
Dead, Like a Candle You Burned Out


Rain pounded against the window, waking Alex up. It had been raining a lot this week, and it was typical to wake up from it. He looked over at Jack, who had his arms crossing his own chest keeping himself warm. Alex smiled over at him, admiring the cute facial expression of a sleeping Jack. "Jack," Alex said softly, tugging on the bottom of his shirt. Jack slowly opened his eyes, letting a hand rub one of them. "Hi," Jack said quietly, his scratchy morning voice on display for Alex.

"Wow, its really raining hard huh?" Jack asked, looking out the window, then back at Alex. "Lets go get some breakfast," he suggested, crawling over the middle console and into the driver's seat. Alex followed and Jack started the car pulling away from the ocean. "That sounds like a good idea. School starts in two hours though," Alex reminded Jack, and he nodded. School, it was keeping Jack from having another full day with the guy he wanted to spend all of his time with. It took them thirty minutes to get back into town, so Jack drove them to his house for a change of clothes and waffles for breakfast. "Do you need anything from your house?" he asked Alex who was shoving a waffle into his mouth. "Nah." He shook his head, knowing he'd have a lot to make up.


Once at school, Alex and Jack were bombarded with questions about where they were, and if Alex was okay, and if he was in trouble. They both answered as many questions as they could before they returned inside the school to find Rian and Zack. "Hey!" they said, walking towards Alex and Jack. "Hey guys, sorry we were gone," Jack apologized. Alex stayed quiet, thinking about Jack. He really didn't want to be here; he wanted to be alone at Jack's house - he felt safe there. "How are you doing Alex?" Rian asked, and Alex snapped out of his daze to answer him. "I'm alright," he replied, short and simple.

The rest of the day was really a waste. Alex hated going, but he had to in order to graduate. Most of the kids at school knew about All Time Low by now, and they either hated them or liked them. The day in a nutshell was tiring if anything. After school Alex found Jack, just wanting to get out of the crowded halls, and have alone time with him. "Come on Alex," Jack said quietly, taking him outside to his car. "My house or yours?" he questioned, wondering if Alex was homesick or not. He shrugged, not sure of where he wanted to go. "Yours," Alex smiled softly, just wanting that alone time with Jack.


Home Alone played on the TV, while Alex and Jack were a tangled mess on the couch. Now that they both knew what the other thought - they really didn't stray too far from each other. "Alex?" Jack asked, wondering if he was still awake. Alex's head popped up to Jack's level, a smile on his lips. "Yes?" he asked, letting his eye brow arch. "Just checking if your awake," the guitarist said quietly, and kissed Alex's lips.

Something was different about this in Alex's opinion. Usually a peck on the lips was nothing - but he wanted Jack more than usual. He let a hand graze Jack's face, kissing his lips once more. Jack let his hands wonder down to Alex's hips, and kissed him again, longer than an average peck. Time passed, and they got closer and closer, kissing with more passion. Alex's hands found their way to up Jack's shirt, touching the skin on his chest softly. He withdrew his hand, resting his hands behind his head. They started to break away when the front door opened revealing a very shocked Zack and Rian. Jack didn't know how to react, but Alex did. "What?" he said with a laugh. Zack and Rian just stood in the doorway, at a loss for words. "He had something next to his lips," he chuckled, trying to play it off.

"Sometimes, I wonder about you guys," Rian laughed, walking over to the couch with Zack. They sat down and finished the rest of the movie with Alex and Jack, the two on the couch feeling relieved that their friends just thought it was them being weird.

After the movie, they all got to talking about the song Alex had written, with the help of Jack's encouragement. "So Jack and I are working on a song," Alex announced, sitting on the floor with the band now.
"Really?" Zack asked, Rian nodded, wondering what it was about.

Alex nodded, then disappeared to get the guitar. "I haven't really written much, just the intro, and ending. Tell me what you guys think," Alex said softly, as he started to play on the guitar, the intro. "Make it a sweet, sweet, goodbye. It could be for the last time, and it's not right. Don't let yourself get in over your head," he said, "alone and far from home I'll find you." he sang, then found the right pattern. "Scream! To be heard, like you needed anymore attention. Throw the bottle, break the door and disappear," Alex continued singing, letting himself go back into the soft melody of the intro. "Waiting to say, I miss you I'm so sorry," he finished, looking up from the guitar, and at his band members. "Not finished, but soon will be." He smiled, looking around at his friends, then laying the guitar on the floor.

Jack was the first to talk, nodding his head until Alex was finished. "It was really great," he admitted, letting a smile settle on his face. "Will you teach me the guitar part?" he asked, looking at Alex, then picking up the guitar. The rest of the night consisted of Jack learning, and Rian and Zack trying to come up with their own contributes to the song. At the end of the night everyone went home, and Alex said goodbye to Jack. "I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for letting me stay," Alex said quietly, kissing Jack's cheek discreetly, then turning away to go to his car. Jack mumbled a quiet goodbye, Alex leaving him breathless.