The Fienden Crusades

Young warriors learn lessons everyday.

-------------------------------------------------West Wing,Living Corridor, Destrian Keep-------------------

The ground rumbles outside the castle walls. A young elven boy idly ambles down a corridor. The boy is fairly tall for his young age of fourteen winters. He is slender and looks very fragile. As he walks down the hallway, He is slowing at certain doors. Some doors he comes to a stop at and presses his hands against it in an O. As he approaches the end of the corridor he stops at one particular door. This door has a large emblazoned Q on it. He once more performs the O with his hands, however this time he stares intently between them. As he falls more absorbed with what he see he doesn't notice the sound of footsteps until they are almost around the corner. His head jerks up rapidly and he pushes himself against the wall opposite the door. After muttering a few words he sinks into the stone. Just as he disappears from view, a slender Elf walks around the corner. This Elf has the Dark tattoos of the Elemtion spanning all of his body except his head hands and feet. The tattoos greatly resemble tribal tattoos of the barbaric Humans, however they are more elegant and flowing. Some say they give the feel of ocean waves. The aged Elf approaches the spot where the younger Elf disappeared. When he got right next to the spot he stopped.
He stood for a few seconds with a puzzled look on his face. Then he broke out into a smile.
"Ifron," he sighed, "must i encase you in the rock this time?" His hands became a blur as his feet began to glow. The aged elf's hands were performing a graceful dance at chest level. After a few hand strokes the aged elf began to tremor and a soft white light emanated from his skin. Then, almost too fast for the eye too see, his arm was flooded over with water from the shoulder. He then reached his fragile-looking arm directly into the solid wall and grabbed the young Elf. He then jerked his arm towards himself, and the Young Elf quick-stepped out of the wall.

"You, young meddler, must learn proper manners and respect." said The Aged Elf sternly.

"But, I was simply trying to-"

"No!" Exclaimed the Aged Elf. "I've had enough of your bloody excuses!" The Young Elf simply looked downwards and didn't say a word. "The Meinsir wants to see you, Ifron."
Stated the Aged Elf. The young elf nodded and straightened himself. Calmly, the Young Elf turns and begins to walk the Towards the corner the Aged Elf came from. As he is walking, he begins to mutter almost inaudibly. The Aged Elf simply stands there seemingly transfixed on something over the ramparts of the castle. The Young Elf's hands begin to crackle as lighting licks the inside of his loosely closed hands. The Aged Elf seemed to not notice. With a flash of movement The Young Elf spun on his heel and halfway kneels as he made and overhand swinging motion with his hand. A ball of energy flew from his hand towards the Aged Elf, who stood completely still. When the ball got within paces of him, The Aged Elf spread his feet apart and held up his arm in a defensive bar parallel to the ground.
A blue aura appeared in front of him and the Orb splashed against it, raining pure energy across the walls. Then the Aged elf turned completely towards the Young Elf and smiled.
He gestured and mutters some words and his whole body begins to glow. He smiled and took a step forward, as he stepped his left hand shot out to go parallel with the earth. A crescent of air started around his body and shot out towards the young elf. Before he could react, it wrapped around him, but didn't stop there. He was violently lifted into the air and launched thirty paces into a wall. The aged elf muttered again and as he took a step a pocket of air formed below his leading foot. With a flick of his wrist it exploded, and he covered the thirty paces with one gliding step. "YOU INSOLENT BASTARD!" He yelled when he stopped. The young elf smiled at him. Suddenly the young elf burst into a blinding light that was somehow Dark at the same time. The band of air around him dissolved under the Dark radiance. He stepped down lightly onto the ground and smiled at the aged elf, who stood in shock.
"Seems like the master has fallen under the student." Said the young elf.

"Why were you Scrying into Elemine Quinfars room?" asked the Aged elf when he collected his senses.

"That is of no import, master."

"You really need to get rid of that demon damned problem of yours."

"oh and whats that problem might i ask?" The Aged elf shook his head.

"Never mind. but I'm going to schedule a training tournament soon. I'll talk to your father about letting you in." He said, still trying to forget what he had just seen.

"Yeah, sure..." mumbled The young elf. The aged elf didn't say a word but he relaxed his stance yet tightened up at the same time. With a flash, he Drew strength from the stone around him and drove his fist into the young elf's jaw. When he hit the younger elf the stones around him shudders and some shifted. He made sure he didn't draw so much to collapse the corridor. The young warrior fell to the ground. The aged elf turned on his heel and walked away. After some time The young elf rose and slowly staggered down the corridor towards the Meinsir's Audience Chambers.

-------------------Central Keep, Meinsir's Audience chambers, Destrian Keep-------------------------
Ifron leaned into the massive oaken doors of his Fathers audience chamber. With a deafening roar the doors began to slide into motion. When the doors were open enough for him to go through, Ifron slid through and didn't bother to close them. He quickly walked to the meeting area. The meeting area was actually a mini-atrium in the middle of the chamber. The ceiling was open to natures sky, and the room was full of trees and flowers. The Humans and the Fiends viewed his kind as weak for indulging in such things, but Ifron enjoyed the beauty of the natural world. He walked into the Atrium where he knew his father-one of the 5 most powerful elfs in all of their race-would be standing admirng the beauty of the natural life.

"Father?" asked Ifron when he saw him. His father was rather large for an elf, standing at a little over six paces tall. His father had long silken silver hair. He had impressively sharp facial features, and his Golden-tinged blue eyes had never been seen among his people. The only elf ever known to have these eyes is his son.

"Son, how goes your studies?" The Meinsir asked while staring at a violet flower.

"Master has once more requested for me to be in his next training tournement." Said Ifron rather smugly.

"That is good, son." said the Miensir.

"I suppose, Sire." Replied Ifron.

"Son, I won't waste your time, i'll tell you why i brought you here." said the Miensir. Ifron nodded his head and didn't reply, so the Miensir spoke again.

"The wind has brought me news. As you know, I am approaching my three-hundred and ninety-third winter. Even for our race this is ancient.
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter was pretty fun to write :)
(For those who cant figure it out the Meinsir is someone of Great importance.)