‹ Prequel: A Timepiece Tangerine

The Nightmare Before

Don't You Remember?

I was beginning to hate this house. Everything seemed so restricted now. William had either Mike or Brendon following me around at all times when he wasn't there. And I swear I was going to bite one of their heads off soon.

"You two are idiots." I declared one day as I listened to one of their heated debates about something incredibly stupid.

"We aren't the ones who snuck out and got themselves grounded." Mike sneered, "So I would keep your mouth shut."

"Just because you two are keeping tabs on me for William, doesn't mean that you can speak to me like that!" I growled, "I can easily kill the both of you, so-"

"Mike! Brendon!" Bill suddenly burst into the room, looking excited, "Tonight."

Grins spread across their faces, "Really?!" Brendon asked.

William nodded, "Get ready." Brendon and Mike disappeared instantly and William was left to face me.

"Cam, you know you can't go, so please don't ask and make me have to say no to you again."

I shrugged, trying to act nonchalant, "Whatever." I rolled my eyes and sunk back into my chair, arms crossed.

"Cam, don’t' be like that."

"Well, tell me how I should be William! You're telling me how to do everything else. You're telling me when I can eat and how I can sleep. So why is this new?"

He remained clam as he explained, "You brought that upon yourself. I have to watch out for you-"

"Except you aren't! Mike and Brendon are! I'm so sick of this place! I'm sick of you telling me what to do and how to do it! Remember when you respected me and I respected you, huh?! Wasn't that fun!?"

"Cam! I do respect you!"

"I don't think so because penning me in this mansion doesn't convey that message so clearly!" I snapped, almost about to lunge out of my chair and beat the living crap out of Bill.

"Listen, this is the night I've been waiting for, okay?"

"Oh really?! Why is it, that I recall those exact words?! I think that's what you said to me when we-"

"Cam!" He finally yelled, "Cam." He composed himself and took a deep breath, "Let's not do this now, please. Things will be better after tonight. But we just need to get these hunters, Cam. Please understand that. We'll talk when I get home."


Nia had no idea if this was the right place. The guy from the hat store had said this was where they lived, but it just looked like a house.

Stepping cautiously onto the front porch, she wondered if this was a good idea. Probably not. Too late now, she thought as she knocked on the door.

"Caaan I help you?" A guy with glasses and a hat stared at Nia suspiciously. She swallowed the lump in her throat.

"Yes. I was wonder-I know you!" Nia gaped at the boy. He backed up a step, eyeing her to see if he remembered her as well.

"You do?"

"Yes!" She exclaimed, "You're the boy! The boy Cambria was with at Perkins!"

All of the color drained from his face, "What?" he squeaked.

"Oh my god!" Nia continued, oblivious to the obvious fact that this conversation was upsetting him, "I'm Cam's friend! We worked at Perkins together! You two came to see me that one day! You don't remember?"


Of course Patrick remembered. He remembered practically every moment he ever spent with Cam. And this was Nia. He only remembered because Cam had been concerned when Gabe had told her that William had men watching Nia.

But Patrick couldn't bring himself to say any of that. He couldn't even bring himself to respond to anything Nia was saying. Patrick heard a voice from behind him.

"Patrick?" Pete was asked, "What's up?" Pete slung his arm around Patrick's shoulder, "Who's your vampire friend?" Pete smiled at Nia.

"Nia." Patrick choked, "Cambria's friend."

'You do remember!" She exclaimed, delighted.

"Cambria's friend?" Pete said quietly. His eyes grew suddenly wide and he grabbed Nia's hand, pulling her inside the house and away from Patrick.
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