Well I Know I'm Not Alright

I Don't Wanna Fall In Love!

Two weeks later, Maegan was arguing with Elaina about some stupid shit. I wasn't all too sure what it was. I think it was about Maegan not taking the rent seriously. I rolled my eyes. I knew that Maegan did, she just didn't take it as serious as Elaina did.

Elaina made sure that she was in charge of the bills, and the rent payments since she took a class on checks, and stuff. Me, I could honestly care less about that shit. As long as the bills are paid, then I'm okay.

Elaina started to get really loud all of a sudden. I sighed, and turned the volume up on the television. Elaina got only more annoyed. She went over to the t.v. and shut it off. I made a face and looked at her. I had nothing to do with this. So, why was I getting in trouble. "What the hell?" I asked her.

"You too! You both don't get it!"

"Oh my god, Elaina! Would just go smoke a joint and chill the fuck out?! Were okay! Ms. Gibbers came over yesterday and told me herself that were way ahead of the game."

"So fucking what! I don't give a shit. I just want the rent paid!"

"It is! Were three months ahead. We don't have to pay until October. Which is great."

"You know what you guys just don't get it. Do you!" Elaina screamed and walked back into her room.

"I don't think you get it Elaina! Your a fucking control freak!" Maegan screamed at the top of her lungs.

Maegan suddenly grabbed her hoddie, and looked at me.

"I'm going next door." She said, and slammed the door shut.

I sighed, and rubbed my forehead. Elaina was in her room blasting the radio loud. I couldn't believe what a bitch she became after Tre had a fight with her. She's been a control freak all of her life, but got even worse.

Two hours later as I was getting ready for bed, I heard Maegan walking in. I stepped out of the bathroom while brushing my teeth. Maegan walked into her room leaving the door wide open. She laid on her bed, and looked a little tired.

I walked in after brushing my teeth. She looked over at me. "Hey." She said. I smiled.

"Do you feel any better?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I'm just a little pissed off at Elaina. That's all." She said.

"I think we both are."

"She's a lot worse, Lizzie. She needs help or something." Maegan said.

"I know. I'm going to bed. I have a late shift tomorrow, and I don't want to be tired."

I walked out of her room, and over to mine, and fell fast asleep.

I woke up to a knock on my door. I woke up, and looked at my clock. It was around two in the morning. I was a little confused. Everyone was home safe and sound. I then got out of bed, and tripped over a shirt. I grumbled a word or two, and started to walk over to the door. Another three knocks were heard. "Yeah, yeah! I'm coming." I said loud enough to the person to hear. I unlocked the door to see a Mike standing there tired, and looking at me.

"Oh. Hi." I looked around to see no one except for Mike.

"Can I come in?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Come on in" I said. As he came in he walked down the hallway. I made a confused face as I shut the door.

I walked into my room to see Mike looking at a couple of pictures of me, my friends, and my family. He smiled. I looked at him. My heart started to beat faster then words can describe. I was tired, and my breath smelled. I was kinda nervous. I didn't understand why I felt like this. It was like seeing a high school crush almost.

Mike wore his blue jeans, and shirt that looked like it needed to be washed. His hair was a little messy, and his eyes looked a little red. I wasn't too sure if he was high or not. I walked into my room and stood right next to him. "That's me, Maegan, and Elaina when we were kids. I think we were about ten." I said with a smile.

"You guys still look the same a little. But not really."

"I've always been a rocker chick. No one in my family really likes that stuff except me."

"I can tell in this picture." He said as he pointed out my family. I nodded.

He then moved over to my bed, and looked at me as I leaned against my dresser. I really wanted to know why he was here so late.

"I need a favor." He said.

"What's that?' I asked as my heart started to beat fast again.

"I need a place to crash. Tre and Billie are asleep, the door's lock, and I was at work late tonight." He said.

"Yeah. I don't care. Do you wanna sleep in here, and I'll take the couch?"

"No. This is your bed. I'll take the couch." He said.

"No, no. I can handle a couch. You take my bed."

"Listen. This is your place. You take the bed."

"You forget that I slept in your bed when I was so drunk that I couldn't even stand anymore."

"You know what, we'll both sleep in the bed." I stopped and looked at him.

"Together?" I asked.

"Yes, together. It's not like we're going to do anything." He said. I smiled a weak smile, and shrugged.

"Fine. You win. I warn you, I kick a lot in my sleep."

"Don't worry about it. I think I can handle it." He said while taking his shirt off.

I took a quick glance at his stomach. I swallowed hard. He had a nice body for a guy who didn't play a lot of sports. I sighed as I turned the lights off, and walked over to my bed where Mike laid peacefully.

As I pulled the blankets over me I noticed that his toes were really cold, I moved my feet away from his. He laughed and I heard his body move so he could face me. I then became nervous. "Sorry, I know that my feet are a little cold." He apologized. I nodded, or at least tried to.

After about fifteen minutes of quit, I moved my body to my other side and noticed Mike had his eyes shut and was sleeping. I smiled. 'At least he's not one of those guys who would rape you in your sleep.' I thought to myself then I turned around and fell asleep again.

The next morning I woke up, and noticed something different. I felt warm breathing on my shoulder, and an arm around my waist. I opened my eyes, and turned my head very slow. Then I saw a guy with longish hair sleeping next to me. I then started to scream loud. The man woke up, and fell on the floor.

I moved out of the bed, and grabbed my tennis racket. He then looked up at me and then I realized who it was. It was only Mike. He looked at me, as his hands were up in self defense. I looked at him with a frown. I totally forgot about last night. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Mike! I completely forgot about last night." I said.

"It's okay. I would have done the same thing." He said while we both started to laugh.

I then noticed that he was in his boxers, and I was still in my sweat pants, and a large shirt. I sighed thanking god that we didn't sleep together.

"Thanks for waking me up anyway." He said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I have work in less then twenty minutes." He said rushing to get his pants on. He then got his shirt, and kissed me on the check. I stopped as he said good bye. I stood in the same spot for over a minute.

I then realized that I might like Mike.
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This was a lot of fun to write.