Status: Updating!

Keep It Silent

Wake Me Up

"Sydney! Sydney! Wake up!" Alex's voice rang loudly in my ears, as I felt my body shake involuntarily.

My eyes fluttered open. And when it fully opened, I saw that Alex's face was very close to mine. I could've bet that she could have seen my pores. I blinked wildly at her, and pushed her away.

"What?" I asked her, as my arms flailed up. I quickly got to my feet, and dusted off the dust that hung on to my jeans.

"Get dressed," She said, as she pushed a jersey ring halter top towards me. I stared at it with huge eyes. Never, in my entire life, am I going to wear this type of shirt.

"What for?" I murmur, as I dump the shirt on top of the numerous bags placed in the corner of the room.

"Welcome Dinner Party, in the Main Hall," She said, as she took out a Pink and black short dress with gathered bust. A fine black layer sits over the pink dress. The straps lead into the pleated bust with knot front. The dress falls loose from the empire line waist to the hemline that sits on the knee. A zip fastening runs down the back.

"Does this look okay?" She asked, as she placed it in front of her body. She examined herself in the mirror.

"Eh, anythings fine, as long as it's decent-looking," I shrugged, as I ran through the numerous things in my stroller bag.

I couldn't think of what to wear. Or rather, I didn't know what I was supposed to wear. I felt that I was going to pick the wrong outfit. I snuck a glance at the halter top, that rested on top of Alex's duffel bag.

After what felt like hours, I was finally able to find something to wear. It wasn't what you'd consider very pretty; but it was something that fit me. Or what satisfied me, for that matter.

I picked it up, from the pile of clothes that were scattered all over the room, and smiled. I held it up, and thought that I did an okay job. It was a black dress with a creme ruffled top underneath it.

I quickly rushed to the bathroom door, and crossed my arms. Sudden realization had hit me. It was the first time I had gone through that much things, in a very long while.

I tapped lightly on the door, as my eyes scanned the room. My fingers tapped wildly on my arm, as Alex's head popped out.

"Yeah?" She said, as she angled the brush towards her cheek.

"Are you done?" I asked, as I felt even more impatient.

"Yep," She announced as she stepped out of the bathroom. And, as usual, she looked pretty. The dress was hugged her curves, and it made her look older than how old she really is. Her face was lit up, and she smiled at me. I envied the way she always managed to look neat, and presentable. I didn't say that I considered myself dirty. It was just that, no matter what, her hair always seemed to maintain neatly curled. And her make-up never seemed smudged. While, I, on the other hand, always had shriveled up hair. And I barely even wear any make-up.

I stepped into the bathroom, and slipped out of my shirt and denim jeans.

I stared at myself in the mirror, and realized that this bathroom looked like the one in Aunt Treila's apartment in New Jersey. It was the old type.

I sat idly on top of the toilet bowl. With the cover on, of course. I started to drift into my daily day dreams, and sighed, as I stared at the ceiling.

This place reminded me of my childhood. It wasn't that simple, but it was close enough. The tiles of the wall started to turn yellow because of it's old age. The sink was misaligned from its original position. The wallpaper was worn out, and faded. And I bet the shower didn't even work.

A loud bang had come from the door. I shook my head, and stood up.

"You done yet?" It was Alex. I could sense that she had become bored.

"Almost," I said, as I slipped into the dress.

I looked at myself in the mirror, as I studied myself.

My hair was frizzy, and my eye bags were evident in with the bright light in this room. I took a brush from on top of the sink, and ran it through my tangled hair.

Every time I came across a knot, I yelped in pain. It took me about fifteen minutes to finally make my hair neat. I smiled at my accomplishment, and stepped out of the bathroom.

Alex leaned against the wall, and sighed. "Finally."

"Well, at least I didn't take as long," I murmured softly. And she just snickered at me, as she made her way out of the room. She picked up her hand bag, and walked out.

I shrugged, and slipped my feet into my black open-toe flats, and followed after her.


Halter top: (Sydney's halter top)Here!

In the previous chapter, the Old Navy Shirt: (Alex's shirt)Here!

Alex's dress:Here!
The description above was taken from the same site. :D

Sydney's dress:Here!
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I do not own any of the pictures posted above! :D They all belong to someone else.