Well I Know I'm Not Alright

Welcome to Paradise

I finished packing the last box in my room that was now painted white. I looked around. I knew I wasn't going to miss this house at all. I couldn't wait to start college, and get the hell out of here. I smiled. It was nice to see my room all empty. I was finally doing something with my life for once.

I picked the box up, and didn't look back into the room as I left it. I was glad to get out of this shit hole town that I once called home.

My mom was in the kitchen washing dishes as my dad sat at the table reading the newspaper. They looked at me. When I first told them about me moving out, they flipped out on me. All I remember was my dad telling me that I wouldn't find anything out there for me except a bunch of pot smoking bastards. my mom sat there and watched me and him argue. She doesn't say much unless it has to do with school or if I'm sick.

As I walked outside to a packed car with a bunch of shit from me, Maegan, and Elaina. I stuffed the last box, and looked at the house as I closed the car door.

My dad came outside with my mom. They both stood there and looked at me. I walked over to them and smiled. "I'm pretty much ready to go." I said. My mom smiled at me as a tear went down her face. I knew she was going to cry about this. I wasn't surprised at all. I hugged them both and said my goodbyes. "Don't worry guys. I should be back for Christmas with the girls." I said. My mom smiled and walked back into the house. I looked at my dad.

"Lizzie, I may not agree with you on this, but if you need anything just give me a call." He said. He then put a hundred dollar bill in my hand. I looked at it.

"Dad, I have over a four thousand dollars coming with me to California. I don't think I'll need the hundred." I said trying to give it back to him. He smiled.

"Keep it. Use it for gas money." He said, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled.

As I turned the car on, music was blasting in the background. I gave one last glance at my house, and I left, never looking back.

As I stopped by Maegan's house, I saw her mom standing outside with her. She had a plastic bag with her that had everything that she didn't pack in the boxes. I waved to Maegan, and her mom. Maegan gave one last hug to her, and ran to my car. I smiled at her. She buckled in, and threw the bag that she had in the back seat. I looked at her. "Ready to get out of here?" I asked.

"You fucking know it!" She said with a smile.

As I parked in the drive way at Elaina's house I noticed a head in the window. I could hear a loud voice yelling at Elaina. I sighed, and turned the car off. I knew it was going to be a while. I then looked over at a nervous Maegan. I made a confused look. "Hey. What's wrong." I asked getting her attention.

"Nothing. My mom gave me a fifty before I left, and I kinda feel bad for taking it." She said.

"Really? My dad gave me a hundred after I told him no." I said. She then smiled and looked at me.

"I guess we could use the money for gas on the way there." She said. I smiled.

"You nervous?" I asked her.

"A little. But more excited." She the said. I smiled as well.

"Yeah. Same here. I kinda felt bad though leaving. My mom was crying. She's kinda weirded out I guess to see her last kid leave her."

"Well, I'm sure. Four years ago, she had you, Josh, and Andrew living there. Now it's only her, and your dad."

"Yep. All well. It just means she's getting old." I said with a laugh.

We watched Elaina come racing out of the house with her mom right behind her. She had a plate of cookies while Elaina was holding a box full of shit. Me and Meagan both got out of the car, and helped Elaina. She looked very tired.

Her mom looked at Elaina with a frustrated look. Me and Maegan looked at each other. "Sorry girls to keep you waiting. Elaina wouldn't get out of bed earlier." She said with a smile. I nodded.

"It's fine. I had to get up at five with my dad to make sure my car could make it to California." I said.

"It's not my fault my fucking alarm clock wouldn't go off. Piece of shit!" Elaina said.

"Elaina! Watch that mouth!" Her mom said.

"Well, we better get out of here before we hit traffic." Maegan said.

"Here. Take this. I made this for you girls just in case you get hungry." We all smiled.

"Thanks. We might need those for later." I said.

As soon as her mom went inside the house we left New York for good not looking back once.

One week later.

"Where do I go?" I asked Maegan as she held the map. She made a face, and her eyes went wide.

"There! Take that exit!" She practically yelled. I swerved to get to the exit. We all had a look of panic as a track flew by us honking his horn.

"Yep! I know I'm asshole!" I screamed back. We all laughed, and ate our food that we picked up on our way.

We've been on the road for the past week, and wow. It was an adventure, that's for sure. Nothing like driving until four in the morning. We all took turns driving. I drove from seven in the morning till about one. Maegan drove from one to seven, and Elaina drove from seven to one in the morning, or whenever she got tired. We sometimes slept in the car, or pulled into the nearest motel. Elaina's mom gave her a hundred for gas money before we for California too. So we had two hundred and fifty dollars of gas money. That was pretty much gone by now. We finished it this morning before hitting the road. Now we would have to dig into our wallets.

We pulled over since I was done driving for today. My eyes were shoot. I looked at Maegan who jumped out of the car. She was more then ready to drive. Elaina sat in the back seat waiting for the car to start moving again. "You know, this a lot of fun." She said as she stretched her legs. I ran to the other side of the car. As I sat down I looked back over to Elaina.

"Yeah. We should have done this more often." I said.

"We didn't have the money like we do now." Maegan said as she drove onto the highway once again.

"So when we get there, are we expecting no furniture or anything?" Elaina asked.

"No. My Uncle John lives about an hour away from the town, and I sent a moving van to get the couch, t.v., and all the heavy shit there."

"So he moved everything for us?" Maegan asked.

"Him, and three guys that are living next door to us." I said.

"Are these guys cute?" Elaina asked. I smiled as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I don't know. So, the apartment isn't going to be completely empty." I said.

A few hours later, we arrived in the town. It was a bit different then I expected it to be. There were cracked streets, A couple of freaky people, and a lot of houses that were pretty gross looking. All three of us made a look. What were we getting ourselves into?

As we pulled up to the apartment, I looked at it. It was pretty nice for a town that was shitty looking. We all jumped out, and stretched our legs. I was ready for bed. I looked at the time on my watch. It was five o'clock. We looked at each other. Elaina was wide awake due to the coffee she got at the last gas stop. Maegan and I were shoot. "Okay. No more driving for the next month." She said. We all laughed, and started to walk to our new home.

As we opened the door, we were all shocked. My uncle must've painted the place too since it smelled. The walls were nice, and we could see everything. It wasn't bad looking at all. The kitchen was a bit small, but we could make due with it for now. We all picked our rooms out, and noticed that the beds were already there.

As we started to unpack the car, Elaina made a face. "Fuck my life!" She screamed. Me, and Maegan looked at her. We were confused.

"What's wrong?" Maegan asked.

"I forgot my lamp!" She said. We both started to laugh.

"Elaina, don't worry. I have an extra one that my mom made me pack. Use that one." I said. Elaina smiled, and continued to unpack.

The car was empty, and the house was pretty full. We would survive on pizza tonight since no one wanted to cook, or go food shopping either. We ate at the table, with our water bottles. "Cheers guys, for a new beginning!" Elaina said.
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I'm having a lot of idea's at the moment with this story.

Comments are great. <3