‹ Prequel: A Timepiece Tangerine

The Nightmare Before

Stay Under The Radar

Gabe seemed frustrated with my accusations and gave a heavy sigh, shrugging in defeat, "Well I don't know what you want to hear then."

"Where in the city were you?" I questioned, a certain hat store popping into my head suddenly.

Gabe rolled his eyes, "What part of the city do you think I smell like?"

"I don't need to know what you were doing, just where you were! Any stored, restaurants, that sort of thing?"

"I was walking around the city, no place in particular! Jeez..." He shook his head and grumbled, "Bring me in here just to tell me I smell bad..."

"I never said you smell bad. You don't! You smell good...really good, in fact."

Gabe stared at me for a second, "Okay, I'd prefer you telling me I smell bad.'Cause now I'm a little bit uncomfortable."

All I could do was laugh.


"Bill should be back soon..." I announced as Gabe and I finished out game of Go-fish. We hadn't moved from the bedroom and had been sitting on the floor. Gave wasn't as idiotic as I had previously suspected and he had definitely earned points for sitting here and playing Go-fish with me.

"Good 'ol Bill." Gabe sighed standing up and offering me a hand so he could pull me to my feet.

"Listen...Gabe, before William gets back..." I grabbed the bottom of my T-shirt so I could pull at the frayed strings nervously, "I guess you're okay," I said bashfully, "So I'm going to let you know..." I took a deep breath before lifting my gaze up to Gabe's, "William knows that you leave the mansion."

I felt Gabe tense, "What?"

"He knows...that you're not always where you're supposed to be...and he knows you go somewhere. He doesn't know where. And I'm not asking you to tell me or anything. But he suspects you're going out to see a girl. A human. I don’t' care if you are or not. I'm just suggesting you be careful. No matter what you're doing...William won't approve. You know that. So...try to stay under the radar is what I'm saying."


Nia was watching the finishing episode of the Friends marathon when Gabe finally returned. Hopping up from her seat on the couch, she muted the T.V. and hurried over to where Gabe was. He leaned against the wall separating the kitchen from the living room and he looked like death.

"Gabe?" Nia waved a hand in front of his face to no response, "Hello? Is anybody home?" When he still didn't acknowledge her, she frowned as worry began to set in, "Is everything okay?" He continued to do nothing but stare off into space.

Nia finally huffed, "You're such an idiot. Always so overdramatic with that 'I have to go' bullshit like you have important, knightly things to take care of. Moron." She hit him with a name hoping to provoke some sort of an action on his part. Purposely trying to pick a fight, she continued, "I bet you didn't even have anything to do. You just didn't wan to have to admit your defeat. You loved Friends! Just say it!"

Gabe's blank eyes turned their focus on to Nia. He regarded her for a moment. Her hands were on her hips, one of her eyebrows raised, waiting for Gabe's reply. When all he could bring himself to do was stare at her, expressionless, she rambled on, "And I bet you were still crying over our last training session, where I kicked you ass! That's why you left so you could sulk and wallow-"

"NIA!" Gabe heard himself growl. For some reason he couldn't remember telling himself to do that. Nia jumped in surprise, falling back a few steps.

"Stop." Gabe breathed, running his fingers over his face and then through his hair before pushing himself away from the wall and retreating into the kitchen.

Nia lingered there, wondering what could have happened to make him act like that.


Patrick shot awake at the sound of Gabe's yell from downstairs. He sighed, rubbing his eyes, underneath his glasses. He knew that one episode of Friends couldn't keep those two from fighting. Patrick leaned back in his chair. Another night where he had fallen asleep at his desk.

What's the count now, Patrick? 27-

Cursing to himself Patrick stared at all the useless papers lying in front of him. In one swift motion he swept them all into the garbage can on the floor beside the desk. They weren't getting him any closer to Cam.

That's what he needed. To be close to Cam. Now that he knew she was alive it was making the distance harder to bare. But at the same time he felt awesome relief. She was still alive and he would see her again...soon. Not soon enough though.

He needed a way to find her and get to her. But every time he tried to lay down a plan he would get distracted. Either by thoughts of her: Is she okay? Does she like her new life? Does she think about Patrick as much as he pines for her?Or by thoughts of his hatred for Beckett the one who turned her, killed her. So he got nothing done. Nothing accomplished and then he was completely taken over by guilt

What if she needed him? And he's just wasting time? But sometimes it was a different guilt. Guilt from deserting his friends. They were trying to get as much help as they could, they needed it and Patrick was just sitting in his study all day and night. Worthless. Doing nothing of substance...for anyone. Even Nia was helping.

But Patrick had no will, desire or energy to do anything else. He would be more a burden than a help.

All he could do was sit at his desk and fall asleep for the 28th time.
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I'm really trying my best to write more for this story, even though I suck at it. Comment to encourage?