Ghost of My Former Self


After Harry's outcry, no one's eyes left him. To them, it all seemed normal for Hermione to be in Ravenclaw, and for Neville to be a Hufflepuff. For Harry, it was quite a shock. He was so used to seeing them at the Gryffindor table that them being anywhere else seemed rather strange. What is going on? Harry wondered. His emerald green eyes peered over the staff table. All the teachers were staring at him, a look of disapproval on all of their faces; Snape's look seemed to be one of pure disgust though. Dumbledore's twinkling blue eyes were the only ones not to seem confused by Harry's outburst. Dumbledore would know, Harry concluded. He knows everything.

While gazing over at the staff table, Harry came to notice that there was something missing. Slughorn. Snape achieving his dream job brought Professor Horace Slughorn out of retirement and back into the Hogwarts halls. It wasn't clear as to the reason though, and this seemed to confuse Harry even more. Instead of Slughorn, Harry saw a tall man dressed in bright orange robes. The man's hair was bright red, reminding Harry of Ron. He had never seen this man before and wondered who he was, what was going on.

For the moment, Harry waved it off and turned is attention back to Seamus and Dean. Both were still looking at him weirdly. "What?" he asked.

"How can we possibly be friends with Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom?" Dean asked. "I don't think I've ever said two words to either of them. How 'bout you, Seamus?"

"No, can't say that I have," Seamus stated.

"But-" Harry started.

He never got the chance to finish what he was saying as a hand grabbed him arm and he was pulled out into the hall. "What are you thinking, Harry?"Malfoy Draco yelled. "You're shouting lies in the Great Hall. Exactly what is going on with you?"

"Not one clue," Harry shrugged.

"Well, get your act together, and stop spouting lies," Draco muttered.

"I'll try. One thing though," Harry said. "That guy with the red hair. Who is it?"

"You're kidding, right?" Draco asked. "That's Professor Fabian Prewett, our Defense against the Dark Arts professor. He paused for a moment to grunt. "He also happens to be Weasley's uncle."

Harry snapped his fingers. "That's it!" Though he was still confused by the fact that all of this was even going on, the look of Dumbledore's face clearly showed that he might have some answers. Dumbledore always seemed to know everything.

"You should really know this, Harry,"Malfoy Draco intoned. "Professor Prewett has been here for the past decade; we've always had him. Always did favor his nephew though, remember?"

"Uh, yeah," Harry replied, not knowing what he was talking about. There were so many changes in the Wizarding World that happened in just one night. Harry still believed that this was some elaborate joke Malfoy cooked up, wondering why he was doing this. Something within the past twenty-four hours must have happened and Harry wanted to know exactly what it was.

"Good. Now, come on," the blond teen insisted.

Harry followed Draco back in the Great Hall where they parted and Harry reclaimed his seat from before. A small boy soon appeared, tapping Harry on the shoulder. "I was asked to deliver this to you."

"Thanks," Harry said to the boy and took the note. He carefully opened the folded note, reading it quickly.

There's matter I need to discuss with you. Come by my office tonight at 7.
Albus Dumbledore

P.S. Black Licorce is tasty.

Looks like I'm going find out what's going on sooner than I think. Just twelve hours from now, he realized. It wouldn't be long before Harry uncovered the reason for all of this. But, for now, it would seem as if this confusion would have to last just a little bit longer. Of course, with those closest to him off on their own, and his worst enemy at his side, what more was Harry to expect of this day?
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Fabian Prewett, Molly Weasley's brother who died during the First War. Except, without Voldemort, he's alive and in my story.

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