Ghost of My Former Self

Not an Orphan

The situation with his scar was mystifying to say the least. After fifteen years, how could his scar have disappeared? It was a permanent fixture on his face, yet now it wasn't there. What happened? Harry wondered as he entered the common room. It was there yesterday; I know it was. He slumped down into a chair. There was definitely something going on. His scar was gone. Nothing - not even magic - had been able to erase the lightning bolt scar from his forehead. But, now; it was just gone, without explanation, without warning.

His current situation required more investigation if he was ever to uncover the nature of these mysterious events. And, as much as he didn't want his help, Harry would need to turn to Malfoy. Ron seemed to have turned into Hermione, and Hermione...well, Hermione was in Ravenclaw at the moment. The shock of not seeing his scar caused Harry to forget to inquire about Malfoy's joke and what that was about. The next time that Harry had the opportunity to speak with Dumbledore, he would ask about this. Until then, however, Harry might need Malfoy's help. Draco Malfoy wasn't smart enough to cast a spell to get rid of his scar, so it looked as if this wasn't his doing. But, if not Malfoy - as would be the norm - what happened to cause this?

Things were truly getting out of hand if his scar had mysteriously disappeared. But, what changed? Within the past twenty-four hours, what happened to change just about everything? Harry grumbled something softly before adjourning to his room; a new day would bring a new outlook on this. He needed a new outlook on all of this anyway. With everything that was going on since this morning, all Harry wanted was to get a little sleep, in the hope that things could be seen in a new light. And so, Harry set all of this aside, to pick it up in the morning and figure out what had been going on.

Morning came, and Harry hoped that whatever went on yesterday would have gone, that whatever spell was cast upon him disappated. He emerged from Gryffindor Tower to find that this was not the case. Malfoy was still there, and he did not seem to back down. Harry growled. "Still?" he muttered.

"Still what?" the blond beside him asked.

"Nothing," Harry shot back. "It doesn't matter."

Before they reached the Great Hall, Malfoy pulled Harry aside. "I really do hope you remember what I told you yesterday." Harry could only nod. "Good, because I don't know if your reputation could handle you getting labelled as crazy too. So, how's Rachel?"

"Rachel?" Harry asked quizzically.

Malfoy's gray eyes bulged. "Your younger sister! Now, really, Harry? How is is that you would forget someone as important as your younger sister? You've always cared more about her than anyone, yet now you forget."

Even with Malfoy's explanation, he was still confused by this. He had no sister. His parents died at Voldemort's hand. No sister could possibly exist that he didn't know about. Should another Potter exist, she'd be living with him at the Dursley's, bearing the brunt of everything Harry had, right alongside him. Since Harry clearly had no memory of such, the Rachel Potter Malfoy claimed to exist did not. Harry shrugged, adjusting his glasses. "Not sure what you're talking about, Draco; I have no sister."

Hearing this, Malfoy slammed Harry up against the wall. "Did I not tell you to stop spouting lies?" Malfoy yelled at him angrily. "Of course you have a sister! I've known your family for years; I was around when you found out you had a sister. So, I don't see how you could forget Rachel. Plus, she's in Hogwarts! You see her every day! Now, I realize that she's a third year, but still; that does not give you the right to ignore your sister's existence like that."

Pushing Malfoy off him, Harry headed towards the Great Hall. "Firstly, I have no idea what you're talking about. Secondly, don't do that. Later Malfoy!" he called.

As he walked into the Great Hall, Harry laughed as he heard the soft grumblings of Draco Malfoy. He sat down and began chatting with a few friends until the sleek black owl dropped a letter in front him. Since it was normally Hedwig to bring Harry his letters, it was odd to see such a sight. And, when he opened the letter, Harry nearly dropped to the ground at what he saw.

Just wanted to know if you were well. Dumbledore informed us of something that was going on yesterday, and we were worried. From what we were told, you were having a small freak out.

Things have been going well out here. Of course, it has been quiet without you and Rachel around though. Christmas cannot come fast enough so that we may see our babies again. But, so long as you are safe at Hogwarts, we can wait 'til then.

Mum and Dad

P.S. Tell Rachel we love her and hope she's doing well.

Seeing that, Harry had to keep himself steady by holding onto the table. Malfoy was right. As shocking as that was, he was right. But, even more shocking than that was the fact that this note was from his parents. Such a thing was impossible since Voldemort killed them. This note appeared from beyond the grave, unless...They're alive! But, how? he wondered.

Before Harry could figure out what was going on, how this could happen, he saw an auburn-haired girl with hazel brown eyes come over. "Harry, is that from Mum and Dad?" the girl asked.

Remembering what Malfoy said, Harry could only assume this to be one person: Rachel. He turned to her and nodded. "Yeah, Ray; that was them. They love you, and hope you're doing well."

She nodded. "Okay. See you, Harry." Rachel then turned away and went to sit with her best friend, some girl she called Annie.

Harry then turned back to the letter from his parents, as weird as that sounded. There was something going on here, something that he needed explained to him by Dumbledore. Dumbledore knew what was going on; he knew about this. And, from what Harry could surmise about what was going on, the Headmaster intended on telling Harry about all of this last night. I need to go speak with Dumbledore about this. He'll know the reason for this occurring. That man knows everything. So, Harry resolved to speak with him this afternoon, when classes were over. Clearly, he meant to bring this up yesterday, but he didn't.

Crumpling it up, Harrry shoved the letter from his parents in his pocket, not wanting deal with this for the moment. Something was going on, and as much Harry wanted to know, it couldn't be done right now. For right now, all that matter was to figure this out. How were his parents alive after Voldemort killed them? What could have happened, and what was the reason for all of this?
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Harry's sister, Rachel, is named for my sister since she was the one to help me with this idea.

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