin, please step forward.” The silver tabby trod up to the front. “Brianna Ophelia Lupin, your Raider name will be Mist as that I what your fur looks like.” The tabby that was Brianna meowed and stepped back.

James stepped back and Sirius stepped forward. It appeared as if he would be taking overt in the naming. “Mr. Malfoy, please step forward.” Draco left his place next to Harry and stepped forward, awaiting his name. “Draco Lucius Malfoy-” Draco cringed at the middle name as he hated hearing the name of the man who murdered his mother, “your Raider name is Tiberius because of your white fur.” Draco smirked at the name he was given and returned to his place in the group. “Ms. Black, please step forward.” A fox, as black as night, stepped towards her father so he could determine her Raider name. “Vega Vulpecula Black, your Raider name is Rhapsody for your name’s connection to music.” The fox nodded briefly and returned to the group. “Mr. Potter, please step forward.” From the back of the group, the lion stepped forward. “Harry, James Potter, your Raider name will be Sahara like the habitant of the lion.” The lion roared proudly and trotted back over to the group where he led them in transforming back into their human forms.

While was going on, Draco overheard a conversation between James and Sirius. “Padfoot, I never knew you gave your daughter the middle name of Vulpecula,” James said.

“You never asked. I compromised and allowed Vulpecula to be her middle name. But, I refused to stand for it being her given name,” Sirius explained to his friend. “Now let’s drop it.”

James laughed. “No wonder she’s a fox.”

Draco turned to the group. “Well, that was an interesting experience, don’t you think?” he asked.

Everyone nodded. “Agreed.”

Harry, Vega, and Draco soon returned to the Room of Requirement as that was the end of the memory. After quickly flicking a glance towards Vega who knew that he wanted to see this memory from their conversation earlier in the day, Harry crashed down onto the couch. “Wow.”

“I suggest you try it,” Draco said. “The full moon comes during Christmas break and we need to be able to transform if we’re going to be around Moony. Can’t have the Marauders learning of your amnesia.”

“I get it,” Harry groused. Just as in the memory, Harry concentrated on his animagus form—a lion—and hoped that this was going to work. As he was concentrating, he felt a slight shift in his skeleton, as if his bones were rearranging themselves. It’s working, Harry thought as his body, as it shifted, sprouted a faint yellow fur and a small mane appeared round his head.

Vega nodded in approval. “Great, Harry. We’ll fool them yet,” she said to Draco. “They’ll never know. Now transform back and we’ll continue this. Draco still has more to show you.”

Harry did as he was told and turned to Draco. “What memory is up next there, Tiberius?” he asked.

“Our sorting,” Draco replied.

“You’re kidding!” Harry exclaimed.

“Not at all, Sahara,” he said, pulling the memory from his head and sending it into the Pensieve. “Take a look, Harry. This is one memory you will never forget. I know I haven’t.”

Harry peered inside and was sucked into the memory; Vega and Draco following close behind. When he landed, Harry looked around, finding that he was standing at the train station, watching as four very familiar little first-years climbed off of the Hogwarts Express.

Draco was glad to be off the train after the trip from hell. Everything had started out okay with him, Harry, and Vega boarding the train. But, as soon as he and Harry slipped off, Vega made herself a friend in a bushy-haired muggleborn girl by the name of Hermione Granger. And, when he and Harry found Vega, a spat ensued between Harry and Hermione. Draco and Vega spent half the time settling the argument and the young Malfoy was glad it was over with. He could simply forget about what happened on the train and focus on the splendor that was Hogwarts they would be heading towards in a few minutes.

“What did happen on the train?” Harry inquired, for he had been wondering about that since learning of his apparent hatred of the girl who was supposed to be one of his best friends.

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Draco answered. “It’s the memory Hermione has chosen to show you. Now forget that for the moment and watch carefully. You’ll soon learn why Weasley hates us so much.”

“Excellent,” Harry grinned. “I wondered about that.”

“Well, wonder no longer,” Vega said, pointing towards the group.

“Firs’ years this way!” a deep, booming voice called.

Draco snapped to attention upon hearing that voice. It was time to go up to Hogwarts. “Come on,” he hissed to Harry, Vega, and Hermione as they trailed behind him. “Hogwarts awaits us.”

The group stepped into a small boat, enchanted to glide across the lake. As they got their first look of the castle, each member of the group gasp, staring at the majestic beauty of Hogwarts. There was a certain ethereal quality about the way the castle reflected in the water, its lights seemingly twinkling in the water. “Brilliant!” Harry declared from beside Draco.

“Amazing!” Vega agreed.

Their boat soon docked, allowing the group of four to emerge. Along with the other first-years, they made the trip up the stairs to wait for them to be collected. Draco leaned up against the railing, waiting for them to be called. His cousin was at his side while Harry preferred to stand up at the front of the group. As for Hermione, the muggleborn girl was chatting with a few other people. While he stood there, Draco heard soft murmurs from the other students, but paid it no mind, at least until a red-headed boy bumped into Harry. “Hey, watch it!”

