Status: Updating!

Keep It Silent

Say Hello

I dragged my feet lazily down the stairs, and sighed. I hated that I ruin every pair of good shoes that I own. I shrugged to myself, and continued to walk down.

sixty-nine, seventy, seventy-one...

I paused to take a huge breath, then continued to move once more, my hand lazily hung on the railings.

seventy-two, seventy-three, seventy-four...

My phone buzzed loudly in my pocket. I jumped in surprise, and because it had tickled me. I forgot to turn my phone out of vibrate, and thus, I get tickled.

I take it out of my pocket, and stare at the screen.

Have you called her yet?

It was from Sydney, my step-sister. I frowned. Ever since my dad married Sydney's mom when we were little kids; we've always been together like glue. Although, I hated it whenever she becomes too lazy to do things.

I sighed, and started to type frantically.


I stuffed my phone back into my pocket, and stared down at the number of staircases I would have to pass. I rolled my eyes, and said to myself that it was going to be good exercise. I shook myself up; as a warm-up, and started to jog down slowly.


After a couple of staircases down, I started to pant, and gasp for air.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

It can't be that hard climbing the stairs, right? I mean, really, what--

Ding!The elevator doors go off, and I suddenly feel red. I slap myself on the forehead, and shake my head. I can't believe I was stupid enough not to use the elevators!

I quickly ran towards the doors, and got in. My breathing patterns slowed down, and my heart rate did too.

A couple of seconds later, the door pinged openly and I happily skipped out. Only to bump into someone.

I stumbled backwards, only inches away from the elevator doors. I shriek in fear of getting my Old Navy shirt torn up.

"Jeez, what is it with people and not looking where they're going?" I murmured. I looked up; and two beautiful eyes stared at me.

"What?" The eyes asked me. I mean, the person whose eyes I looked into.

My hand immediately covered my mouth.

"Did I accidentally say that too loud?" I asked; as a squeal escaped my lips. I covered my face, and peeped out of the gaps between my fingers to stare at his reaction.

He tried to stifle a laugh. "Naw, it's alright. I clearly wasn't looking anyway." He waved his hand, as a sign of dismissal.

I nodded my head at him, and walk away.

"What? You're not even greeting me?" I heard his voice call from behind.

I stopped dead in my tracks. My head slowly turned back, to look at his slim, and innocent figure that stood in the distance.

I shook my head, and then turned away once more. I began to pace up my steps. I didn't even know where I was headed.

I started to hear footsteps from behind me, and I started to feel as if someone followed me.

I turned around to see the guy. I blinked in shock.

"Were you just following me?" I asked him. And he just smiled that sweetly at me, and nodded.

"Why?" I crossed my arms over my chest, as I tried to look angry.

He ran his hands through his golden hair, and said, "I just wanted a proper greeting."

I stared at him; confused. And then shook my head.

"If you want a proper greeting, then fine, you can have one." I paused, and pursed my lips together. I stared at my wrist watch, and sighed.


Sydney wasn't going to be happy that I was going to be late for the annual Welcome Dinner Party.

"Hello," I managed to choke out. And then turned towards the direction of the dorms.

"Hi, I'm Jake," He said smoothly, as he stood beside me. His breathing was even, and calmed, compared to my unsteady breathing.

I just smiled at him, and started to walk away.

"Will I see you at the dinner party later?" He asked.

I just smiled wider, the smile reached my eyes, and continued to head towards the dorms.
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