‹ Prequel: A Timepiece Tangerine

The Nightmare Before

I Own You

"No William, not tonight." I craned my neck away from William Beckett's cold lips and pushed him away, returning to the book I was reading.

Shot down. I heard in my head.

William turned to snarl at Brendon and Mike as they snickered from the sidelines. They quickly stopped and left the room with their heads down. It was just me and Bill now in the library of his vast mansion.

"You do remember-"

"That you own me." I finished with a roll of my violet eyes, flipping the page, "Are you honestly going to pimp that speech again? 'Cause that's really going to turn me on."

He sighed already getting impatient with me, "Well if you could at least pretendaround the guys. It really hurts my ego when you reject me in front of them."

The door on the other side of the room creaked open and I said, "Sorry babe." For William's sake and the sake of Brendon and Mike who were listening in, "It's just, you're always so intense and I don’t think I could handle it tonight." I added the last part for my own amusement because I heard Brendon and Mike groan out a disgusted, "Ew!" before scurrying away.

Bill smirked, "Good job." His praises, although valued by his minions, meant nothing to me.


"Let's go to bed," He said, more so demanded, "It's almost sunrise."
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I'd really like to know if people support a sequel. So feel free to comment and subscribe if you're for it! Thanks for all the support for A Timepiece Tangerine, even though the title made absolutely no sense, haha. Comment and Subscribe.