“Watch where you’re going!” Harry shot.

“Hey!” the red-head shouted. “Don’t talk to me like that.”

“I’ll talk to you however I want,” Harry retorted. “And may I remind you that you were the one bump into me, you miserable little git. I’d suggest you keep that fact in mind the next time you decide to accuse me of something I most certainly didn’t do. Now, back off.”

“You just made a powerful enemy,” the red-head growled.

“We’ve been here five minutes and already we have an enemy,” Draco groused to his cousin. “I’m telling you, Vega, this better not happen all year otherwise I am going to be very put out.”

“I doubt it,” Vega whispered. “It’s only the Weasleys’ son. He’s an extremely disagreeable sort. An only child; spoiled rotten. I doubt we’ll ever have to worry about him.”

“You better be right, Lyre,” Draco said.

A few minutes passed before a severe-looking woman—who introduced herself as Professor McGonagall—came forward, asking that the students follow her for the Sorting Ceremony. The group of students trooped after the Deputy Headmistress, gasping in amazement as they entered the Great Hall. Draco barely paid attention to what was being said, until he heard the names getting called out by Professor McGonagall. “Vega Black!”

Vega emerged from Draco’s side and took a seat on the stool, Professor McGonagall placing the Sorting Hat on her head. His cousin sat there for a few moments before the Sorting Hat gave an answer. “Gryffindor!”

The Black daughter bounded down and took a seat at the Gryffindor table beside two red-headed boys. After learning that the Marauders were all Gryffindors—compared to the rest of the Black family who were in Slytherin—it was clear that Vega would be in Gryffindor. With Harry and perhaps even Hermione because of the way she stood up to Harry, there was a chance for them to be Gryffindors. This was definitely not the case with Draco. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’d be a Slytherin, like every other Black, aside from Sirius and Vega. “This is definitely going to cause a problem here.”

After five more people were called, “Professor McGonagall called up another recognizable name. “Hermione Granger!”

The muggleborn took a seat under the Sorting Hat. “Ravenclaw!”

Draco grimaced. “We could be separated into all four houses,” he grimaced.

“Draco Malfoy!” the professor called.

The young Malfoy clamored up to the stool where it only took a matter of seconds for his house to be called. “Slytherin!”

“Knew it!” Draco grumbled as he made his way over to the Slytherin table. There was just one other member of their group left to be sorted: Harry. And, based on the house his parents were in, chances were that he, like Vega, would be placed in Gryffindor. It was bound to occur.

“Harry Potter!” Professor McGonagall called a few minutes later.

The messy-haired emerald-eyed boy took a seat where the Sorting Hat called out the expected result. “Gryffindor.”

“Great!” Draco murmured sarcastically. “I’m separated from my cousin and best friend. “How are we supposed to pull the Raider plans when we’ve been separated into three different houses?”

Harry and his friends returned to the Room of Requirement. “Was Ron really such a jerk?” he asked.

“Oh, absolutely!” Vega exclaimed. “After that, he tried making your life a living hell. We mostly ignored him though, with a little help from Fred and George. Weasley tried his hardest to get you into trouble, especially with his uncle. So, avoid him as much as you can. If he ever discovered that you’re currently clueless about what’s going on in this world, well I have no idea as to what he might try. Whatever it is that Weasley tries, I can assure you that it will not end well.”

“So, that means no going near him whatsoever; no provoking him,” Draco warned him. “It simply won’t do to have Weasley on our case while we’re trying to re-educate you about your life.”

“I get it,” Harry said. “Anymore memories?”

“Not from me,” the blond replied. “But, I believe its Vega’s turn next.”

Vega shook her head, her silver eyes glittering. “I did mine this morning. There were certain things I had to explain to him and that involved showing him my memories during our free period.”

“Rhapsody, I thought we went over that I was going to go first,” Draco complained. “The memories I had to show him were more important than any other memory we had to show him.”

“I know that, Tiberius. Of course, Harry asked me about something that you would never answer,” Vega countered. “So, rather than waiting to explain it, I opted to show him the memories.”

“So then, it’s her turn next?” Draco asked.

“Of course,” Vega said.

“Well, that should be interesting then,” he mused.

Harry eyed the two gray-eyed teens in utter confusion. “Whose memories am I viewing next?” he asked.

Draco ignored Harry’s question, pulling a small mirror out of his pocket. “Well, if Vega has already explained her part of things, it seems as if I must call upon our next source of memories,” he muttered in a quiet voice. A face was reflected in the mirror, one that Harry could not make out until he heard the next words out of Draco’s mouth. “Ray, we need to talk.”
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