‹ Prequel: A Timepiece Tangerine

The Nightmare Before

So...You're Cam's Friend?

"So you're Cam's friend..." Pete said conversationally. He had dragged Nia into the study, away from poor Patrick.

"Nia, yes." She nodded, "Is Cam here?"

"What?" Pete frowned.

"Is Cam here?" Nia asked again, "I mean, when I saw her at the bar I just assumed she was still living with you guys..." Nia trailed off staring at Pete suspiciously, watching his expression, "She's not here, is she?" Nia drew her own conclusions, "Is she staying with that other guy?"

"What other guy?" Pete questioned.

"I don't know who he is. She was with him at the bar...so, you don't know where she is?"

Pete sighed, "Listen, Nia...Cambria-"

"Pete!" A frantic Gabe appeared out of no where, "Pete! God..."

"Gabe! Man, we haven't seen you in forever!" Pete couldn't help but grin, pulling his friend into a hug.

"Oh my god...." Nia mumbled as the two guys broke apart. She had recognized this kid, "You!"

Gabe turned to frown at her, "Do I- oh my god."

"You two know each other?" Pete asked, watching as Nia and Gabe each started at the other.

"He was the one who turned me!" Nia growled, barring her fangs.

"What?" Pete scoffed, "Gabe wouldn't."

"Oh...fuck." Gabe whimpered.

"Gabe?" Pete gaped unbelievingly at his friend.

"Oh shit....uh Pete...listen this is really a bad time to discuss this."

"You turned her?!" Pete boomed, "You promised Cam you were going to look after her friend not turn her!"

"Pete, please!" Gabe begged, "We don't have time to argue!"

"And why the hell not?!"

"Because William is going to be here to kill you any second!"

"What?!" Pete screeched.

"That's what I cam here to tell you!" Gabe groaned, "He's on his way over!"

"I don't give a fuck if the Pope is on his way over!" Nia joined in again, "I'm going to kill you for what you-"

"Nia!" Pete yelled, "I know you're upset, but we do not want to be here when Beckett is. You can kill Gabe later but-"

"I gotta go, Pete." Gabe said suddenly, disappearing from the room.

"Goddamn!" Pete growled, "Come on." He grabbed Nia's wrist and towed her out of the study and into the living room to address the group. Throwing Nia on the couch between Joe and Andy, he counted heads, "Where did Caleb go?!" He threw his hands up in the air, exasperated.

"Left sometime in-between the shouting." Andy said quietly.

"Whatever," Pete rolled his eyes. Caleb could do whatever the fuck he wanted. Pete could care less, "Apparently Beckett is on his way over."


Pete turned his attention to Patrick, "Patrick, don't even think about it! I mean it! You cannot handle this guy."

"I'll kill him."

"No! Patrick, get it together! We have to leave-"

"Who is this guy anyway? If we hate him so much why is Cam hanging out with him?" Nia stood from her seat.


"Oh, no..." Pete closed his eyes and waited for the explosion.

"What did you say?" Patrick repeated.

"Why is Cam with him?" Nia asked again, slowly and clearly.

"Pete?" Patrick glared at his friend, "What is she talking about?"

"Patrick I-"


"What is with everyone interrupting me?!" Pete yelled, whipping around to snarl at the three newcomers, "What are you doing here?!"

William smirked, as did Brendon and Mike, "We have some things we need to discuss."
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